Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog

A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks

Controlling Emotions at Work: Part of Core Employment Skills?

  Lesley Wright’s recent article in the Arizona Republic offered some insight into a new book by author and ASU professor Vincent Waldron.  Waldron’s book, titled, “Communicating Emotion at Work”, due later this year, will include information from his 20 years of...

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How to Market You or Your Product Using Social Media

Today's Ask Dr. Diane: I just wrote a book that is available through Amazon.  I'm just not sure about the best way to market it?  Any suggestions?   That is a good question.  The tips I'm about to give can also be used to market things other than a book.    You could...

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Millennial Job-Seekers Have Unique Expectations

  Millennials in the workforce are the focus of many articles lately.  I deal a lot with post-boomer generations due to the fact that I teach for several different online universities.  Millennials have been singled-out as having different personality issues. In all...

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