Crossing Borders: Effective Management And Cultural Diversity With Jay Andres

TTL 852 | Effective Management

Crossing Borders: Effective Management And Cultural Diversity With Jay Andres

Managing a company is no easy feat. But imagine doing that successfully post-retirement and in a foreign country at that. Jay Andres, former CEO of Mai Dubai Water, touches on his experience of managing a business that started with just him and grew into a company of over a thousand employees in six years. In this episode, Dr. Dianne Hamilton chats with Jay about his personal anecdotes on effective management strategies that inspired his book, The Managers Bathroom Book: Things You Can Learn In One Sitting. Jay addresses different cultural challenges he’s experienced and shares insights he’s learned along the way.

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TTL 839 | Successful Business

What It Takes To Grow A Successful Business And Keep Your Spot On Top With Alec Stern

Growing a business is not a walk in the park. But Alec Stern, also known as “America’s Startup Success Expert” and Co-Founder of Constant Contact, has made his way to the top and speaks with Dr. Diane Hamilton on growing successful businesses and scaling companies among various industries throughout the years. He shares his insights on the different ways business owners can propel their way to success, pointing out the importance of what you do with your idea and how you can use it to your advantage. If you’re ready to make your business work and grow, learn Alec’s secrets and make your way to the top.

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