I sometimes like to review books that I feel are helpful and fit into my goal of helping people reach their lifetime potential. A book that I feel fits into that category is by Stever Robbins and is titled Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More. I am a...
Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog
A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks
Introverts and Extroverts: Which Type Prefers Social Networking?
I recently had a discussion in one of the courses I teach about whether introverts or extroverts were more likely to be on the social web. Some students made a good argument for why there may be more introverts on social networking sites. Introverts tend to like to...
Kiva Talk Radio Women in Business Interviews Dr. Diane Hamilton
Mark the date . . . October 20, 2010: 10:30 am and 5:00 pm Show Name: KIVA Talk Radio's Women in Business Interviews Dr. Diane Hamilton 10/20/2010 10:30 AM - 45 min and 5:00 pm - 1 hour and 30 min Description: She's an accomplished...
Recent Posts
Vulnerability and Curiosity: Challenging the Status Quo at Cardinal Health
Our guest today is Ola Snow, Chief Human Resources Officer at Cardinal Health. Ola oversees the company’s Human Resources, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Community Relations, Communications, Environmental health and Safety, Security, Real Estate, Facilities and...
Negotiation Skills For Business With Chris Voss
You can’t avoid negotiations in any line of work, especially in business. Whether it’s negotiating a business deal or negotiating your salary, you need to know how it works. You need to know how many questions you need to ask, how to get in their head, and more. Join...
Compact Guide To Excellence: Helping Leaders See What Truly Matters With Tom Peters
Tom Peters illuminates this episode with his wisdom by sharing his new book, which was inspired by Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism. Tom, the co-author of Compact Guide to Excellence, shares the guidebook for leaders in the workplace to urge them on what truly matters...
Nurturing Wellness through Empathy and Connection with Metlife’s Chief HR Officer Susan Podlogar
Our guest today is MetLife EVP and Chief HR Officer Susan Podlogar. In this episode, our discussion focuses on MetLife’s wellness programs and initiatives. Susan provides actionable steps you can take to start building your own company’s wellness culture, which is...
Docusign’s Unusual Values: Trusted, Loved, Responsible with Joan Burke, Chief People Officer
Our guest today is DocuSign’s Chief People Officer, Joan Burke. In this episode, we discuss DocuSign’s unique core company values: Trusted, Loved, and Responsible. Joan tells us how and why these values are kept top-of-mind for every decision around how they treat...