Five Tips for Working Virtually in This Time of Crisis

Five Tips for Working Virtually in This Time of Crisis

Having to work virtually can be challenging for many who have not done it in the past. For those who need help, I put together some of the things that have worked for me. Whether it was in pharmaceuticals, real estate, education, or in media production, I have worked virtually for more than 30 years. That experience has taught me some valuable lessons that I would like to share here.

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Work at Home – Advice from Dani Babb

Dr. Danielle Babb (The Babb Group) has some great information she shares about working online. She was on my doctoral committee and was wonderful. I read all of her books. Here is an interview where she gives some advice for working at home (good for stay at home moms) in the online environment.

Top 10 Ways in Which Social Media Can Get You Fired!

According to Proofpoint, an Internet security firm, of companies with 1,000 or more employees, 17 percent report having issues with employees’ use of social media. Furthermore, 8 percent of those companies report having actually dismissed someone for their behavior on sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. Some other interesting findings from the study:

  • 15 percent have disciplined an employee for violating multimedia sharing / posting policies
  • 13 percent of US companies investigated an exposure event involving mobile or Web-based short message services
  • 17 percent disciplined an employee for violating blog or message board policies

So, how do you avoid getting fired when using social media? What are the things which will, most probably, get you fired? Here we go with another Thoughtpick fun-fact list with a point:


I have been doing a lot of research on social networking lately. This article does a nice job of pointing out the things you should be concerned about in your present job. However, remember these rules apply if you are looking for a new job as well. Be careful what you put on your social media sites, it could keep you from getting a job.