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There is a new app available for Iphones that will allow you to take a picture of someone and then have it run a facial recognition, analyzing whether the person is attractive or not. The app then makes a comment about their appearance . . . good or bad.
The app is very popular but it is causing debate as to whether this is a good thing to do. Some see it as harmless fun, while others think it can be causing bullying, leading to psychological distress.
The app, only 99 cents, will assign a score from 0-10. Ten being the least attractive.
How popular is this app? According to “About two months after its release, Ugly Meter has generated over 100,000 downloads, peaking at No. 3 on the most popular chart.”
How did a beauty like Angelina Jolie rate on their test? How about Brad Pitt? Check out the results by clicking here.