Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog

A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks

TTL 100 | Trustworthy Journalism

Trustworthy Journalism And Millenial Entreprenuers with Craig Newmark And Dov Baron

From its beginning until now, Craigslist’s simple design is to grow in small increments that listened to what the people was asking it to do for them. It has become a huge site with its founder Craig Newmark who started the company as a way to reciprocate and participate in the online community. All he knew back then was that he was helping the people that helped him through a simple mailing list. And since he was a programmer, he turned the lists into web pages that had instant publishing. With his business in a good place, Craig is focusing his energy towards trustworthy journalism as well women in tech and voting rights. Learn how he plans to battle media manipulation and information warfare.

It is a rare thing to see a boomer and a millennial collaborating. But this is one rarity that Dov Baron loves because he believes that millennials rock. They have an entrepreneurial mind geared towards innovation at all time. Learn how Dov keeps them loyal and interested to keep working with him.

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TTL 846 | Businesses Around The World

The Roadmap To Building Businesses Around The World With J. Byrne Murphy

Creating businesses around the world is an impressive feat. Imagine hopping from one country to another, dealing with all the language barriers and different cultures. It can be quite a handful for many but not for Byrne Murphy. Byrne is the founder and chairman of DigiPlex, the largest operator of data centers in the Nordic countries. Harvard is also going to publish a case study on his company and his book, Le Deal. Join your host, Dr. Diane Hamilton, as she talks to Byrne about how he was able to bypass language barriers and cultures to create so many businesses around the world. Also, learn from Byrne how to not fear failure so that you can start taking your first steps in the right direction.

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TTL 782 | Technology For Social Impact

Using Technology To Advance Social Impact With Darian Rodriguez Heyman And Flipping The Script On Human Resources With Laurie Ruettimann

You’ve never seen a business plan without a competitive analysis. It’s ridiculous to think that somebody would run out and start a company without surveying the landscape. That is why it’s fascinating that the whole world of social entrepreneurship or nonprofits lack in this area. Dr. Diane Hamilton’s guest on today’s podcast is Darian Rodriguez Heyman, a keynote speaker, best-selling author, and an expert in the area of nonprofits. Darian shares how nonprofits can use technology to support and advance their goals around social impact and build the capacity of not one or two groups or leaders but the entire set.

With the growth of the gig economy, the number of people who are full-time employed workers is getting smaller and smaller. However, the majority of the HR world we have right now is built for a workforce that existed years ago. They seem to get a lot of things wrong, and so Laurie Ruettimann sees a need to fix it. Laurie is a former Human Resources leader turned writer, entrepreneur, and speaker. Today, she joins Dr. Diane Hamilton in dissecting the need to flip the script on human resources. After all, work isn’t the be-all-end-all. People need to put themselves first so they can take control of their careers.

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TTL 774 | EyeJust

EyeJust: Protecting Your Eyes From Blue Light With Gigi Mortimer

With the threat of the COVID-19 outside, almost everyone is now shut inside their homes, migrating most of their daily routine online. One of the negative effects is the increase in the number of hours we use our devices, causing eye strain, and more. In this episode, Dr. Diane Hamilton is joined by Gigi Mortimer, the founder of EyeJust—a company that focuses on creating a light block screen protector for all devices. She talks about how the blue light is disrupting our body’s circadian rhythm and explains the technology behind the solution she has created to help protect our eyes and sleep. Gigi also takes us across her career in the fashion industry and how she made a move to tech. Plus, she also lets us in on how she is handling her business and growing it towards even more success.

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