Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog

A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks

Kiva Talk Radio Women in Business Interviews Dr. Diane Hamilton

    Mark the date . . . October 20, 2010:   10:30 am and 5:00 pm  Show Name:   KIVA Talk Radio's Women in Business Interviews Dr. Diane Hamilton                  10/20/2010 10:30 AM - 45 min and 5:00 pm - 1 hour and 30 min      Description:    She's an accomplished...

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How to Prepare For Employment Tests

Many companies are testing their potential future employees. What can do you do to be sure you ace those tests? It helps if there is a way to find out what type of test they will be administering. If you know someone who works for the company, they may be able to tell...

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50 Famous People Who Failed Before Becoming Successful

In my book, How to Reinvent Your Career, I write about how some things we see as failures may actually lead us to something better.  The following is a list of 50 famous people compiled by Katrina Solomon from onlinecollege.org who failed before they became successes:...

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How to Use Google Docs and Linkedin to Get a Job

I often write about different ways to obtain a job.  One of the best ways is through networking and having strong visibility.  A great tool that you can use to accomplish this is Linkedin’s ability to input from Google Docs. If you don’t have a Google account, I...

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Recent Posts

Getting RealReal with Zaina Orbai

What an incredible conversation I had with Zaina Orbai who is the Chief People Officer at The RealReal on Leader’s Playbook, which is part of Global Mentor Network. Thuy Vu and I take turns hosting and we learn so much from the best of the best in HR leadership. I...
