Dr. Diane Hamilton Offers Two of the Most-Requested Personality Self-Assessments
Dr. Diane Hamilton has received certifications in personality assessment. Her book, It’s Not You It’s Your Personality: Skills to Survive and Thrive in the Modern Workplace, explores multiple personality assessment instruments. Chapters cover the Myers-Briggs MBTI, Emotional Intelligence, The Big Five Factors, Color Tests including Management by Strengths, Enneagram, Strong Interest Inventory, Strengths Finder, and many other assessments. Simply click on each of the links for these assessments to discover your results and receive a personalized detailed report, to help you improve in your professional and personal life.

The Perception Power Index Self Assessment
Discover today how to enhance your perception so you can start maximizing your potential, improving your communication, and boosting your productivity.

The Curiosity Code Index® (CCI) Self Assessment
The Curiosity Code Index® (CCI) assessment is a powerful tool designed for individuals and organizations. The CCI determines the factors that impact curiosity. Curiosity is the spark that leads to motivation and drive. By recognizing the factors that inhibit curiosity, individuals and organizations can improve performance, through increasing engagement, critical thinking, decision making, conflict resolution, teamwork, creativity, innovation, and productivity. Discover how fear, assumptions, technology, and environment (FATE) have held individuals and organizations back from achieving their full potential. Based on the research of Dr. Diane Hamilton, the CCI is the first and only tool of its kind. The research behind the validity of this tool has been published in scholarly peer-reviewed journals and individuals can become certified to become providers of the assessment.