Showing up to a job interview without researching the company’s background, products and future potential is an error many job applicants make. Even those who have properly researched the company may still make the mistake of not assessing the interviewer’s...
Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog
A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks
10 Most Important Steps to Obtain Dream Job
I often speak to students and career groups about how to obtain a dream job or reinvent a career. I have listed some of the most important points from my lectures, with appropriate links to articles, to explain the process. Be sure to click on the links...
Have a Laugh from Site that Compiles Past Tweets
There is a fun little site called That Can Be My Next Tweet. It pulls information from your Twitter account and calculates what your possible next Tweet could include based on what you have Tweeted in the past. Every time you push the “get your next Tweet”...
Are Women Making Teams Smarter?
Harvard Business Review recently published an article about how having women on a team makes the team smarter. Although they didn’t find a correlation between the collective intelligence of the group and the IQ of individuals within that group, they did find that if...
What is Your Favorite Celebrity’s Personality Type? New Fun Beta Site
In the book It’s Not You It’s Your Personality, there are a lot of celebrities listed as examples to explain personality types. Although that book covers most of the major personality assessments out there, one of the most important assessments it addresses is the...
MBTI and Business Executives Inflated View of Emotional Intelligence
Those interested in how personality affects performance often study the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or Emotional Intelligence (EI) and the relationship to leadership. Rarely do I run across studies that look for relationships between MBTI and EI. ...
Myers Briggs MBTI: Testing Your Relationships
Myers Briggs MBTI personality assessments are often utilized by organizations. In today’s Wall Street Journal, the article Do You Get an ‘A’ in Personality discussed the importance of utilizing personality assessments in family situations as well. Greg Cellini from...
Can’t Afford to Take the Myers Briggs MBTI? A Free Way to Determine Your Personality Type and Job Preferences
Myers Briggs MBTI personality assessment is one of the most reliable and valid instruments on the market. Employers and job-seekers alike have found the results to be useful to explain personality preferences and match job applicants to appropriate positions....
Do Introverts Make Good Speakers?
This is a very interesting topic that was recently brought up in one of my foresight in technology courses I teach. Many of my technology students are introverts. The Myers Briggs MBTI classifies people as introverts and extroverts. The introvert tends to think...
Oprah, Ellen Degeneres, and George Carlin: What Their Personalities All May Have in Common
What do Oprah, Ellen and Carlin all have in common? They all have been listed as introverts according to their Myers-Briggs personality type or MBTI. Sites like list Ellen as an INFP and lists Oprah as an INFJ. Other sites like...
Recent Posts
Influencing Minds, Transforming Lives: The Power Of Pre-suasion With Dr. Robert Cialdini
They say that to change the mind, the influencer must also change the ‘state of mind’. Pre-suasion may sound like a new term, but it could be the key to optimal persuasion. In this episode, Dr. Diane Hamilton sits down with Dr. Robert Cialdini, widely known as “The...
A Soul Surfer’s Guide To Living An Unthinkable Life With Marcel Kuhn
Many of us are drowning from stress and overwhelm. If we live this thinkable life, it is time to dive into this conversation with Dr. Diane Hamilton and her guest today. In this episode, Marcel Kuhn, the Founder of Unthinkable Mastermind, takes us inside his book,...
China’s Rise To 5G Dominance: How China’s Tech Giants Are Driving Geopolitical Ambitions With Jon Pelson
The growing dominance of China's tech giants in 5G technology has far-reaching geopolitical consequences. To address this challenge, we need to understand the strategies being used to counter China's dangerous grip on this critical area of tech. In this episode, Jon...
Changing Cultural Perceptions with Livia Freudl of Varian
Our guest today is Varian's Senior VP and Head of HR, Livia Freudl. In this latest episode, we discuss work at Varian is focused on shaping the future of oncology by building shorter paths between consultation and treatment. Livia shares her expansive global cultural...
Global ESG: Finding the Right People for Your Organization with Tracy Ting of Encore Capital Group
Our guest today is Encore Capital Group's CHRO, Tracy Ting. In this latest episode, we discuss how she spearheaded the creation of a global set of values for Encore. In this episode we also discussed the impact on global employee engagement, metrics for measuring...