Conversational Intelligence: Connect And Create Impact with Dr. Mindy Gewirtz and Vivien Hoexter

TTL 155 | Conversational Intelligence

Conversational Intelligence: Connect And Create Impact with Dr. Mindy Gewirtz and Vivien Hoexter

Often when we talk, we immediately think that people understand what we are saying. Most of the time the person across will connect with you at some level, but what do you do when they don’t? Dr. Mindy Gewirtz believes that you can match your intent with the other person’s impact when you use conversational intelligence. This is a neuroscience based method that aligns you with your client to make a connection and create a lasting relationship. Vivien Hoexter believes that there are seven principles for making lasting social change. The first is if you see yourself as a leader, you need to sharpen your leadership skills because the next steps will follow from the decisions you make. Learn why both Dr. Mindy Gewirtz and Vivien Hoexter believe that non-profits form the backbone of the community.

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It Wasn’t Curiosity That Killed the Cat

Lack of curiosity is holding people back from having a better job and fulling life. Having taught more than 1000 business courses, I have seen the same issue with thousands of students. The success of those who lack curiosity pales in comparison to those who embrace it. Over the last decade, I have researched the importance of curiosity to improve performance. I have also learned how successful individuals value and develop curiosity through interviewing hundreds of guests on my show. That has led to my interest in doing further research for my forthcoming book about curiosity.

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TTL 154 | Anxiety Management

Inspired Performances in Leadership, Sports and Speaking with Matt Abrahams, Bob Daugherty and Dr. Wendy Borlabi

Speaking on stage in front of a crowd is can be a fun experience, because you get to share your ideas to inspire and educate your audience. But public speaking is one of the top fears people have. Matt Abrahams will help you speak out without freaking out in front of a lot people. The key is to first deal with the symptoms and sources of anxiety so you can get a clear vision of the message that you want to send across. Bob Daugherty and Dr. Wendy Borlabi believe that personal awareness is accentuating the things that you are good at but at the same time putting a lot of focus into the things that you are bad at. This is how confidence builds up whether you are an entrepreneur or athlete or both. Learn how confidence plays a big role in leadership and investment decision making.

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TTL 153 | Invisible Organization

Transform Into A Virtual Enterprise With Mitch Russo And The Invisible Organization

Going from invisible to investible was a technique that is close to reflex for Mitch Russo. His first take on the business world was how to make his high band profitable. He had to bump on walls but eventually got there and charged a single gig at $500 a night. From here he learned the lesson of discipline for himself and his team as well as performing at top quality. Later in his career, Mitch founded the Invisible Organization, a company that helps brick and mortar businesses transform into virtual enterprises. Mitch shares his funny experiences as a startup business owner and inspiring stories of helping business owners and writing his first book.

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TTL 152 | Rockstar Marketing

Rockstar Marketing And Tech Savvy Leadership with Craig Duswalt and Mike Song

The fastest way to market yourself is through writing a book. It’s easy for a client to throw away a card, but when you give them a book it makes you stand out from the competition and also makes only option saying yes to you. This is one type of rockstar marketing that Craig Duswalt teaches business owners who want to think out of the box. Mike Song thinks the same about writing books but in the area of leadership and time management. He saw that there is a disconnect between a workforce who knows how to use technology and leaders who have a vague idea of how this technology works. Learn the fastest way to get things done from these two authors.

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