Do What You Love: Growing A Podcast From The Ground Up With Tony D’Urso

TTL 869 Tony D'Urso | Growing A Podcast

Do What You Love: Growing A Podcast From The Ground Up With Tony D’Urso

Building an audience for a podcast isn’t an easy task. So what do you need to remember when growing a podcast? We find out the recipe for success as Dr. Diane Hamilton sits down for a talk with Tony D’Urso, one of America’s top podcast hosts. Tony talks about his struggle in growing his audience and building his brand and gives tips on what to look out for if you want to do the same. A fun and informative episode that’s sure to be a hit for aspiring podcast hosts.

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TTL 662 | Digital Marketing Success

Achieving Digital Marketing Success With Chris Patterson

Helping people to get to where they want to be in their life is what today’s guest has always been doing. Dr. Diane Hamilton shares the mic with Chris Patterson, a podcast host, inspirational speaker, and the CEO of Interchanges and Live Large Coaching. A digital marketing expert, he shares what he has learned from his unusual background to reach his huge level of success. He talks about how Zig Ziglar became his mental fitness coach and how Zig gave him the opportunity to be who he is today. Don’t miss this episode to discover the three stage of life that should be scrupulously pursued and some tips to help you become successful.
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Perception and Motivation in Goal Achievement

It may be challenging for students to find motivation to reach set goals. People may be intrinsically or extrinsically motivated to succeed.  However, there are different theories about what motivates behavior.  Some people believe that reinforcement is necessary for people to truly feel motivated to change behaviors. Albert Bandura is a name often associated with discussions of motivation and learning.  Bandura is a Canadian psychologist responsible for social learning theory. Along with Skinner, Freud, and Piaget, Bandura is one of the most frequently cited psychologists. Bandura believed that reinforcement alone did not account for all learning or motivation.  He felt people could learn through observation, intrinsic reinforcement, and modeling the behaviors of others. Intrinsic reinforcement occurs when people receive an internal reward, such as pride, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment.

Part of wanting to achieve a goal is to have the expectancy of reward associated with that goal.  Self-efficacy is another important component that is developed as students feel confidence in performing well.  An article by explained the factors associated with motivation include:  Intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task value, control of learning beliefs, test anxiety, and self-efficacy for learning and performance.  The authors noted, “The self-efficacy construct postulated by Bandura in his social learning theory has guided extensive motivational research.”

Students must not only be motivated to achieve the goal, but be able to make the goal measurable.  The mnemonic “SMART” is often referred to in goal-setting. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.  In the article Set Specific Goals to Increase Success, the author suggests using the following formula in order to make goals measurable:  “I will (goal + performance measure) by (specific actions).” If a student wanted to receive an A as their goal, he or she would fill in the blanks with something like this:  I will receive an A in BUS101 by studying 2 hours a night Monday through Friday from 6-8 pm.”  Students often will state the goal without remembering to include the steps required to reach that goal.  By making the goal measurable, students can measure their progress toward attaining that goal.  This creates a roadmap to achieving the goal.


Reaching goals requires motivation. ZenHabits does a nice job of explaining motivation, as well as ways to achieve it and sustain it during times of struggle.  To find out more about motivation, check out the self-motivation quiz from Mindtools. After the quiz, there is a nice explanation of factors involved in self-motivation including:  self-confidence and efficacy, positive thinking, focus, and environment. The author from the article How Self-Motivated Are You noted, “Self-motivation doesn’t come naturally to everyone. And even those who are highly self-motivated need some extra help every now and then. Build your self-motivation by practicing goal-setting skills, and combining those with positive thinking, the creation of powerful visions of success, and the building of high levels of self-efficacy and self-confidence.”

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