We are born happy and then things happen to us. The older we become, the more engaged in the modern world we become, the less happy we become. The happiness we feel as a child fades away. That joyful playfulness that make us happy gets dampened and we start to end up accepting unhappiness as the normal life , the tax we have to pay to be successful in the modern world, which unfortunately is the furthest thing from the truth. Mo Gawdat, former Chief Business Officer at Google X and Founder of One Billion Happy, says similar to many of the rich and famous that we see around the world, success didn’t result in his happiness.
Mo’s entire life is dedicated for One Billion Happy and he says it’s all about compassion, being out there trying to help and trying to make a difference. In his book, Solve for Happy, Mo says ultimately, happiness is a choice. Jumpstart your road to happiness as Mo talks about the 675 Model and shares the sixteen steps you have to do to get from unhappy to constantly happy, to be able to bounce back to happiness every time.
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