My website is dedicated to helping people improve their lifetime potential. What does that entail? I am always studying self-help articles to improve “me”. I find that a lot of others do the same. I use my website and blog as a way to share those things that I have learned through my research. It can take a lot of time to find how to do certain things or how to improve your life in certain ways. I hope that with my research, I make your research a bit easier.
I like to study careers and different jobs that become available due to new technologies and advancements. My degrees are in Business Management with a strong focus on Human Resources and Personnel Management. In my book How to Reinvent Your Career I include a lot of information about how to improve yourself in order to get that career that is a good fit for you. The anticipated publication of this book is early Fall, 2010.
In the meantime, I recommend checking out some of the following sites for more information to help you with your own research:
There are always personal areas we can develop. I love books like The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama. Tony Robbins also inspires me quite a bit. It can be easy to get bogged down in negative thinking. We all have that inner voice that we barely notice in our minds. I think it is important to pay attention to it, to be sure we are not focusing on negative thoughts.
I recommend that you check out some of the following sites for more information about self-help topics:
Having worked in the pharmaceutical field for 15 years, I received a lot of health-related training. I have a CMR certification which was a pretty intense graduate-level program where I learned about medicine, disease management, and how the different systems in the body function. One thing that I had to learn in my own personal life was the importance of being healthy as compared to just being thin.
I recommend that you check out some of the following sites for more information about health-related topics:
I currently teach for 6 online universities and personally have a PhD in Business. I am a big advocate for a continued life-long education. I never stop taking courses. I love to learn new things. The great thing about the Internet is that there is a wealth of information out there that is FREE!
I recommend that you check out some of the following sites for more information about paying for education:
I recommend that you check out some of the following sites for more information about free education:
My latest passion has been to learn more about social networking. It can be so complicated because there are so many different sites out there. I do like to use sites like Posterous which allow you to update many different sites easily with just one email. I am always looking for great suggested sites and things to read.
I recommend that you check out some of the following sites for more information about social networking:
I hope some of my links are helpful to those of you who have similar interests to mine. I welcome hearing back from those of you who have found sites that you like as well. I am constantly updating my lists so check back on occasion to see some new site that I think are useful.