In life, people are involved in sales one way or another, whether they know it or not. This is a part of everyday living that can’t be avoided. Author of The Wall Street Journal bestseller
Every Job Is a Sales Job: How to Use The Art of Selling To Win At Work, and CEO of
Orange Leaf Consulting,
Dr. Cindy McGovern, talks about the characteristics you need to build in order to be a great salesperson. Having assisted multiple companies with their growth, she explains how sales is integrated in our daily lives and how it can be used to your advantage. Being an expert in the field, Cindy emphasizes the importance of building your personal brand, no matter what industry you’re in.
Also, joining Dr. Diane Hamilton is the author of
Think Like a Bartender: Recipes for Life, comedian, and storyteller,
LD Morrow. Being amazing in storytelling, LD shares her secrets and inspirations not only in her comedy career, but in life in general. She talks about the key to being a good storyteller and how storytelling is tied in to both her day job and side hustle. Listen to LD as she explains how effective communication can be a game changing skill that you might want to pick up or improve as soon as possible.