Lessons And Secrets Around Wealth That Only The Wealthy Knows With Chris Naugle

TTL 836 | Wealth Secrets

Lessons And Secrets Around Wealth That Only The Wealthy Knows With Chris Naugle

Nothing beats experience as the greatest teacher. Before becoming America’s #1 Money Mentor, Chris Naugle went from having money, losing it, and figuring out what he was doing wrong. In this episode, he joins Dr. Diane Hamilton to share his roller coaster of a journey while imparting great lessons around wealth. Chris is a highly sought-after speaker, author, the CEO and founder of The Money School™, and Money Mentor for The Money Multiplier. Here, he lets us in on his book, Mapping Out the Millionaire Mystery, to reveal the secrets of the wealthy—many of which are complete opposites of what we have been taught. Chris also takes us into the world of real estate, exploring deeper the ‘buy low, sell high, and don’t lose money’ philosophy. What is more, he dives into the current market situation, learning to become your own bank, finding where to invest in, and other wealth-building strategies that could come in handy in these fast-changing times.

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TTL 714 | Third Party Logistics

The Power Of Third-Party Logistics With Jeff Peterson And What To Know About “Safe” Investments With Chris Kawaja

Much of the success of the eCommerce industry can be credited to third-party logistics, which does the legwork to make sure products are delivered. Dr. Diane Hamilton is joined by Jeff Peterson, the Co-Founder of Geneva Supply. Dr. Diane and Jeff discuss achieving success in the field of third-party logistics.

Investments are only as good as what you get them to become, so you have to be smart about them. Chris Kawaja, the Founder of Upwarding.com, sits down with Dr. Diane Hamilton. With years of wall Street experience, Chris developed a skeptical eye towards traditional financial advice. He now owns a variety of assets ranging from eCommerce businesses to legal settlements and real estate. Together, Dr. Diane and Jeff dive into the fast-paced world of investing.

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TTL 264 | Empowering Women

Making A Difference In Women’s Lives with Vivian Glyck and Teaching Women Real Estate Investing with Monick Halm

There are so many problems in the world that needs solution. Yet we can only give half of them because half of the population doesn’t have a voice to speak, the women. A great believer in that is the remarkable Vivian Glyck, author and successful marketing director, and the founder of Just Like My Child Foundation. Vivian believes in empowering women and girls to achieve their full potential by providing them education. She shares all about her work in Africa and Uganda and how she and her team are making a difference in the lives of young women.


Moving from one empowering woman to the next, Monick Halm inspires women to invest in real estate. As the founder of Real Estate Investor Goddesses and principal at Vineyard Investment Partners, she opens up the world to having more women in the real estate business to try out investing and offering that freedom to them. Breaking in to a masculine world, she talks about providing education and allowing women to have the same benefits men have in the field. She also tackles some of the reasons why women don’t go into investing and how to overcome them.

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Women Becoming More Successful Than Men


Women are passing men in their abilities to get a degree, handle families and garner success at work.  As men are falling behind, women are making huge strides.  CNN reported that, “For the first time in history, women are better educated, more ambitious and arguably more successful than men.”

Over half of college degrees are now being awarded to women. “In 1970, men earned 60% of all college degrees. In 1980, the figure fell to 50%, by 2006 it was 43%. Women now surpass men in college degrees by almost three to two. Women’s earnings grew 44% in real dollars from 1970 to 2007, compared with 6% growth for men.”

Women are becoming stronger entrepreneurs as well.  Forbes recently reported:  “As of 2011, it is estimated that there are over 8.1 million women-owned businesses in the United States. Overall, women-owned firms have done better than their male counterparts over the past 14 years. The number of men-owned firms (which represent 51% of all U.S. firms) grew by only 25% between 1997 and 2011—half the rate of women-owned firms.”

A study by Barclays Wealth and Ledbury Research may have some of the answers to why women are surpassing men.  One of the reasons they found is that women are less likely to take unnecessary risks or make rash decisions.  The Huffington Post backed up this point stating, “A 2005 study by Merrill Lynch found that 35% of women held an investment too long, compared with 47% of men. More recently, in 2009, a study by the mutual fund company Vanguard involving 2.7 million personal investors concluded that during the recent financial crisis, men were more likely than women to sell shares of stocks at all-time lows, leading to bigger losses among male traders.”

Who is Buying Stocks When Everyone Is Selling?

With the recent stock market drop, there was a mass sale off of stocks.  This may lead to the question:  If everyone is selling, is there a chance that there are stocks that no one wants to purchase?  The answer is technically no.  There are always as many buyers as there are sellers and that keeps the system going. 

If you are wondering who would want to buy stocks when the market is going down, the answer is:  a lot of people.  Some shares are picked up through options and some are picked up through money managers that have been waiting for a strike price. 

There are many people who set up stock limit orders so that when a stock hits a certain dollar amount, it is automatically purchased.  According to Money.cnn.com, “If you place a market order with your broker, then you are saying that you’re willing to buy at whatever happens to be the prevailing price for the stock. If you have a specific price in mind, you can set a limit order specifying the price you’re willing to pay. If the stock dips down to that level, your order will be automatically filled. Limit orders can be left open for a single day (a day order) or indefinitely (good until canceled). After you’ve bought a stock, you can instruct your broker to sell it if the price drops to a level you specify (a stop loss order). That’s a kind of insurance; it means that no matter what happens to a stock’s price you’ll never lose more than a specified amount.”

Some may look at this as legalized gambling.  A capitalist is always on the look out to get a better price or better dividend yield.  Dividend yields are based on the price of the stock.  If the stock goes down, the yield may go up.  For example since dividends are in dollar amounts and not percentages, if a $1 dividend is divided by a $20/share price then the dividend yields 5%.  If that $1 dividend is divided by an $18/share price then that dividend yields more at 5.5%.

The sheer volume of trading is staggering.  A local stock broker looked up today’s trade volume.  For August 9, 2011, 9 billion shares traded.