Creating Disruptive Technology with Jason Kintzler and Self-Managing Investments with Randy Tate

TTL 195 | Disruptive Technology

Creating Disruptive Technology with Jason Kintzler and Self-Managing Investments with Randy Tate

Jason Kintzler, founder and CEO of Pitch Engine, has always tried to look for marketing software that’s easy to use. That led him to develop the most transformative innovations in the PR industry. Jason says you can create disruptive technology from the most unlikely places. You just have to be more open and attentive to the world around you. Randy Tate, CEO and co-founder of Flipping Wall Street, believes that people can self-manage their investments. He developed innovative software that any average individual investor can use as a tool to protect, preserve, and grow their wealth using software.

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How to Market You or Your Product Using Social Media

Today’s Ask Dr. Diane: I just wrote a book that is available through Amazon.  I’m just not sure about the best way to market it?  Any suggestions?
That is a good question.  The tips I’m about to give can also be used to market things other than a book. 
You could market it through several ways.  I would create a link to it on your site like I have links on my main website to Amazon.  If you don’t want to do that, you could offer it directly from you as a PDF through your site and charge them using PayPal
You might want to make a video (3-4 minutes at most) and put it on Youtube.  At the end of the video make mention of a free offer or newsletter and where to go for more information.  If they go to that site, it should be a capture page to get people signed up  to receive free newsletters (through a site like to get them interested in you and your book. 
You definitely need to be on Facebook and create fan pages like the ones I have for each of my books there.  See:
I would be on Twitter as well.  You can tie all of your Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, etc. accounts into one area on sites like Hootsuite . . . but I like to use Posterous a lot. It is like a blog but it has a great share information toolbar that you can get that and it also allows you to share your updates on multiple sites like Hootsuite does. 
If you want to learn about social networking and “how to do it” . . .for a reasonable price you can go to  Letsgetsocial and sign up to get their videos.  I watched them and they are really very informative.  They are designed to teach people how to be media managers but people who don’t want to do the job of media management can learn how to do their own media management from them. 
I gave a presentation yesterday to a local group here where others were presenting to career-seekers … they all agreed that Youtube is one of the biggest things you can do to get noticed. 
I watched a video a while back on about videos and they had some good information.  They are more costly though. You might watch their video for information.  If you are going to spend that kind of money, you need to have a major product to promote.  Books probably won’t have the return to support that. 
Talks are another great way to promote your book . . . so are radio interviews.   You can go to or other sites like that to find people looking to interview you.
Blogging is one of the best ways to get your name out there.   I like to use WordPress because it is free and uncomplicated. 
You can also release press releases on prweb or other such sites.  I am on wooeb who also has press releases that are not as expensive.  You can send out free releases on pitchengine.
You might check out some books . . . .I liked a book called Career Renegade . . . had some good ideas.  (on a different side topic . . .I liked the book The Happiness Advantage written by ex Harvard professor – very entertaining)

FREE Site PitchEngine: Get the Word out About Your Products or Company

Are you using Pitchengine to get the word out?  If not you should be. PitchEngine was has been around since 2008.  This site is for businesses and journalists in need of a better alternative to email for exchanging information and assets for publication and print.  Unlike traditional wire services, PitchEngine enabled users to openly create and share their own content, while including images, videos and attachments FREE for 30 days with other plans offered for a monthly fee. According to their site: In 2009, more than 70,000 pitches were shared by 27,000 organizations looking to get the word out to not just journalists, but to bloggers, consumers and other influencers as well. It’s easy to design your message.  They liken it to being as simple as filling out a Facebook page. You can add your pictures, videos or attachments.  After publishing, you can easily share your pitch with your friends and followers through your social networks, email and other methods. Once your message is published, journalists, bloggers and other readers can direct-message you privately to ask questions or give suggestions. And, you can track your pitch with our Google Analytics integration.  Some of the companies using their service include:  Zappos, Olive Garden, Mattel, Cisco, IBM, Xerox, British Airways, Lowe’s, Yamaha and more.