The human brain is powerful, full stop, but it’s also one of the parts of the body that’s so susceptible to all sorts of damage and imbalances. People often underestimate the impact of brain health in their overall health, but those people should reconsider because the brain is capable of so much if you allow it to be in optimal working condition. Lee Gerdes is the CEO of both Cereset and Brain State Technologies, two companies whose shared field of work and study is the human brain. Lee dives into the vital work that these two companies are doing together with Dr. Diane Hamilton, and explores different cases wherein the brain needs a little external help. Are you taking care of your brain?
I’m glad you joined us because we have Lee Gerdes. Lee is the Founder and CEO of Cereset and Brain State Technologies. He’s got corporate offices here in Scottsdale, Arizona, and he works on Cereset, which is a consolidation of his work in math, physics, psychology, theology and computer software. He’s helping people through his technology to balance their brain.
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Understanding The Human Brain With Lee Gerdes
I’m here with Lee Gerdes. His work developing Cereset trademark is a consolidation of his past work in math, physics, psychology, theology and computer software. He says it’s the most exciting and rewarding work of his life and career. It’s exciting to have you. Welcome, Lee.
Thank you, Diane. It’s fun to be here.
I’m looking forward to this. One of my guests on my show was like, “Have you done that where they stick the electrodes on your head?” I’m like, “No, I haven’t. I want to know what it is.” I’m not sure if electrodes is the right word. There’s a technology you’ve developed to help people based on something you’ve gone through in the past. I need a backstory on you so I know a little bit more about what led to this.
The backstory is when I was 8 or 10, I was pulling a wagon to pick up pop bottles and sell them at the grocery store through alleys. In a small town Nebraska, I was an early entrepreneur and started lawn mowing business after that. I have been in the entrepreneurial world a lot and the last major one was with a company called Net Perceptions and we developed like algorithms. It’s, “If you liked this book, you might also like this one.” That was on Amazon, SkyMall, and some others.
Did you create the algorithm?
Yes. As the world has it, it needs to drive endeavor. I was assaulted by four youths by wielding a baseball bat and I had a mild traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress so I didn’t sleep well. I had headaches, pain issues, some dizziness, etc. That persisted for many years even though I went to many different doctors in both the medical field and the behavioral science field. I even went to a shaman in Central America. I did everything. I tried to find a way to help myself and could find nothing that worked. They told me something they shouldn’t have told me as an engineer and an entrepreneur because my background was in math and physics as well as psychology and theology. They’re like, “It’s probably all in your head, Lee.” I thought, “They’re probably right. If they’re smart, why didn’t they look there?” I had together some software and I started looking at some of the corresponding lobes of my brain and I found out that they were asymmetrical. I would collect the data and then read it.
That not from being hit by the baseball bat, that’s just your general brain type?
It’s definitely from that. I also recorded how I was feeling at the time and some senses I had like my level of fear or anxiety and my level of headache or pain and discomfort, etc. What I found is the worse I felt, the more asymmetrical I was. Being a reasonable person, I thought, “If I’m not asymmetrical and if I’m more symmetrical, maybe I’ll have less of these problems.” I endeavored to find a way to have a more symmetrical left and right hemisphere. I wanted to do that in a way that worked. I tried biofeedback and neurofeedback and that didn’t work. I spent lots of money and lots of time. I endeavored to do that and that was in about 2000. We incorporated in 2004 with 150,000 clients and years later, here we are.
What you’ve accomplished there is amazing. I’m interested in what Cereset does. You can create algorithms and you can do certain things, but when you’re talking about dealing with the human brain, that’s complicated. Don’t you have to worry about getting approval or FDA? I don’t know what you have to go through to get to that.
That’s the beautiful thing about this because you would think what you said is true. Everybody thinks that’s true, initially but the fact is we think it’s true because we think we’re going to fix something. The truth is that the brain is so much more complex than we can think about. We’re total egotists when we think we can fix it. Instead of trying to fix it, what I set out to do was relax it so it could fix itself.
It’s not a treatment. I was a pharmaceutical rep for fifteen years so I’m always thinking and that’s where my head goes. We’re not fixing anything but we were treating something. You’re saying that this isn’t treating but you’re helping it to fix itself.
I’m helping it see itself so it can fix itself because what I realized when the baseball bat hit my head, 150,000 other people have had a multitude of issues. Everything from accidents and concussions to major depression to marital breakups or financial hardships, on and on. Wherever that trauma hits, that brain will move to help defend you but it can get stuck. When it gets stuck, it stays there. What I did was try to shine a light on that difference. Not on the high side, not on the low side, but the difference between them. I try to reflect the brain activity in modulation between those two differences of that high and low so the brain could see itself there. It did, it has and it resonates like two tuning forks. One is a brain and one is a computer, and that middle range gets stronger so the top comes down and the bottom goes up.
How do you know you’re not putting something out of alignment?
What we know is and what science knows, too, and there are many studies on this, is that the symmetrical pattern of the brain is most healthy and best. It gives us the highest functioning, most relaxation, and best health, on and on. What we’re doing is trying to make that appropriately symmetrical and balanced. Most importantly, we’re taking it out of the stuck pattern because the stuck pattern is not healthy.
I’m thinking of people who have had mental issues in general, maybe depression and different things. Is this for that type of thing? What is this indicated for?
We don’t call it an indication. We call it what it is. It’s an optimization process for neuromodulation, scientifically speaking. In terms of John and Jane Doe, who I talked with on the restaurant or whatever, it is a way to take the brain out of a stuck place so it can do its own work. The way we do it is to simply reflect the brain back to itself and let it go. It’s exactly what my mom did when she said, “You’re off to college and you have a basketball scholarship. You’ll find out that it’s going to be fun for a while, but that’s not going to be your bread and butter so pay attention to your studies.” I thought she was silly.
You have a backup.
[bctt tweet=”The needs of the world drive all endeavors. ” username=””]Yes, I wasn’t there at that time. I said, “No, mom. I’m going to play football. Don’t worry about it.” Until I got there and saw how much bigger those guys were and I thought, “Maybe she was right.” The fact is, “You go and find your way now. You’re not stuck.” When you’re stuck, you’re stuck usually in one of two ways. You’re stuck in a freeze response where your brain says, “I have to numb you in order to protect you because this trauma that you’re going through is overwhelming,” or it says, “I have to put you into fight or flight because in this trauma that you’re going through, you can only survive if you actively fight or actively run away.
One is on the left hemisphere and the other is on the right hemisphere. There’s a lot of scientific evidence around this. It’s polyvagal theory. This is scientifically proven and also has a lot to do with the cardiovascular system. These two sides are like driving a car. If you keep your foot on the brake, it’s going to be a lot harder to drive that car, you have to push your gas and pedal down a lot further. Besides that, all the people behind you are honking all the time. It’s not unlike life. If you’re in a freeze response, people behind you or people around you are honking. They’re trying to get your attention because you’re not responsive sufficiently and you’re more likely to be depressive. If in fact, you’re in a fight or flight response, the opposite is true. You’re in their face and they’re not wanting to be around you because you’re facing on the wrong side. That’s the way the brain works. That’s the way we work. That’s the way cars work. That’s the way life works. It requires a balance.
Your perception of balance and my perception of balance could be different. For me, I used to sell beta-blockers, which would block the beta-1s from turning into beta-2s, and slow your heart rate down a little bit. You may not be able to exercise as much and you might not be able to do certain things, but you get benefits. In my mind, I’m thinking of being a little bit of stress. It helps motivate me to work harder where other people might not like stress. Who determines what the balance is? Is there a quantitative measurement of what is a balance or is it subjective qualitative? How do you determine that?
It’s absolutely measurable. When you’re talking about beta-blockers, you slow your heart rate down by balancing your brain and that’s proven.
Are you saying that you don’t need a beta-blocker or using beta-blocker works because that’s how it works?
I’m not saying what you need or don’t need. I’m just saying when the brain balances, heart rate and blood pressure normalizes.
It does the same work as what a beta-blocker would do then if you’ve balanced your brain.
It’s symmetrical. Arrhythmia patterns dissipate. All of that happens.
You’re saying it’s measurable in that respect, but what about a subjective measurement of what we want to feel like? Do you ever have anybody go through this and think, “I like having more anxiety because it gets me to work more?” Have you ever had somebody that had any negative reactions?
When you think you need stress to give yourself a boost, then I can guarantee that measurably, you’re going to be stronger left side dominant than you are right. You’re going to be more in a freeze response than a fight or flight response. That stress is increasing the fight or flight and balancing that out and that’s what makes you feel good. If you’re there to start with you’re feeling good all the time, you don’t need it.
What’s the impact on dopamine from all this?
That’s like asking me what’s the impact of fuel in a car if it’s running properly. That’s a question I can’t answer. I can tell you though that when the brain is running as balanced and as symmetrically as it can, then the chemical system that makes it up is going to run as best as it can. For example, we did a clinical trial with postmenopausal women and hot flashes. The thought was that you guys must be nuts but someone said, “That’s not beside the point. The point is this is a research study and we want to see if a balanced brain will mitigate these issues.” They were 100% successful.
Do you mean getting rid of the hot flashes?
That’s correct. Quality of life improved, depression decreased, anxiety decreased, sleep improved dramatically, and hot flashes dissipated.
Their hormones didn’t change, right?
No, we didn’t change hormones.
Did you measure it?

The Human Brain: The brain is so much more complex than we can imagine that people are total egotists if they believe they can truly “fix” it.
We didn’t do any hormonal therapy. The brain evidently in its function, leveled out the physicality. We see that happen in different ways.
You do this for sleep and different things too. This has an impact. Why isn’t the brain balancing itself naturally? Why isn’t nature doing this? Why do we need this?
The brain does balance itself at the time of the trauma to protect us. It doesn’t let that pattern go when that trauma is either one of many traumas to be built up. The vagus nerve changes and is more activated on one side unless the trauma is strong. There could be a trauma related to, let’s say, concussion. It’s obvious to understand that there’s a blow on both sides of the head. That blow causes that brain to respond to protect us then and there. Because it kept us alive, it continues that pattern but that pattern isn’t needed for later and it doesn’t know the difference.
As you’re talking about trauma, there’s no trauma in menopause that’s causing these hot flashes. Nobody is hit in the head. Why does it work there?
There’s trauma in other ways. You probably are one of the more gifted people I’ve ever known because most of us have traumas we go through life and you don’t. Everybody has their share and aging makes a difference. My mom died at 102 and a half and she told me, “Son, getting old isn’t for sissies.” She knew what she was talking about. When the equipment changes, things have to change. In that change process, it could take some time. Time is something we don’t tolerate much anymore. This has gone on since time began that there have been those kinds of changes. For instance, hot flashing, we don’t and we can’t tolerate it.
It didn’t take you long enough to get to that point. As I have had traumas, I’m thinking that the things that have caused me trauma probably would be somebody giving me a medication I don’t need. Doctors love to give meds for everything. The most traumatic thing that has ever happened to me is if you had the flu or something, they give you anti-nausea medicine. I would not react well at all to medication. That would be my concern about going through something like this. Aren’t there some people who are super sensitive to things, like I am to meds? Maybe other people can mess with things and not have any problem. How do you know that maybe being imbalanced doesn’t work for somebody? How do you know if it will?
I don’t know the answer to your question because I have not seen it. In 150,000 people, we haven’t seen an adverse reaction, not one. In the 700 people who went through clinical trials, we haven’t seen that. Will it happen? I don’t know. Anything can happen. People’s hearts are wired backward. Anything can be true but the fact is that 99.9%, symmetrical pattern brain function is highly desirable for every aspect of life.
How does it work exactly? I don’t think I quite grasp that.
If you think about an orchestra and you have multiple instruments playing at the same time. If you have one group of instruments playing too loudly and one group of instruments playing too softly, we’re trying to pick up the difference between those two groups. We respond to that difference so that the brain can see it. In this case, hear it. Acoustic stimulation is by far the stronger kind of stimulation that the brain goes through. In other words, what we hear drives us way more than what we see. Think about it in terms of the history of humankind. You could not see dinosaurs rex as well as you could hear him from a long way away. You better hear him from a long way away because it’s going to take you a long time to get away.
What science has proven is that you’re looking at something and when some certain sounds come to you at the same time, the brain circuitry decreases in your vision area and increases, and the sound takes over because it dominates. We also know that various parts of the brain are driven mostly by acoustic stimulation. We’ve learned a lot but at the time, I didn’t know. I was an engineer and a brain scientist. What I did know as an engineer was that sound is a lot faster trip from the brain to the computer and back to this person via sounds versus graphics. It was two and a half seconds for graphics. It was about 500 a half a seconds for sound. Now, it’s 8,000ths of a second. We’re in a whole different playing field than when we started and we see things that are heretofore unimaginable.
Are you seeing things in your research because of that?
Yes, we are.
Like what?
For one thing, we’re doing research with the military. I’m a principal investigator for the Department of Defense on a $2.8 million grant working with mild traumatic brain injury. You may have heard that when a soldier faces an explosion. Explosive devices don’t necessarily have to have a physical mark on the person but the wave is so powerful from that explosion that it can rattle the brain inside of the skull. That’s called mild traumatic brain injury. The brain gets off balance because of that explosion. You cannot see that imbalance with an MRI and EEG. In our technology, you can see it but it doesn’t matter even if we could. The fact is what we’re doing is seeing that there is a difference and we’re balancing it. In this grant, we’re doing a randomized clinical trial and we’re doing it at two places at the same time. We’re doing it at Fort Bragg, North Carolina and we’re doing that in Walter Reed Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland.
The reason they wanted to do that was because they didn’t want one single place to be too empathetic and therefore, creating too much of a placebo effect. They wanted to see if it would work similarly in two different places going on at the same time with the same standards for choosing. We’re about 70% of the way through phase one and we haven’t broken the blind at all, but the total of both the placebo plus the tests, plus Cereset is better than anything the military’s ever seen with mild traumatic brain injury. We go, “That’s what we said.” That’s been reported on. Of course, we have a lot of interest around it. Mild traumatic brain injury in the military is called Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms Outside.
It’s one of the real big problems in any culture for human beings. We see people all the time and we say, “Did you have a blow to the back of your head?” They say, “No.” We say, “We’ve seen thousands of these,” and they say, “No.” I say, “It doesn’t matter because we’re going to balance things. We’re not diagnosing it. We don’t need to know that.” The next day, they come back and say, “I was four years old and this came off of this swing. It hit me and knocked me out.” We hear that almost every week and we see similar stories.
[bctt tweet=”Two people’s perceptions of balance are very different. ” username=””]As you’re saying this, it reminds me of Dr. Trevor Berry, whom I had on the show. I don’t know if you know him but he’s here in town as well. He does Erchonia. Is that the laser that deals with traumatic brain injury? Do you use a laser-like that or is it something else? How does it work exactly?
We look at the brain in real-time, we respond, we echo the brain back to itself in about real-time and set up a resonance link.
Do you echo it through sound?
Yes. That resonance is what relaxes the brain and then it resets itself.
You can’t get this sound echoing from any other way but putting sensors of some sort on your head? What does this look like? Paint the picture to me.
The client comes in and you have to fill out forms and let us know what you’re trying to succeed or what you’d like to accomplish as well as some history. We go in and we measure your emotional center and your autonomic center. We explain that to you, “Here is how we see the balance between your left and right hemispheres. Here’s what it could mean if you’re imbalanced in any of these areas. Nine times out of ten, they say, “That’s me all over.” One time out of ten, we don’t see it and the reason we don’t see it is because they’re taking some medication, which is clamping down the brain. That’s still okay. The dominant frequency is still the dominant frequency and that’s what we’re after. It’s not going to stop the process. It just means that we can’t see as clearly.
If they’re left dominant, what are the symptoms that you’re expecting to see?
Let’s be more specific in terms of location. Let’s say we’re looking at a left dominant temporal lobe area. We’re looking at a freeze response and how it manifests is by the actual frequencies that are involved in that dominance. Some frequencies seem to drive things that are different than other frequencies. However, overall, the person is more numb, they’re less likely to be able to respond to others, especially if there’s an emotional connection between the other person. If there’s criticality or judgment involved from the other person, they’re less likely to respond to that immediately. They’re more likely at their highly frozen to let it build up and then be explosive at times so their response is inappropriate to the situation. Those are the main characteristics of that pattern. The opposite is true for the opposite side.
I’m thinking of a friend who gets nausea all the time from having her gallbladder removed. Would that be something that this would work for?
It’s very likely.
What part of the brain would that be?
I would have to see it to know for sure, but I would think that part of the problem was probably the anesthesia.
The anesthesia could be a trauma. Is that what you’re saying?
We see that a lot.
The anesthesia impacts what part of the brain then? Doesn’t it disconnect and put you back together? I remember that. That’s a scary thought if you think about it.
We see it a lot for elective surgeries. They’ll come in and say, “I love the work and all but I can’t get myself back,” and then we say, “We see that and here’s where it’s off.” One time, we had a woman and she came in and said, “For the last eight years, when I look at anything, I’m looking through tunnels.”
Her peripheral vision is gone.

The Human Brain: People in the military are constantly in harm’s way for long stretches of time, but they stay because they love what they do.
She’s looking through these two telescopes or one in both eyes. On the inside of it, it’s furry or fuzzy and there’s a vision in the center. The migraines were incredible and she’s been to every ophthalmologist and neurologist. She’s done tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of testing, MRIs and CTs. You name it and she’s gone through it. We said, “Let us take some data, see it in the visionary and see what there might be.” I said, “What was the onset?” I asked her this after I saw the difference in the visionary because one of the differences in the visionary was 1,500% greater than the other.
I said, “What happened?” She said, “I was on this porch and I stepped backward. I was in a cabin. I forgot there was another suitcase on the porch because we were unloading the car. I stepped back and I tripped over that suitcase and slipped off the porch. I hit the step on the back of my head.” I said, “There you go. That’s what the onset is.” She said, “I’m talking about my vision here.” I said, “I don’t care. I’m just talking about the fact that your brain drives everything.” When we find that large pattern or small even, asymmetrical pattern, you’re going to be compromised in some or many ways. Within two sessions, she doesn’t have the tunnels anymore. She’s got a little bit of cloud around but that’s going to go away after a couple more sessions and she’s off and running.
You said the brain drives everything and some are saying the stomach drives the brain if your stomach lining has micro bacteria and all that stuff. What do you say to that?
Maybe. How do you think your stomach gets that way?
Is it chicken or the egg? Is that what you’re saying?
Precisely. We have a lot of clients who come in and say, “I had irritable bowels for the last twelve years and now it’s gone. What happened?” I say, “We don’t work with irritable bowels. We work with helping the brain to balance itself.” You didn’t have irritable bowels when you were three, did you?
You had some other things happen and those other things caused the brain to be in this imbalanced state and I can give you 100 other people that are like you.
How often does it not work if you’d have a treatment? Let’s say you go in for irritable bowel.
It doesn’t work for about 14% of the time readily and that’s because people are on medications and they have to do a titration process. In clinical trials, they’re more aggressive. Nobody gets into this clinical trial unless they’ve already titrated three half-lives of any meds we’re on. They’re clean effectively. They’re 96% effective.
How often do you have to do this?
To help the person get on their feet and running, we do four sessions usually in a week or ten days. They’re about an hour and fifteen minutes, and then we do a fifth session follow up in about three weeks, which is an integration session. If they want to be cooking with gas for a long time, we suggest they come back in and get a brain health massage once every month or two, but they don’t have to.
What are we massaging, our body or our brain?
I’m just using that as an example. You might get a tune-up of your brain every month or two. When we did the Department of Defense, they wanted us to do a clinical trial at Wake Forest medical school and use fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging. They wanted it done before the intervention, before Cereset and after Cereset in 3 weeks, 3 months, and in 6 months. I threw my best three-year-old tantrum that I could and said, “No, that’s silly. I’ve worked with lots of special ops guys. They love what they do. If they can, they’re going to go back to work in two weeks and you want to measure how effective Cereset is in six months after they’ve been back in the field for five of those months under fire or firing.” I said, “No way.”
I was overruled and they did it. That study caused me to have more understanding of us as human beings than any single study. What we saw in fMRIs was not only were they statistically significant immediately after Cereset but in six months, all of them had gone back and been deployed within three weeks. In six months, they were even statistically significantly better than that. They’re already in harm’s way for six months. The question is, what happened? They love what they do. They’ll give their life to their brothers. They’ve given everything to serve. They put their family second. This is their commitment and they love it. If we find something we love, reset our brain to free us to think and be, I don’t think there’s anything stopping us.
You’ve been published in many different journals and you’ve done a lot to back up what you’re talking about. First of all, what’s your formal education in terms of degrees?
I’ve got a Bachelor of Arts with majors in Math and Physics. I’ve got a couple of years of study in engineering which I left at Columbia University. I’ve got about a year and a half studying clinical psych and I’ve got a few years of study in theology which ended in Master’s of Theology. That was the pedigree.
[bctt tweet=”The brain doesn’t correct itself because its primary purpose is to keep us alive. ” username=””]I’m curious how you learned to do this research. Where did you get that knowledge?
As an entrepreneur, most are the same just like me. They’re observational scientists and that’s what I’ve been. I’ve not been a theoretical scientist. I love the fact that I’m both an operational and observational scientist and like to measure stuff because that’s proof of the pudding. Still, that’s what we do. That’s our game.
We talked a little bit about what you’ve measured and what the outcomes are and all that. Walk me through it. You get this bio of all these people and then you put a thing on their head that has wires on it. I’m trying to figure it out because I’ve seen some of these places where they’ll put some that cap. Does it look like that?
Not at all. It’s proprietary sensors. There are multiple pictures of this on our website at They put a little paste underneath, the sensor sets on the scalp, it measures four locations at a time and then it’s all fed into the computer. Those sensors are read-only. They read the brain and they do it in specific places at incredibly granular levels. We’re looking at things at a thousandth of a hertz. The computer analyzes that in algorithmic form and says, “How are these two corresponding lobes from different hemispheres working?” It defines the area it wants to look for a dominant frequency. It then defines that dominant frequency uses a corresponding sound and then that sound is played back to the person.
Do you hear this in your headphones?
It’s not neurofeedback.
Nothing like neurofeedback. Neurofeedback is operant conditioning and they’re trying to use sound like Pavlovian dogs were trained. It’s positive. If you’re going in the direction that the neurofeedback provider says you should be. It’s negative if it’s not, and they don’t tell you that in terms of major clinical trials, neurofeedback has never been better than a placebo.
You hear these sounds. Is it a wave that you’re listening to or is it unusual? Does the sound differ dramatically if you have one part of your brain that needs it versus another?
Your sounds would probably be quite unique. Everybody sounds different. It’s unique and it changes over time.
I know you glossed over this easily. Can you tell me a little bit about your accident? You casually mentioned that four guys hit you with a baseball bat but that’s a huge thing to go through. How are you from all of this?
I could say old and ornery. I’m having the best time of my life. This work is hugely rewarding. I get a chance to work with incredible people. I can name Amy Grant, Bob Parsons, and some Pro Bowl players. These are incredible people who have experienced it and are leading other people to experience it. I should pay to have this job.
Bob Parsons is here in town and I know his daughter. It’s an interesting resume of people.
Do you know that Bob Parsons is a Purple Heart winner?
No, I did not.
This guy might be a tough Marine but he’s also a guy that has one of the greatest hearts I’ve ever seen. He’s equally compassionate as he is tough. He’s reached out to the 100 Club locally and funded them to help first responders. They’re sending those first responders who are compromised to us and we’re helping them with them. That is another part of our work. We have a lot of aspects of our work, but it’s all about helping people to maximize that life force effectively. It’s about letting the brain drive as best as it can.
Why doesn’t the brain naturally correct itself?
First and foremost, to keep us alive. When it has done that, even though it’s imbalanced and doing that, and it has to be, it will remain that way. It gets stuck.
I meet a lot of people who have anxiety. How does this help anxiety?

The Human Brain: Anxiety could be patterns that are stuck in different ways, but they’re patterns that are asymmetrical and imbalanced, regardless of where they may be.
Anxiety could be patterns that are stuck in different ways. They’re all patterns that are asymmetrical and all imbalanced regardless of where it might be. Let’s say I have a job and my employment isn’t going well. My relationship and my health isn’t going well. I’m anxious. Do we remove the fact that you have a job that causes anxiety? No. Do we change the relationship? Maybe, but not likely. What do we change? We don’t change anything. We help the brain balance itself so it then can respond to these situations appropriately, rather than inappropriately. Inappropriately is the anxiety trap and you’re stuck. People take medication for anxiety because they’re stuck in anxiety. The anxiety is just simply a brain pattern that stuck so we help that brain pattern to be unstuck and what happens is they don’t need the medication.
What about people who can’t sleep well? Is there an optimal level that this will put people into? There are some people who only sleep for four hours and some people sleep ten. Have you tracked what it does for sleep?
We have two clinical trials on sleep. One is insomnia. Both of them have been incredibly successful. Out of the 150,000 plus we have, we have over 120,000 of those who weren’t good sleepers. Why so many? Because no matter what you have, if it’s involving an imbalanced brain, you’re usually not sleeping well. It takes a relatively symmetrical brain to sleep well. You have to be relatively balanced to sleep well. When you are, your healing happens the best it can, etc.
How about earworms? If people get the songs in their heads, does this help them? A lot of people tell me they go crazy because they can’t get a song out of their heads. Is this good for them?
I don’t know about the songs in your head but I like the idea. I have a lot of country songs that I think about from time to time but they change all the time.
Jamey Johnson’s?
No, Amy Grant and Vince Gill songs. There are a lot of good old boy country songs too.
It’s interesting though because some people, whether it’s a song or something, get a thought over and over in their head. Maybe it’s an obsession. Some people have this. I would imagine it would work for obsessive-compulsive as well.
Those patterns are usually etched well. Sometimes, it will take some time but it generally relaxes and mitigates.
Why did you name it Cereset?
Ce for cerebrum or brain and reset. It’s brain reset effectively.
How long have you been working with this?
We incorporated in 2004.
You have your office here in Scottsdale, Arizona.
The headquarters is in Scottsdale, Arizona and then we have about 30 offices across the US and three offices in Europe.
Is it a franchise?
If people are thinking they want to find out how they can have this treatment or maybe even want to start a franchise and get interested in that, how do they contact you? How can they find out more?
It’s, and there’s a map there for all the Cereset offices. There’s also an area where on your own office, you can click on that and find out about filling out a form to let us start the conversation with you regarding owning a franchise and operating a franchise.
This was interesting, Lee. My background from being in pharmaceuticals and all this, I love this stuff. There’s so much that we don’t understand about the brain. All that the studies and everything that everybody’s doing there is important to find all this out. It sounds like you’re making a lot of inroads so I appreciate you sharing your story.
Thanks. It’s incredibly fun and incredibly satisfying. We once did a customer survey of the last 6,093 clients we’ve had and 88% of them said that their Cereset experience was excellent, life-changing or good. 70% of those were excellent or life-changing. We said the same thing. We didn’t expect it. One of the reasons we didn’t expect it is because many people we see have had lifelong issues with something. We come along and we don’t necessarily expect that they’re going to say, “This is life-changing,” but a significant number of them have.
That’s something to be proud of. This is something interesting to me and I’m hoping people take some time to look at what you’re working on there and contact you. This was fun. Thank you for being on the show, Lee.
Thank you. You can come in, we’ll look at your brain and then report back to your audience if you want.
We’ll have to talk about that reporting part.
Thank you so much for your time.
I would like to thank Lee for being my guest. We get many great guests on the show. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I hope you join us for the next episode of Take The Lead.
Important Links:
- Cereset
- Dr. Trevor Berry – Previous episode
- Bob Parsons
About Lee Gerdes
Nice well-spoken people call Lee Gerdes a Renaissance Man with a big heart. Those that aren’t so nice call him an unsettled learner with a strong engineering bent who can be overly focused and even hard headed. However, you may think of him, his background includes math, physics, psychology, and theology. He recognizes himself first and foremost as a Christian man whose purpose in life is to help as many people in the world as is possible with the neuro-technology of Cereset™, a franchise company which he founded and is CEO. Prior to Cereset, Lee also founded and is CEO of Brain State Technologies® (BST®). To help people for Lee, is all about empowering their potential so they can perform on their own terms optimally. All of Lee’s educational disciplines plus 47 years in the computer software arena have made him a leader of technology to support the individual human brain and over-all human experience.
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