Prezi is a presentation software similar to Powerpoint. Check out this very interesting use of Prezi “Future Proof Your Education” from Maria Andersen where she explains “How do you prepare for uncertain career paths where technical knowledge doubles every two years?...
Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog
A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks
Using QR Codes to Get a Job or Promote Your Business
You probably have seen QR codes and don’t even realize it. Perhaps they were on a marketing ad or a flyer someone handed you. You might have seen them on a promotional piece or on a poster at a local store. It may have looked so under-stated that you probably...
Marketers Target Impatient Customers through Smartphone Quick Response QR Codes
Quick Response or QR codes are the latest bar code system that allows customers to use their smartphones to obtain discounts, gather information and even order products ahead of time so that they are ready upon their arrival. For an instant gratification...
How to Find Hashtags on Twitter
via Hashtags are a popular way to start up a conversation about a specific topic within Twitter. By putting the # sign before a subject, it creates a conversation that others can join. For example, if I wanted to tweet about plastic surgery, I...
You Are Only as Good as Your Last Deal: Top 5 Ways to Avoid Being Expendable at Work
There is an expression that is often used in sales: “You are only as good as your last deal.” What is meant by that is that management has a short-term memory and no matter how good you were in the past, they are focusing on what you can do for them right now. It...
Fear of Past Dot Com Crash: Venture Capitalists Only Interested in Consumer-Targeted Companies like Facebook or Groupon
via The dot com crash has had a big impact on how venture capitalists invest in the current market. To understand why, it is important to know a little history about the impact of the Internet and why these investors are leery. The Internet became...
Importance of Facebook Like Button: Millennials and Women Likely to Hop On
via Businesses are increasing their presence on Facebook in hopes that users will pick the “Like” button about their company, product or service. This is becoming today’s “word of mouth” through technology. A research brief from the Center for Media...
Retired for Hire: More Seniors Working, Shopping, Donating and Spending
via A report released last week from showed in 2010 that 6.2 million people over 65 are working. This group has been referred to as the Retired for Hire. Many of these workers are not in dire financial straits either. In fact this report...
Blog Overload: Who Has Time to Read it All?
There is no question that the blogosphere is growing. According to webdesignerdepot “WordPress has statistics for both (15.1 million blogs and counting) and self-hosted WordPress installations (17.4 million active installations), which gives part of the...
Amazon Takes on Netflix Offering Movie Subscriptions
Those interested in immediate gratification have made Netflix a popular choice for movie viewing. Amazon has now taken on the challenge of competing with Netflix. Amazon’s "Prime" subscription program costs $79/year which includes their 2-day shipping on purchases. ...
Recent Posts
Vulnerability and Curiosity: Challenging the Status Quo at Cardinal Health
Our guest today is Ola Snow, Chief Human Resources Officer at Cardinal Health. Ola oversees the company’s Human Resources, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Community Relations, Communications, Environmental health and Safety, Security, Real Estate, Facilities and...
Negotiation Skills For Business With Chris Voss
You can’t avoid negotiations in any line of work, especially in business. Whether it’s negotiating a business deal or negotiating your salary, you need to know how it works. You need to know how many questions you need to ask, how to get in their head, and more. Join...
Compact Guide To Excellence: Helping Leaders See What Truly Matters With Tom Peters
Tom Peters illuminates this episode with his wisdom by sharing his new book, which was inspired by Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism. Tom, the co-author of Compact Guide to Excellence, shares the guidebook for leaders in the workplace to urge them on what truly matters...
Nurturing Wellness through Empathy and Connection with Metlife’s Chief HR Officer Susan Podlogar
Our guest today is MetLife EVP and Chief HR Officer Susan Podlogar. In this episode, our discussion focuses on MetLife’s wellness programs and initiatives. Susan provides actionable steps you can take to start building your own company’s wellness culture, which is...
Docusign’s Unusual Values: Trusted, Loved, Responsible with Joan Burke, Chief People Officer
Our guest today is DocuSign’s Chief People Officer, Joan Burke. In this episode, we discuss DocuSign’s unique core company values: Trusted, Loved, and Responsible. Joan tells us how and why these values are kept top-of-mind for every decision around how they treat...