Mindfulness With Tina Greenbaum And Managing Mental Health With Heiko Schmidt

Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment without judgment. Tina Greenbaum, LCSW, a High-Performance Specialist, Holistic Psychotherapist, Author, and International Speaker, explains mindfulness and the work that goes into transformational work to let go of your past and decide what you want to do in your life.

On the same note, Heiko Schmidt, CEO OF ALL4Life, Serial entrepreneur and father, spent 30 years finding music, media, and tech companies in different countries to help his teenage daughter manage her depression. Join us in this episode as we tackle the world of psychotherapy and its benefits.

TTL 624 | Mindfulness And Mental Health


We have Tina Greenbaum and Heiko Schmidt. Tina is a high-performance specialist, holistic psychotherapist, author and international speaker. Heiko is a CEO at All4Life. He discovered something very interesting from a very sad thing from his daughter’s situation. He created quite an interesting company based around it. Both of them have very interesting psychologically-based companies.

Listen to the podcast here

Mindfulness With Tina Greenbaum

I am here with Tina Greenbaum, who’s a high-performance specialist, holistic psychotherapist, author and international speaker. She is the Creator of the program, Mastery Under Pressure. I am interested in finding out more about her book. Welcome, Tina. 

Thank you, Diane. Thanks so much for having me.

I’ve looked at your work and I’m interested in the psychotherapist angle. That’s a little unique. Can you give a little background of how you got into this? 

I started out always wanting to be a teacher. When I was growing up, women were teachers or nurses. I didn’t like blood but I wanted to be a teacher. I got into the classroom, I was teaching elementary and Special Ed. I was like, “This was not the place for me. I couldn’t stand being confined and teaching elementary school subjects,” which I had no interest in. I said, “I hate teaching.” There was this psychotherapist, a social worker and a psychologist, that we come in and take the kids. They do family therapy and I said, “I’m in the wrong part of this.” I went back and I got my MSW, which is a Master’s in Clinical Social Work. That enabled me to become a psychotherapist. After seven years of school, training and supervision, I was able to start my own private practice. I’ve been going ever since. What I learned early on with my traditional Western psychotherapy training was that it wasn’t enough.

My first job was working with women with eating disorders. I used to say to them, “I hear you but I don’t feel you. If I don’t feel you, you’re not changing.” My first clue was at a yoga class where I would get into Savasana, the corpse pose and you have this deep state of relaxation. I said, “If I could only get those young women to do this, then maybe they wouldn’t need their eating disorder.” That was the beginning for me of this mind-body, psychospiritual, psychotherapy, holistically-oriented. It’s looking at the whole person and bringing in the connection between the body and the mind because there’s nothing that gets registered in the mind. It doesn’t get registered in the body and vice versa.

There are so many people talking about mindfulness. It wasn’t so much in the past. Daniel Goleman was on the show talking about it. I had researched emotional intelligence for my Doctorate. I was very anxious to talk to him about emotional intelligence. He’s talking about that, so you’re in too on those things we’re talking about. I’ve had Albert Bandura on the show, which was amazing. I got to meet him after that too and chat with him. Mind controls and so many things, what you talk about ties into some of the stuff I research with emotional intelligence, curiosity and different things that help people behaviorally change. That’s why I was interested in that because leaders need some of these skills.

The fun thing for me, the science is proving what the yogis have known for centuries. I’ve been doing this for several years. My ex-husband used to say, “Don’t let anybody know what you’re doing. They’re going to think you’re crazy or woo-woo.” I’m not woo-woo but the stuff works. They started to shift and move. Everything that I teach, I do. I have learned through my own self, through my own body.

In Science, it’s nice to finally catch up. Ellen Langer was on the show and she’s the mother of mindfulness. She had some interesting insights. She teaches at Harvard. I talked to some of you guys who have this background. I could use a little bit more with the pieces and stuff, but I was teasing Daniel Goldman when I was listening to his mindfulness-based type of book. There’s only so much time in the day some of us have. I’m sure you did with leaders. What are the biggest things they’re struggling with that you help them with?

Time is one for sure. The other thing that is very true about leaders is that they can see things that other people can’t. They see them very quickly. In order to be able to be kind and there for people, they’re moving quickly. A lot of times, they get frustrated with, “Come on, let’s go, don’t you see it?” The most important thing for everybody. This work about knowing yourself, knowing your blind spots, knowing your strengths and your weaknesses, that is the most critical thing for any leader to know. Everybody else can see blind spots. I always say, “Wouldn’t you want to know your own?” Those that don’t, that’s a problem particularly, in this day and age with what the employees are looking for which are leaders that are authentic. They’re real. They’re approachable. They use their emotional intelligence. They’re compassionate.

When you’re moving at high speed, it’s not always easy to do that. One of the other problems I know as a psychotherapist because for all the years that I have sat with people individually, marriage issues, relationship issues, kids, where are you? It’s hard for any of us to lead a balanced life, whatever that might look like. There are pulls every which way. One of the things that I learned a long time ago was if I let everybody else decide who I am or where I’m supposed to be with all the different roles, I would feel like Jesus Christ on Iraq. Being pulled in every single direction. At some point, we have to put ourselves in the center of that circle and then decide this is what a good father looks like. This is what a good mother looks like. This is what a good child looks like. You make the decisions about your life and not having everybody else making for you.

That’s interesting because you bring up what things should be and a lot of this stuff is subjective. I teach a lot of Ethics courses where we have to get into what’s good, what’s bad, if there’s good and if there’s bad. In your book, you wrote about negative self-talk and its connection to predictive thinking. That ties into my research I did on Curiosity because there are four things that keep people from being curious: fear, assumptions, technology and environment. The assumption aspect is that self-talk. It’s what we tell ourselves, “I can’t do this. This is too hard. I don’t have time. This won’t be fun.” Think of all the things that we say. What some of the negative self-talk you think that leaders are being bogged down with?

It’s personal. Negative self-talk comes up as you know. They call it the monkey mind. The brain is programmed for danger. Depending on how you have learned how to manage that is how you deal with that negative self-talk. I heard the head of Sysco speak, it turns out that he has dyslexia. He kept it a secret for years. It was a severe dyslexia. You can imagine keeping it a secret and what he went through all those years hiding it until there was a young woman saying that she had dyslexia and what she was struggling with. He opened up and he shared it with her. His negative self-talk must have been crazy and wild and at the same time that he learned how to overcome it.

There are lots of leaders who have that, which was surprising to me.

The truth about negative self-talk is stories that we have told ourselves from the time that we’re children. Unexamined, those parts of us do not transform. They do not grow up. When we talk about mindfulness and the work that goes into transformational work. It’s becoming mindful because the definition of mindfulness that I use is it’s being aware in the present moment without judgment. Being mindful of these parts of us, listen to how we talk. When I give a TED Talk, the title is Positive Thinking is Highly Overrated. It’s only a part. I want to add that everything that we’re talking about people have heard of before. There was nothing new but it’s common knowledge but not common practice. We know that we’re supposed to take the negatives and not listen.

We know that we’re supposed to say stop it or put your direction where your attention somewhere else. It doesn’t always work. I like to ask the question, “Do my thoughts produce something useful for me that’s called productive thinking instead of positive thinking? Do they take me to a place that’s useful and if not, what can I do? How can I flip them or shift them into making it a productive thought?” I’ll use the example on my book. I want to go to the post office and I get there on a Saturday morning and it’s 12:05. The post office is closed. It’s like, “My whole day and I needed to get this package out.” It could ruin a day. If you take that, “It’s 12:05. What didn’t I do?” I didn’t look at the schedule, I didn’t get out early enough and I take responsibility for it. Now, I know the next time.

Instead of ruminating over and over again hurting ourselves of what we did wrong. A lot of people get these. I used to program, we call them Nested Loops, you go round and round with the same thought, and it’s hard for people to break that.

Do you know that it takes 30 seconds to start that loop?

How long do they take to end it?

It depends on what the level of skill that you have to end it. If you’re getting into a loop and you can’t get yourself out because you need another skill. That’s where the mind-body stuff comes in for me.

What are these skills? Can we talk a little bit about them?

TTL 624 | Mindfulness And Mental Health
Mindfulness And Mental Health: The brain is programmed for danger. Depending on how you have learned how to manage that is how you deal with that negative self-talk.


Focus, relaxation, dealing with negative self-talk, how to visualize and dealing with fear. Those are the five mental skills.

You have two of my four factors I found associated with the curiosity. Some of it is also environmentally related because I had an environment and technology which you don’t have on the list. The environment is everybody around you and how they impact you which would tie into your fear in your self-talk as well. A lot of what you’re trying to do is what I’m trying to do is get people over these issues that hold them back from peak performance. How do you work with people to help them do this?

If you’re up for it, Diane, we could do it.

I’ll be your guinea pig. 

If you kick an issue, it doesn’t have to be a hot issue, but something that occurs or it’s one of your patterns that’s like, “There it is again.”

That holds me back at work. It’s not delegating. Is that a good one or should I do something more?

It’s fine. It’s personal, not delegating. There’s something that comes up for you when you have to give something to somebody else.

I could do it faster and better. I don’t want to take the time to do it with somebody else.

Let say that feeling, that sensation that you got. When you know there’s a part of you that knows that you should delegate and that you don’t want to, where do you feel that in your body?

My stomach probably.

[bctt tweet=”Do what you teach. Learning begins with you.” username=””]

What we’re seeing is somewhere in the body, we experience different emotions, different feelings. We start with the sensation because the sensation is a clue. There it is in my stomach, I may not even have the thought yet. The body gets triggered before the mind gets triggered. If we can get to associate that, “Here I am. It’s time for me to delegate again because my stomach is starting to churn. I’m at a choice point because I have that level of awareness. I get to choose. Do I choose to delegate? I can see if I do all the things that come up for me. Do I choose to override it and then keep doing my pattern over and over again, which then takes me to the same place that it always does.” We can play around a lot with this. The feeling in your stomach. If we were going to take a moment and trace it back, what’s an earlier time that comes up with that same feeling, that same sensation?

With something like that, I trace it back to having delegated in the past and had the frustration that they don’t get it done. They don’t do it well, it costs me money and I could have done it in 35 seconds and they charged me for three hours of work. That’s it.

I can find the origin. A lot of these stuff have early childhood impacts. If we take the time, we can trace them back and sometimes tracing it back is valuable.

I could do that. My parents weren’t capable of doing a lot of things. My dad was blind and my mom stayed home. She wasn’t in the working world, so neither one worked. If I wanted to figure out anything, I had to figure it out for myself. Do you think that’s it? I solved the problem maybe. 

You have a real clear understanding both emotionally. It says that there’s the intelligence of the mind. There’s also the intelligence of the heart. When we get to the intelligence of the heart, it’s like, “I get it. It’s not just a thought. It’s a construct. It’s a whole thing.” That’s where the quantum stuff comes in. I see it and then everything else like, “It all makes sense in a very deep way.” This is your habit. This is what you learned how to do from a child and you’ve been very successful at it.

There’s a point where you have to learn to give up some things because you can’t do everything yourself. You have to do then do what? 

You have to make a choice. I was on a podcast from your friend, Eddie Turner who invited me on. He asked me for a quote that I use over and over again. It is, “If you always do what people always done, you always get what you’ve always gotten. Why not try something different?” Trying something different, it only can be one tweak, one little degree of something that’s different. It will take you in a completely different direction.

We were talking a little bit about this on a show about delegating. A lot of us want things to be done a certain way at a certain percentage perfect. I talked about how Ford Saeks has been on the show and he always talks about done is better than perfect. A lot of us have to give up that need. I don’t know if I’m so much tied into the need for perfection but I am tied into speed. If things don’t get done quickly, I get very frustrated because I’m like, “What’s the problem? Let’s just do it.” That’s very challenging because you know how fast you can do things and then you think, “What’s the problem here? Just do it. You’ve seen a Nike commercial.” Why do you think it is that so many people putz around?

It’s not necessarily that they putz around. One of the things that I learned not until I was about 30 that being in-charge and having what I call common sense is a gift. People would ask me like, “How do you know that?” It’s like, “I don’t know. How do you not know? It’s right in front of you.” I do appreciate that it is a gift and the reason that you’re doing what you’re doing and the position that you’re in is because of these gifts. Not everybody has the same gifts. They have other things.

That’s a very important recognition. I’ve met a lot of people who have high expectations of themselves, but what’s different between how they think and how I think is I don’t expect them to be like how I am. I realize that they don’t do these things the way I do them. Where other people get very disturbed that other people don’t reach that level of what they think they should do. I set the bar very low for my expectations based on my past experience with people. I’m like, “That’s how everybody else does it.” I find it interesting that they can’t do certain things at the same speed that others can, but I don’t necessarily have a super high expectation. Do you think that most leaders do have that higher expectation?

TTL 624 | Mindfulness And Mental Health
Mindfulness And Mental Health: Having common sense is a gift.


There are two pieces to it. One is we want to have the people helping us that love what they do and that are amazing at what they do. I don’t love detail. I have a big picture, wide-angle viewer. I know that this part of me is the weakest. When I’m interviewing somebody who I want to do the things that I don’t want to do or can’t do well, I asked them, “What do you love? What would you do for nothing?” Number one, it’s who we’re hiring and what their talents are. The other thing that I’ve learned, my very first spiritual teacher was this amazing, charismatic, brilliant, handsome man and people would flock to him. He was a great speaker and he could nail your emotional stuff.

Everybody wanted to study with him. In order to study with him, you would have to ask him if he would be willing to give you a mantra. If he gave you a mantra, you were then his student. It was a very private thing and you told never to say that out loud. A mantra is an Indian, it could be anything but the way that it’s used in yoga, it’s a tiny little syllable of Sanskrit. It’s part of it or is a universal one. He would have people around him all the time and then he would give assignment, things to do or meditation to do. Out of 100 people that were flocking around us, maybe there were 5 or 6 of us that did what he asked us to do that had that passion. We were designed to be his students, we were designed to be the next teachers.

We were the ones that were drawn to him. If you think about it energetically, the energetic waves were very similar. When you need somebody like you and I are having these conversations, we’ve never met, but we could keep going on and on. There’s something here that we’re on the same wavelength so it becomes easy. There’s a small group of people at any time that are going to do the level of work that it takes to do the work that you and I do. There are going to be other people that do other things. I have a son that’s a sound engineer and a music producer. He could look at a piece of machinery and look at it and figure out how it’s put together without even touching it. That’s not me.

We need that diversity of skills. If we all did this, then nothing else do we get that. 

The important message is that we’re doing these things that we are designed to do and every single person has that design in them. As leaders, teachers and parents, pulling those pieces out of people so that then they can serve the next generation. They can serve who they are in the way that you and I love to serve the way we are.

That’s why I studied curiosity because so many people don’t recognize the things that they could be well-aligned to do. If you could overcome the fear, assumptions, technology and environmental influences and recognize those things, that’s why we have so much lack of engagement in the workplace. It ties into everything from engagement, innovation, creativity, motivation, you name it. If you’re telling yourself all these negative thoughts, “I am not interested in that. That doesn’t sound good. I was never good at that.” Your fear keeps you from asking questions or providing input into discussions. You’re holding yourself back and you’re holding organizations or being held back because they’re allowing this intimidation of people telling or status-quo thinking to continue. I love that what you’re talking about ties into what I research and I’d have plenty to chat about. I was hoping that you could share how people could find out how to reach you, if they wanted to get into your Mastery Under Pressure program and read about your books and everything that you do. How would they find that?

I have my book, it’s called Mastery Under Pressure. You can find that on Amazon. I also have a quiz that if you want to look at where you sit on these five elements of mental training, it’s MasteryUnderPressure.net and people can go and take the quiz. It’s a little bird’s eye view. It also gives an opportunity to have a conversation with me, if that’s in fact what you choose to do. I’m happy to spend some time with people if they want to look at this and look at the parts of them that are holding them back, that are keeping them from being the best that they could possibly be. You can reach me at Tina@TinaGreenbaum.com.

[bctt tweet=”Make the decisions about your life and not have everybody else make them for you.” username=””]

Tina, thank you so much for being on the show. This was so much fun. Thanks for solving my problems too. 

We’re going to find that next time you have that opportunity. You could choose to do something different.

I have to delegate.

Managing Mental Health With Heiko Schmidt

I am here with Heiko Schmidt who is the CEO at All4Life. He’s a serial entrepreneur for many years. He founded music, media and tech companies in the US, Japan, Germany and Australia. He’s produced prime time TV shows. The things he’s done are interesting. I’ve been looking forward to this. Welcome, Heiko.

Thank you for having me.

You’ve got an interesting background. I gave a little bit of highlights but can you talk about how you got to the point of being the CEO for ALL4Life?

I did multiple things in media and then tech developed a lot of products over time. I had my exits and failures. A few years ago, my teenage daughter got depressed and had suicidal thoughts. That changed our life completely. That started my journey and finally ended up being CEO for ALL4Life.

What do you think this impact of what your daughter went through? How did that change you? What made you want to create this company?

In my family, I already lost two close relatives to suicide. If your own child gets depressed and talks about suicide, you are alarmed every second. There’s no break. You want to help, you want to make sure that this will never happen with your own child. I started digging and I started the journey in the California System of Mental Health. What I learned over a period of years is amazing. I’ve worked together with so many people who are experts in the field. I learn from them and realized that there’s something big missing, which is the underlying science. That’s when we started the journey.

You say there was something missing. What’s missing when people feel this sense that they need to commit suicide?

There are multiple reasons why people are thinking that’s the last way to exit out difficult situation. What we realized in the way we try to solve the problems for my daughter is that I ask a simple question to a psychiatrist, to a therapist, to everyone in my area. I asked them the question, “If and when will my daughter committed suicide?” That is the question every parent wants to ask and want to get answered. That’s the only question which is relevant. If you ask people like that and you don’t get answers, then you dig deeper. What you realize is that the main problem we have is the Q&A and the system which is one in psychology generally, because all psychology is an empirical science, it’s observational science.

It’s Q&A with a patient. The patient, unfortunately, lies 200 times a day. Every human lies more than 200 times a day. The practitioner is set up for failure because he gets the answers. He takes that as a face value and to put you in the state of diagnosis and therapy suggestions for that based on wrong facts. That’s why misdiagnose way in generally speaking is so high. It’s more than 70%. In some cases, one example is that in the British study came out, it takes 13.2 years on average to diagnose something like bipolar disorder in the correct way. To train, until they finally got it right. Another number is 1 out of 17 people get a successful treatment in the world and more than two billion people in the world have mental health problems.

That’s a big crisis and that’s what I learned. We thought about it and how can we make a change, how can we make a difference in that completely flawed system as it exists? It came down to one simple fact. If you don’t have the data and data means real data, the objective data you can measure your vital signs and physical health. If you don’t have that data, you’re just another person with another opinion. You need the data itself. Let’s say in physical health, you have your blood pressure, you have your weight and if you have a cardio problem, you have to get EKG and all that stuff. That is objective data.

TTL 624 | Mindfulness And Mental Health
Mindfulness And Mental Health: If you don’t have verifiable data, you’re just another person with an opinion.


That’s independent from the opinion of a patient. You can measure that objectively. In mental health this doesn’t exist. I thought there is no way to measure anything. That’s when we started thinking about how can you measure mental health and emotional and behavior progress or tie in the best way possible. We started developing artificial intelligence algorithms who can do with your cell phone. We use a camera, microphone and touch screen as what we call sensors. We allowed patients to opt-in to use that algorithm for free. What it do is they put is they produce their own mental health vital signs so we can analyze micro facial expressions as examples and categorize that.

It creates six emotional categories. We also can analyze the body language. We can analyze voice, how you speak, what you speak. We can analyze face as an example. If you get angry, you have more oxygen in your blood that change the color of the pixel of your skin. We can analyze that with the camera and machine vision algorithms. All this information, we feed into cognitive and neural networks which is an artificial intelligence brain and bring this information together. All this information together creates a pattern which you can use to analyze and diagnose. That’s the only way how to do it. We talked more than 13,000 experts in the particular sector, AI and healthcare. We asked them and they said, “What is the best way to solve that problem?” We suggested a blueprint. May of 2018, more than 13,000 came back and said that’s the only way how it works.

First of all, I’m curious how much hereditary plays a factor in this. Before you answer that, I’m curious if you use Paul Ekman’s work with the facial expressions and emotions.

Many algorithms out there who do with something, you can categorize emotions with micro facial expressions. We did that by training the algorithms on three million images from across the whole world and will be eliminated any kind of racial or bias and it worked. Fifteen times per second in real-time, we measure that and categorize that. There are other things who can do that. People are using that for all different use cases. In our case, we are giving it to patient with mental health vital sign data. That’s a completely new category of data which doesn’t exist yet.

People realize that they’re not feeling correct. There’s something going on. Why do you think they lie?

People generally lie. The statistic came from the University of California. They did a large research. They came up with data that people are lying more than 200 times a day. When it comes to teenagers, it’s a multiple of that. My daughter, back to the original problem that I have. She is lying more than 600 times a day. More importantly, think in general use case, with a practitioner, you don’t feel good but the practitioner is doing a Q&A with you. Based on your emotional stage, based on your cultural background, based on your situation, you either lie because it’s uncomfortable to say the truth or it’s not culturally okay to say the truth, which we have in multiple cases. In Los Angeles, it’s a good area to showcase that. There are a lot school districts in the Los Angeles area together. We have seen the differences between someone in Alhambra School District on the east of Los Angeles and on Malibu where we lived in the Westside. It’s a completely different culture and how people are admitting that they have a mental health problem. How they are willing to engage to get help. That’s why people are not honest for different motivations, from different feelings.

I think of being a pharmaceutical rep and all of the drugs that doctors prescribed for people who needed and maybe didn’t need some of these medications. Are we seeing more people with these problems and are any of them instigated because of being on medications they shouldn’t even be on?

Here’s the problem, only 1 out of 17 people are treated successfully with therapy and with drugs. This is like trial and error. This is not high-end. It means if I have 1 out of 17 successful, then that’s gets worked. That’s why we call it Mental Health Care. It gets more and we wanted to change that.

This phone recognizes all these things. Then what does it do for you?

The first step is to think about weather forecasting. What you have to do is measuring all the different types of start out. Why do you want to do that? You want to know if at 12:00 PM it will rain or not in your city. Why? You’re prepared. You can take the umbrella and you’re good to go. Mental Health Care is acting the same way. The first step, you have to create your data set. That’s what the phone is doing for you. If you opt-in, you can say, “Please, record my mental health vital signs.” The data belongs to the patient only. It’s not shared with anyone in the world. It’s your data. Over time, we saw how the data is developing. If your mood is going down or up over time, that gives you an indication. It’s like a weight scale. It’s as simple as that. You hop on the weight scale every single day and then you see a trend.

[bctt tweet=”Produce thoughts that are useful for you.” username=””]

That’s the same thing with mental health vital signs. If it doesn’t diagnose you or in any way, that will take two or three years and millions of patients participating to enable the AI to diagnose. For now, we give the patients the data itself and then the patient can share this data with any mental health practitioner he wants. The data indicates how the outcome is. Let’s say he prescribed some drugs and a patient can share the data with the practitioner and she can see, “The mood is going down, so the pills are not working.” That’s not subjective in the world of the practitioner asking, “How do you feel?” The patient is saying something, “Maybe he’s wrong, maybe he’s lying.” With the data, you can see the real outcome because it’s objective data.

How do you know if they’ve taken their meds or if they’re lying?

I don’t know if they are taking the meds.

There’s always going to be something that you have to recognize that the human influence has to determine. Doctors do have some input there to decide. You could take blood levels if they had to see if the lithium or whatever they’re giving them is in their blood. It is an interesting thing. Did you have to worry about HIPAA compliance?

We are not only HIPAA compliant, that’s the lowest. We are a global platform. We are much more advanced. We matched all European standards, which are much higher than in the US. Patient data security is an incredibly hot topic in Europe, SMI testing supported. HIPAA is not difficult to make. The European standards are much more difficult. We pre-match all of them. In behalf of military encryption on top of it, that’s the best you can do from their patient data security point of view.

This has got to be so different than producing your prime time TV shows. What prime time TV shows did you produce?

I was working as an executive producer for Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, which was a public German channel. It’s the largest one in Europe, they have 10,000 employees. I produced a very large prime time. In the night prime time show, it’s 100 minutes show format, which is popular in Germany.

That’s a big difference. Did any of that help you with what you had to do with this or do those skills translate at all to this?

Actually, it does. In my book, it’s all about research. I cannot remember there was one show about identical triplets. Kids between 12 and 18 and it was a live show. Who knows who is who? I had to research identical triplets and they are not listed anywhere in the world. There’s no data where if you can search for them. What I learned in that is how to go deeper and get this information in a short period of time. That’s over my whole journey as an entrepreneur. I came back again and again. How to research? How to go deeper and how to connect with people?

You’re definitely connecting with people. You’re connected to over 30,000 AI researchers on LinkedIn. How did you get that network?

TTL 624 | Mindfulness And Mental Health
Mastery Under Pressure: How You Can Achieve An Unstoppable Mindset

I started several years ago helping a friend who wants the licensing agency for JPL and CalTech. It’s the most advanced AI you’ve ever seen in the world. It took 5,000 of the smartest engineers and researchers are working in Pasadena on the unmanned space missions for NASA. You have remote control, the signal needs seven minutes to get there. The landing procedure is only 25 seconds. You have to develop the artificial intelligence onboard to land a rocket which is our landing ship to make sure that landing works in an unknown environment.

That’s why they develop some amazing artificial intelligence. They have a budget for that. NASA is paying $1 billion for the unmanned space mission. I have all these algorithms. A friend of mine, he asked me to develop use cases for that algorithm so that they can be used in other sectors. That’s when I started a few years ago. I became the AI monetization expert. I’m also running the largest AI monetization group on LinkedIn. That’s how it taught over time, over several years. People got attracted to it and that they want to learn more about how to monetize AI in the best way possible. That’s how I gained my network overtime.

What do you think is going to happen to the job market when AI starts replacing a lot of the tasks of everybody else do that?

AI will not replace human beings. It will replace a lot of jobs. Out of that, there will be new jobs created which we don’t even know how they will be called. AI will accelerate the change in the job market but it will create more jobs than it killed.

That’s what we’re hoping that people be better aligned because we ask people more questions about what they want to do. Sometimes it’s an opportunity more than anything else. It fascinates me to see where the research is going. With your company, is this an app that people download onto their phone or is there more to it than an app?

What we are doing is we are creating a global marketplace for mental health. Go to the marketplace, think about Amazon for mental health. Everyone who has a solution in mental health can offer their solution on our marketplace. It’s completely independent of what we are doing. It’s the marketplace. A small portion of that marketplace is data converting portion. There are life coaches, there are spiritual advisors. There are therapy staff. Any type of mental health practitioner who’s offering either one-on-one or group coaching sessions on our platform. They’re offering that for a specific price. When patients are engaging on that platform, they agree to participate either in a one-on-one session or in a group session.

They will be moved to a very secure data converting platform. At that point, we ask the patient and say, “Do you want to record your mental health vital signs when you’re talking with your coach or the therapist?” The patient can decide and say, “Yes, I want to do that or no, I’m not.” We did facilitate the communication on a secure channel so that they can do it. That’s the way we do it. That’s the way how we gain the data that we need to start the real interesting part, which is seeing the patterns which no one else has ever seen before. That’s how we can change textbooks psychology as we know it.

I’m curious to how your daughter’s doing?

We tried everything over the last few years. We had therapists, we had a psychiatrist. We spend a serious amount of money on that and trying to get help. Finally, it wasn’t working. We did the last resort and we said, “We have to move a changed environment to see if that makes a difference.” We did change the environment. We moved from Malibu in California to Victoria in British Columbia, which is pretty much the opposite climate you can have. She got better. The environment is better. People are different. It’s more city. Malibu is such an outstanding little town. She’s thriving. It was the environmental change which triggered her to get better.

Did you read the book, Against Medical Advice, by Patterson? It’s a book I would recommend reading because James Patterson writes all the great novels. It’s a true story about a kid that had Tourette’s. All the doctors and treatments he went through. What ended up helping him was more getting out in nature and doing certain things you would have never thought of. You might find that interesting book.

Thank you so much. I will read it.

This was fascinating. If people want to find out more about ALL4Life or the work you’re doing, how would they find you?

The best way is All4Life.ai. There are a lot of subpages there. You can look at from the counselor perspective or from the patient perspective. That’s the best way to do it.

Thank you, Heiko. This has been so interesting. I enjoyed having you on the show. Thank you for sharing your story.

Thank you so much for having me here. I would encourage the audience, if you have a problem in your family, if you have loved ones who suffer in any shape or form, the first step is to admit that and seeking help. That doesn’t have to be our platform. There are many good people out there who are trying to help others, especially with mental health problems. I would encourage you to step up and tell people about it because if you don’t, you don’t get up.

Thank you so much, Heiko. I appreciated having you on this show. This was wonderful.

I want to thank Tina and Heiko for being my guests. I hope you enjoyed this episode. Please join us for the next episode.

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About Tina Greenbaum

TTL 624 | Mindfulness And Mental HealthTina Greenbaum, LCSW is a High-Performance Specialist, Holistic Psychotherapist, Author, and International Speaker. With over 36 years of experience, she helps CEO’s, leaders and aspiring leaders to be effective by guiding them to find their own blind spots, both personally and professionally, and then support them in getting the best from the teams they lead; ultimately leading to happier employees, increased retention and greater productivity.

Using cutting-edge technologies, she combines the latest in neuroscience with ancient traditions of the East. She is the creator of the program Mastery Under Pressure, an executive coaching program that teaches Olympic-level mindset skills for peak performance in high-stakes and high-stress environments.

About Heiko Schmidt

TTL 624 | Mindfulness And Mental HealthHeiko Schmidt is the CEO at ALL4Life. He is a serial entrepreneur. Over the last 30 years, he founded music, media and tech companies in the US, Japan, Germany, and Australia.

To help his teenage daughter manage her depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts, he collaborated with the best experts from school districts, scientists from top universities, and the VA.


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