In the old Bob Newhart Show where Newhart plays a psychologist, there is a great episode where his wife Emily takes an intelligence test and discovers she is smart enough to be included in Mensa Society. Newhart’s score was not nearly as high as his wife’s which leads to his feeling of insecurity. At a Mensa convention, this painful reality is driven even further home as he mingles with other Mensa members that show off how they can say their name backward. When they all have an interesting way of announcing their reversed names, they ask him how to say his backward, where he disappointingly replies, “Bob”.
How important are IQ tests? According to, “Even though its accuracy and reliability have been criticized over the past few decades, the IQ test continues to be the most widely used test for assessing mental ability.” In their article 10 Interesting Facts about IQ Tests, the authors cover areas such as: The difference between men and women’s intelligence; how IQ relates to breastfeeding; birth order and IQ; and much more. To see this list, click here.