Discovering Your Adaptability Quotient In An Ever-Changing World With Ross Thornley And Mike Raven

TTL 700 | Adaptability Quotient

Discovering Your Adaptability Quotient In An Ever-Changing World With Ross Thornley And Mike Raven

In this ever-changing world that we live in, remaining stagnant no longer works. For this reason and many others, Ross ThornleyĀ andĀ Mike RavenĀ foundedĀ AQai. In this episode, Ross and Mike talk about what drew them into the adaptability space and how they ended up working together. They discuss how their work focuses on discovering adaptability, and share some of the things they see that will remain the same as well as those that will be different, considering the world we live in now. To further explain, they then give an overview interpretation of Dr. Diane Hamilton’s adaptability assessment scores and what she can improve. Mike and Ross also debunk the potential myths and misconceptions around the whole area of assessments.

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TTL 586 | Becoming A Great Leader

How To Become A Greater The Drives High Performance Teams with John Spence

There are so many ingredients to producing a great leader who can also produce high performing teams. In this episode, John Spence who is recognized as one of the top business thought leaders and leadership development experts in the world shares his insights on how to become a great leader. Recognizing that leadership is all about dealing with others, John teaches us how to deal with people and the importance of understanding organization culture. Presenting a list on the key characteristics to look for in a leader, he also shares the five keys for creating accountability in your company and reveals the six things why people work where they work.

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