Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog

A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks

How Millennial Are You? Take The Quiz

Check out this interesting quiz by clicking here.   It  is only 15 questions long and lets you know if you fall into the Silent, Boomer, Gen Xer, or Millennial category of personality type.  The higher your score, the more you have in common with the Millennial...

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Millenials, Gen X and Baby Boomers: Who…

Millenials, Gen X and Baby Boomers: Who's Working at Your Company and What Do They Think About Ethics Released June 2010.  Sponsored by: Raytheon Northrop Grumman American workers between the ages of 18 and 29 – the “Millennials” – have more in common with older...

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