As technology advances and society moves forward, the number of platforms you can utilize to spread your message also increases. The question boils down to how much visibility you can create and how effectively can you use your platform. The Founder of Your Purpose Driven Practice, Rebecca Hall Gruyter, joins this episode to talk about the best practices on how to get your voice to stand out among all the noise. Learn the mindset and preparation you need to go through in order to distinguish yourself and your message. She also shares some tips and strategies on how to make full and effective use of your platform and how her team can help you even more.
The chaos and unrest in the environment can affect people in more ways than one. With signs of an increase in rates of depression and suicide attempts during this pandemic, Dr. Andy Young explains what he sees during crisis negotiations. He goes into some detail of his experiences in dealing with both the law enforcement and civilian groups’ issues as a councilor. He gives a reminder that anyone can be scared and there are multiple grounds to consider when one’s mental health is in question. Dr. Young also emphasizes the importance of listening as the first step of a negotiation and how empathy can go a long way in saving a life.
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