Teaming Versus Teams with Amy Edmondson and Body Language Secrets Revealed with Greg Williams

TTL 293 | Body Language

Teaming Versus Teams with Amy Edmondson and Body Language Secrets Revealed with Greg Williams

Unexpected things come about from unusual situations where people encounter thing they haven’t done before. Consequently, they don’t know how to go about things. In the business world, this can be a huge problem. In such situations, how do you get people to work together towards a solution? Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School, differentiates teaming versus teams. She defines a team as a group of people that are interdependent in achieving some shared outcome with a clearly delineated membership, whereas teaming is collaboration and coordination to get important things done without the luxury of stable membership. Amy shares how you can create an environment where people are willing to jump in and take the interpersonal risks of teaming.


With communication, much of it is working towards some goal. Greg Williams, Master Negotiator and Body Language Expert, says that everything that we do is a negotiation, and achieving our goals usually involves some type of negotiation. Greg discusses the importance of being able to read body language and to discern any hidden meaning that people are not disclosing in negotiating for something.

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