Bringing Back Video Conferencing with Lew Jaffe and Why Troublemaking Just Might Work with Mark Modesti

TTL 329 | Video Conferencing

Bringing Back Video Conferencing with Lew Jaffe and Why Troublemaking Just Might Work with Mark Modesti

Businesses are all the same because it’s all about building relationships. Lew Jaffe, the Godfather of Video Conferencing, considers this to be true. One such way to continue to build those relationships is through video conferencing. Lew is an entrepreneur, a former high-tech CEO, a college professor, and a philanthropist. He joins us to talk about how he got started in creating over $1 billion in shareholder value, as well as dive deep into video conferencing, gaining and retaining customers, the fear of change, and what he thinks is the most important question to ask anybody.


A lot of people talk themselves out of things because theyā€™re afraid to cause trouble or make things worse. Ā ProfessionalĀ troublemaker Mark ModestiĀ puts out an argument for trouble and why he thinks stirring up trouble isnā€™t such a bad thing. Mark is the co-founder of PlatformCreator and a recent winner of the altMBA Walker Award. He shares his insights on troublemaking, whatā€™s like to be in Seth Godinā€™s altMBA workshop, developing a platform, and what heā€™s doing now with PlatformCreator and his work with colleges.
TTL 317 | Social Capital

Social Capital with Dr. Froswa’ Booker-Drew and Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs with Heather Dominick

When you stop trusting, it limits your ability to have the relationships you want, and you begin to attract those which you thought. When you stereotype and think people are mean and cannot be trusted, those are the ones that show up in your life. Dr. Froswa’ Booker-Drew had to change her thinking and recognize the power and the beauty that existed for her to meet amazing friends. Dr. Froswa’ is a Network Weaver who believes relationships are the key to our personal, professional, and organizational growth. She says situations can serve either as a noose and restrict your life or as opportunities to help you see what you’re made of and propel you into your destiny. Dr. Froswa’ gets into more detail about social capital, the Immunity to Change process, and building relationships.


According to research, 20% of people are born into the world highly sensitive. It means that their nervous system is wired differently, and that different wiring means that they interpret stimulation at a much higher degree than others who are not highly sensitive. Heather Dominick, former high school drama teacher, the winner of the 2015 Best of Manhattan Coaching Award, and creator of the 2014 Stevie Award-winning virtual event, A Course In Business Miracles, joins us to talk about the shadows and strengths of being highly sensitive, the biggest challenges of working with people who have this, and some of the training and mentoring programs sheā€™s offering.