Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog

A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks

Women Dominating Sales Positions

  Women are becoming a dominant force in sales positions.  In the article 10 Most Lucrative Industries for Women it was noted, “A recent study found that women are coming to dominate certain areas of sales, a traditionally lucrative field for those who excel. In...

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Can the Unemployed Manage to Eliminate Debts?

  Unemployment is at its worst in this recent economic meltdown and these unemployed people are struggling to pay off debts. Are you in a similar situation? Then you can file bankruptcy as it is considered to be the last option of debt relief programs. But if you...

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Our Kids’ Financial Futures Are At Stake

The sky is falling. We hear about it every day. The stock market is plunging, the housing bubble has exploded, and the list of doom and gloom goes on and on. How did we get here? We consider ourselves a bright nation. Why then, didn’t we see this coming? Did we get...

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