Speakers and educators discuss leadership, education, and business. Terry Cain and Steve Church are co-owners of Pinwheel Partners, where their passion is directed towards helping growing or stagnant
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About Terry Cain and Steve Church
Terry Cain and Steve Church are co-owners of Pinwheel Partners, where their passion is directed towards helping growing or stagnant businesses gain more predictability as they drive their cultures using the Service Profit Chain as published by Harvard in the early 90’s. They specialize in helping others learn that: Leadership Action, Creates Employee Engagement, Creates Customer Engagement and this equals Shareholder Value.
About Dr. Gabriel Warren
Dr. Gabriel Warren is a speaker, educator, entrepreneur, and author of the book No Regrets! He provides simple and practical steps to help people make their lives satisfying. He speaks to corporate audiences on a variety of topics ranging from time management, goal setting, motivating teams, and more. In addition to corporate audiences, he speaks to others on achieving success, understanding their purpose, and building relationships.