Access the Best Business Advice to Improve Your Interpersonal Communication
Experience a New Type of Professional Development

Employee Engagement
Not only has Dr. Diane Hamilton created engagement surveys that can be customizable, but her engagement webinar was used to train 8,000 CEOs as part of Renaissance Executive Forums. Dr. Hamilton creates webinars made for leaders. Participants can get baseline measurements of engagement and learn ways to improve it through the best business advice.

Soft Skills Training
Dr. Diane Hamilton has delivered her interpersonal communications training to a variety of groups including EdAssist, where it was broadcast to hundreds of companies to learn the importance of soft skills for leadership. Participants learn the meaning and importance of emotional intelligence and ways to improve it. Emotional intelligence testing can also be included.

Generational Issues and Conflict
Based on her talks she has given to Forbes and other top companies, Dr. Diane Hamilton offers this popular webinar. Nearly every company has struggled with changes as Boomers retire and Millennials become the most powerful group. Participants will learn ways to improve conflict and work with each generation effectively.
Each of Dr. Diane Hamilton’s presentations can be customized to meet your company’s unique needs.
Get in touch with Dr. Diane Hamilton about customizing a webinar for your team. Call .