After the start of the Great Recession, there was a lot of economic disruption. Banks were failing literally overnight. People would wake up and find out that the company that they were working for had closed and they had no job. Fast forward a few years, we’ve gone through a lot of technological change, and the idea of the fourth industrial revolution is starting to come through. We’re seeing many new technologies being developed across industries, whether it’s artificial intelligence, virtual reality, drones, or work in the biomedical fields. Economist Larry Boyer partners with business executives across divisions to help them anticipate and address complex challenges through big data and advanced analytics. He is the author of The Robot in the Next Cubicle: What You Need to Know to Adapt and Succeed in the Automation Age.
Many individuals do not believe anything they read or see anymore. One of the things that have been a topic of conversation for the last few months is the lack of credibility that companies are having with their product and how they take things to market. Tom Warda, Chief Revenue Officer and Market Explorer for Convertant, a firm that studies purchasing patterns and behaviors with particular clients, says there’s a general distrust in the market caused by the political environment or the evolution of more information. Tom talks about innovation, sales, and taking risks, and discusses how Convertant helps companies with home services, national franchises, healthcare offices, new investments, and political campaigns.