Optimizing Your Resume Using Keywords on Sites Like LinkedIn

In my book: How to Reinvent Your Career, I give a lot of tips about how to get an interview and obtain a job. Part of being successful in the interview process is to have a strong resume. Keywords are a big part of getting your resume noticed.

You may hear a lot about using keywords when optimizing websites. Now that sites like LinkedIn are increasing their searching capabilities, you may want to revisit how you have worded your online experience to be sure you are including appropriate buzz or key words. Employmentdigest.net suggests the following:

1. Go to web sites that represent companies and associations related to the candidate’s target industry in search of other buzzwords.

2. Search LinkedIn profiles of users who have similar jobs to see what keywords they’re using.

3. Go to association websites to see what keywords other industry professionals have used.

The specific words employers seek relate to the skills and experiences that demonstrate your experience with the skills necessary to do the job. Both hard and soft skills will fall in this category. Industry- and job-specific skills are almost always included in keyword lists. Highly technical fields can also include specific jargon or terms that demonstrate subject expertise. Job titles, certifications, types of degrees, college names and company names also demonstrate an applicant’s qualifications. Awards and professional organizations can also be considered strong keywords.

by dianehamilton



  1. Tweets that mention Optimizing Your Resume Using Keywords on Sites Like LinkedIn « Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog -- Topsy.com - [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rick Fernandez, Dr. Diane Hamilton. Dr. Diane Hamilton said: Optimize Your Resume…
  2. Get a Job and Get Noticed By Taking Full Advantage of LinkedIn’s Capabilities « Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog - [...] Using Keywords to Optmize Your Linkedin Site [...]

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