Having to work virtually can be challenging for many who have not done it in the past. For those who need help, I put together some of the things that have worked for me. Whether it was in pharmaceuticals, real estate, education, or in media production, I have worked...
Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog
To Become a Highly Effective Leader: Reduce Fear by Developing Curiosity
It might be surprising, but many leaders fear being discovered for not being as smart as they appear. Realistic or not, people often look to leaders as if they should know everything. This external pressure often leads to internal pressure. Leaders fear criticism,...
Soft Skills: Critical to Employee Success
Attend any leadership conference, and someone likely will bring up startling statistics regarding how employees and leaders lack something they refer to as soft skills. This term is used to describe many qualities that include interpersonal skills, emotional...
Entrepreneurs: Help for Getting Started
I had to opportunity to interview Martin "Marty" Zwilling this week. Marty has an impressive background. He is a former executive with IBM. He has served on multiple advisory boards. He currently works as an author and consultant. His company, Startup...
Professors’ Expectations: Helpful Writing Tips for College Students
Students often struggle with writing essays. Some have difficulty with structure. Others dread dealing with APA formatting. I teach everything from bachelor-level to doctoral-level courses. The following contains some helpful writing tips that I have found...
Opportunity Cost and Its Relationship to Curiosity at Work
When recently researching content for my work on curiosity, I was reminded of the importance of opportunity cost. For those not familiar with the expression, it means, “the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.” In other words,...
The Cost of Low Engagement and How to Improve It
Many people misunderstand the meaning of engagement. It is important to note that engagement does not mean satisfaction. Engagement refers to an emotional commitment to an organization and its goals. Engagement, generational conflict, emotional intelligence, and...
Expert Speaker and Trainer, Dr. Diane Hamilton, Available for Corporate Events
I have updated my speaker and training bio. Please click on the picture below to watch the video. To contact me for an event, please go to http://www.speakermatch.com/profile/drdianehamilton/ [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB2AEc7sebI&w=560&h=315]
Grammar: When It Just Does Not Sound Correct
My job has taught me that a lot of people struggle with grammar and spelling. My first sentence brought to mind one of the most common spelling errors. Many of my students type “a lot” as one word, which is incorrect. There is no such word as “alot”. If spelling is...
NCU Interviews Dr. Diane Hamilton
For more see the full article at Northcentral University Higher Degrees Fall 2013
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How to Ensure You’re Not Just another Resume In The Pile: Leverage curiosity in job searches: Learn how to ask smart questions, show genuine interest, and offer fresh ideas to demonstrate your unique value to employers. How Organizations Can Promote Tech...
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Check out my latest article on Forbes, 5 Proven Ways To Leverage AI And Curiosity For Continuous Learning: Click here
Nurturing Emotional Intelligence And Curiosity In Your Team
Check out my latest article on Forbes, Nurturing Emotional Intelligence And Curiosity In Your Team: Click here
How Curiosity Shapes Your Personal Brand And Makes You Indispensable
Check out my latest article on Forbes, How Curiosity Shapes Your Personal Brand And Makes You Indispensable: Click here
Applied Creativity: How To Infuse Innovation Into Your Work With Natalie Nixon
Discover the power of applied creativity, where intentional curiosity sparks innovation and propels leadership. In this episode, our guest is the one and only creativity strategist Natalie Nixon, the founder of Figure 8 Thinking, and "the creativity whisperer to the...