Using Technology In The Supply Chain To Meet Sustainability Goals With Gwen Murphy

TTL 897 | Sustainability Technology

Using Technology In The Supply Chain To Meet Sustainability Goals With Gwen Murphy

Technology is ever-changing and it’s time that people use it for the sustainability of the planet. Brand new technologies have the power to impact supply chain problems, climate change, and even product innovation. Join your host, Dr. Diane Hamilton, as she talks to her guest Gwen Murphy on how people can achieve sustainability today. Gwen is the CEO of Athena Advisory and their SCERTIFY platform. Learn how Gwen is using technology to help find the anomalies in supply chains whether it be human trafficking or wrong environmental practices. Learn about greenwashing and how companies use it in marketing. Also, find out how companies are communicating in regards to these big problems like climate change. Learn all this and more today!

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Are Products Really as Green as They Claim? 95% of Them Apparently are Not


A survey from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that was just released claims that 95% of those products that label themselves as green are misleading us.  Many are making claims without the proof to back them up. 

What is greenwashing?  If you combine whitewashing and green, it implies deception in the use of stating  a product is “green” when it may actually not be. This is a big topic that my students and I discuss in my marketing and ethics courses.

To see the study, Greenwashing Report 2010, click here.

In the report, they state the following:

  • Since 2009 the number of green products has gone up by 73%
  • They list 7 sins of greenwashing including:  showing no proof and being vague
  • Big box stores are the best providers of greener products
  • They examined over 5200 products
  • Greenwashing, although a problem, is actually declining

Some Notable Findings from the 2010 Report…
