Writing a book is one of the best ways to establish your authority in your field of expertise. But not everyone has the time or money to go through that process. Booklets are the solution to that problem. Robin Colucci, CEO of R Colucci, LLC, her boutique publishing consulting firm where she helps world-class experts write world-changing books. She is also the author of High Profit Book Blueprint. She is joining Dr. Diane Hamilton to give insights from her book and share how booklets can increase your network and boost your ventures. Listen in on their discussion and get writing tips to help you start your booklet!
I’m so glad you joined us because we have Robin Colucci. She’s an author and a book coach. She might be the only book coach on the planet who will tell you that you might never need to write a book ever. You might want to do something else. You might want to read on to find out what that is.
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Booklets: Accomplish Your Writing Goals Minus The Hassle With Robin Colucci
I am here with Robin Colucci who is the author of How to Write a Book That Sells You and High Profit Book Blueprint: 7 Steps to Write and Publish a Booklet that Attracts Dream Clients and Grows Your Business. She has been helping world-class experts write world-changing books since 2003. It’s so nice to have you here, Robin.
Thank you so much, Diane. It’s a great pleasure to be here with you.
I’m excited to talk about this. This is a little different of a topic. I’ve had a lot of book writing experts but not booklet so much. It was interesting that you tell people they might not need to write a book ever. Before I get into that, I want to get a little back story on how you got interested in this field.
I was always prone towards writing. I come from a long line of writers. I had the genes for it. I did a lot of writing as a kid. When it was time to go to college, my mother said, “Why don’t you major in journalism? That way you could get paid to write.” Looking back with the 20/20 vision of hindsight, journalism is not the best way to get paid to write anymore.
I also had been very inspired by people like Barbara Walters and Woodward and Bernstein with the whole Watergate exposé and everything. I was turned on by that idea. I majored in Journalism at George Washington University. I worked part-time at The Washington Post as a news aide while I was in college, which was super fun and amazing. While I was there, Bob Woodward was still there. That was cool yucky. He was in charge of the newsroom on Sundays when Ben Bradlee was off. One thing that everybody loved about Bob Woodward is every Sunday evening, he’d send a news aide out with $40 to go get two big things of Baskin-Robbins’s ice cream to bring back to the newsroom for everyone to have a treat. That made Bob popular with the news aides.
As I was getting close to graduation, the chairman of the Journalism Department called me into his office and said, “I’ve recommended you for a job with a New York Times bestselling author. If he offers you the job, you should be proposed to take it.” At first, I was very incredulous about this idea but he said, “Go with an open mind.” I promised that I would and I went. I was offered a job with David Wise who wrote the first-ever exposé day on the CIA called The Invisible Government.
He wrote many books afterward, including three while I was working for him in the late 1980s. This is where I learned about everything that I still use in dealing with literary agents, publishing health editors and national level book lunches. I learned those in my three years with David. Technology has changed but nothing else has. The standards and how you communicate are all pretty much in place. After I finished the three years, our agreement was he would help me get a newspaper reporting job, which he did.
I moved to central Florida to work for a mid-size paper down there. It was completely different than my experience of being at The Washington Post in terms of standards and quality. The culture was a massive shock to me. I left. Not only did I leave that newspaper, I left journalism and I thought I was leaving publishing. I moved to Colorado and got a job as a waitress. I was like, “I’m not doing this anymore.” I ended up starting, building, growing and ultimately, selling a personal fitness training business.
It’s a Reader’s Digest version of my ten-year detour. I had been a competitive gymnast in college so I was always into fitness, anatomy and stuff like that. I did that and it was a fun job but I also didn’t fold it because I realized that while it was fun, it wasn’t my calling. I didn’t know what my calling was but I knew it wasn’t being a fitness professional. I thought, “I’ll be a business coach for wellness professionals because I had successfully built and sold a fitness business.”
[bctt tweet=”A booklet is an appropriate investment of time and money for somebody who needs a quick authority piece just to help them get off the ground.” username=””]If there’s one thing I learned in ten years in the industry, a lot of people in the health and wellness field are great and passionate about what they do but they’re not very great at business, sales or marketing. I did that for a little while and my clients got some great results. One of them was on the verge of bankruptcy with her Anytime Fitness franchise. In three months, we turned it around so she could sell it for $60,000. That was pretty cool.
I was having a good time with it but an interesting thing started to happen, which was several of my clients started to say, “What I want to do is write a book.” I was like, “I could help you with that. I know exactly how to do that.” All of a sudden, I’m back in my mentor’s office on Connecticut Avenue in DC. I started to do that. Then I realized that it wasn’t publishing I was done with. It was daily newspaper reporting and that what I loved was doing books.
A lot of people think that they can write but it’s hard. A lot of people need help. Do you do ghostwriting for people at all?
We do both. I have a small team of outstanding writers that work with me. We do both writing coaching and ghostwriting. That depends on the needs of the client.
Writing is an interesting thing to me. Writing a doctoral dissertation was a very fun experience. With the nitpicky things that they had, you think you’ve got it perfect and then you’d get your paperback. It’s brutal and red. You’re like, “Wasn’t there some incontinence?” It made me a different writer. Scholarly writing is a whole lot different in so many aspects but it helped me a lot in writing, in general, to see what they wanted.
Writing a book is so different. A lot of times I’ve used sites like Grammarly to catch dangling participles or whatever the things are that you can’t do. It’s different when you write a book because you want to end sentences and prepositions and do weird stuff that you wouldn’t do in a scholarly paper. I find it fascinating. When do you go by Grammarly and when do you not? It’s hard, don’t you think?
It is. I can see the value in something like Grammarly. It does catch a lot of stuff that also any copy editor would catch. Every time I write a blog post, it will tell me how many of my sentences are too long or something like that. That is helpful but there’s no need to fix every single one because sometimes it’s just better to have retention.
When is it capturing a certain sentiment on purpose? You do more of that in the book and booklet writing world than you do in the scholarly world.
Think about place for a second. When you’re reading a scholarly work, you might be sitting at your desk or even in the library but when you’re reading a book or a booklet, you’re probably reading it in bed, in the bathroom or in your favorite reading chair. You’re reading it in an intimate space. It’s important for authors to realize where your reader is going to be reading it when you’re writing a book. Treat that relationship with the respect of intimacy that it requires. You can mindfully break some rules here and there and have a conversation with your reader where they feel like they’re in an intimate conversation with you and not just being talked at.

Writing Booklets: How To Write A Book That Sells: Increase Your Credibility, Income, and Impact
It’s a huge opportunity. This is one of the reasons why I’m such an advocate of writing a book to grow your business. Where else do you get six hours of undivided attention with your ideal client in bed? It’s such an unbelievable unprecedented opportunity. Pepsi can spend $30 million on a Super Bowl ad and they’ll never get that access to your ideal client that you can have. It’s a powerful thing but it’s also something that needs to be respected.
It’s interesting when you bring this up. I never intended to write a book at all in the past. We used to hear the book is a new business card but back when I was writing, I thought, “It’d be interesting to take a writing course.” It was non-fiction. The person teaching the course was an agent who had a New York Times bestselling book and I didn’t know. She wanted to be my agent to represent me and do all this stuff. I’m like, “I don’t even know what I’m doing”
What I learned was writing proposals and what agents can do for you. I learned a lot of different things. She wanted me to write in an irreverent tone. Skinny Bitch was popular back then. I didn’t write that way. She wanted me to be like Suze Orman and write finance stuff. I didn’t want to do that. I ended up doing my own thing in a different direction but I learned a lot from having an agent how a proposal should look. You’re going in a different direction with this booklet thing, which is interesting because a lot of people are writing booklets instead of books. Talk a little bit about what a booklet is and why that is an important thing.
The bulk of our business is helping people do book proposals, connecting them with literary agents and helping them get fulfilled from writing the book with them once they have the deal.
That’s not easy. They need help.
It’s great to do the proposal before you connect with the agent because then we can match you to an agent who wants to support the brand that you’re creating and doesn’t have her own idea of your brand. That is an important thing. The reason I created the booklet is because of the hundreds of people I had to turn away.
I had been saying something to people for years and if anybody’s reading that I’ve had this too, please accept my apology again. I’ve already apologized to everybody on my list that I did this too. I would say to them, “You’re not quite ready to write a full-length book.” If you invest in writing a full-length book before you have a business or clients where you’ve made many sales or have any track record, you’re going to feel productive and feel like you’re growing your business but you are going to bury yourself because you’re going to spend $40,000 writing and producing a book that you have no audience for. You’ll have wasted at least a year thinking you’re productive when you should’ve been making sales and then you’re going to be in trouble.
What they don’t understand is a lot of them think that they’re going to just sell books. To make that $40,000, you have to sell so many books.
If going to sell that many books, you got to have a platform. If you don’t have a business, you definitely don’t have a platform. I said, “Go grow your business.” Here’s what I apologize for. “When you have a growing concern then come back and I’ll help you write a book.” I realized what I was doing was kicking them. They’d come up to the side of the boat. Instead of throwing them a lifeline, I threw them back to the sharks and the shark-infested waters of book coaching where not everybody has the same scruples. Plenty of people would be more than happy to take their money to help them write a book when they’re not ready.
[bctt tweet=”When you’re writing a book, your reader is going to be reading it. Treat that relationship with the respect and intimacy it requires.” username=””]This troubled me for years because I always knew it was a terrible answer but I didn’t know what a better answer would be. One day, one of my former clients who got a traditional book deal said, “Why don’t you help them write a booklet?” I realized that’s an appropriate investment of time and money for somebody who needs a quick authority piece to help them get off the ground. It does help your authority. It does give you something to say, “I’m an author. I have this book.” Even if it’s just for 7,000 or 10,000 words of value-packed content, it can help somebody who’s getting started to use it as a tool to help them grow. That’s why I created it.
You’re talking about non-fiction books. You’re not saying to write fiction that way.
I do so little fiction that I just say I don’t do fiction. I have a couple of clients I’ve helped with fiction who’ve done well but it’s always been an exception I’ve made because of extreme talent. It’s very rarely.
I didn’t know where that falls under.
That would be fiction. I call that fable and I’ve done a very little bit of fable. Non-fiction is our main area.
Anybody starting to write a book, if you ever did get in touch with an agent or somebody, if you skipped to that point somehow in your ways, you’ll find out if the word platform will be beaten over your head profusely. Your platform is your following like how many people are going to buy your book. They want to make sure a lot of people are going to buy your book. I could see that a booklet’s going to sell for less. It’s going to be less of an outlet for people. I could see that we’re going to see more of those. It’s almost like a white paper on steroids.
You get an opportunity to provide a taste of the value that you could offer a potential customer down the road. They get a chance to get to know you better and get a better sense of your philosophy or your approach. You can do it without spending 6 to 9 months writing and then another several months going through the publishing process. I wrote my booklet in five hours. I am not a hybrid. What we do is when we facilitate somebody, we help them. We have a small group online booklet writing masterclass. You can join for under $1,000.
When they’re ready to put their booklet into production, we have a partner that we work with to do the copyediting, interior design, cover design, layout, all that stuff and help them get their Amazon page up and do an Amazon bestseller launch for them, a real one where people download them and read their book. We give them all the publishing rights. We don’t take any other sales. We’re not a hybrid publisher. We just help them with packaging the booklet and launching it.
A lot of people need help with it. I remember when CreateSpace was the first one that I used and then it’s all KTP, whatever they’re called now. It’s interesting to go through the process. The first book is always the hardest and you learn so much. It’s nice to have somebody to guide you through that. Even with a booklet though, don’t you have to have a certain outline, organization or any of that? When you do these classes or training, what things are they learning in those?

High Profit Book Blueprint: 7 Steps to Write and Publish a Booklet that Attracts Dream Clients and Grows Your Business
I give them a good basic structure that they can use. I look at the booklet having a very specific purpose, which is to connect with a potential ideal prospect for somebody’s coaching and consulting business usually. It’s most of the people who are doing booklets of us. That’s what we’re trying to do. We give them a proposed outline but they don’t have to follow the outline. You want to dispel the myths that your competitors are perpetuating.
You want to start to unpack your five key ideas or five steps. You want to sprinkle in a couple of different places not in an exhaustive way but you sprinkle in a couple of key points in the booklet like a link to some free offer. This is important because if you’re selling your booklet on Amazon, which I recommend because it makes your booklet more findable, you’re not getting the email addresses of your most interesting readers but if you have a couple of offers for some free downloads or something then you can get those readers to go to those links to get the free offer. You have that ability to market to them indefinitely and help them.
I’ve watched some of the great course development courses of all the ways to develop your lead magnets and all that stuff. I don’t think enough people put them in their books. On Amazon, you don’t know who’s buying your book. You get your $0.25 but you don’t know where it came from for whatever it is that they pay you but you get your money. That is a key thing for people to learn. You can create links so you can tell where people are getting at it from your Amazon or something else depending on what they put in.
All of that is something to be taught to people. I’m working with someone. I’m helping her create her course content and different things. Some of the suggestions I had was a booklet thing because she does reverse mortgages. There is so much that she gives out in these lead magnets articles that are great. Do you ever suggest that people take a compilation of their different lead magnet-type things they’ve created and make it into one big booklet?
No, only if it would flow gracefully.
Maybe the top ten things you need and then each one could be a tiny chapter.
The booklet doesn’t need to be more than 10,000 words, which is part of the beauty of it. If you have the top ten things and you give maybe 750 words to each of the 10,000 and then you have some word count left for the intro and the conclusion or the outro then that could be quite tidy.
How much do you recommend people charge for something like that?
I don’t think it needs to be very much. You’re not going to get rich of the book sale.
[bctt tweet=”Look at the booklet as having a very specific purpose, which is to connect with a potential ideal prospect for somebody’s coaching and consulting business.” username=””]It’s the leads you get from the book.
If you wanted to, you could give it away to a carefully curated list of people that you think would be interested that you would love to have as clients. Please don’t shove it down their throats at an event or leave a stack of them on your table at an event. Not that we do events anymore. I’m stumbling on the pricing because this is where my book packager is more expert than I am. If I recall, we’re under $10 on the booklet and probably under $5 on the book.
Are these actual printed books or more like Kindle books?
I recommend doing both. As long as you’ve done it, you might as well give options. I believe that you should get a print version. As long as you got the printed version, the Kindle conversion is easy. Think about it for a second. Somebody got your booklet. Maybe they ordered it off Amazon, got it at an event or you sent it to them as a gift.
Guess where that lives. It doesn’t live on their hard drive where they might never think of it or see it. It lives somewhere in their house that they’re probably seeing it several times a week. With that basic rule of marketing of nine touches or before somebody even responds, that could be happening one little area where your booklet could be doing a lot of heavy lifting for you just by sitting in someone’s house especially if it’s by their bedside.
A lot of people freak out about creating a cover and a title. All that stuff can be changed on Amazon easily. Not the title so much but the cover and some of the stuff. I can’t tell you many times I changed one of my books covers. I got tired of what it was. It was one of my old books. My agent wanted me to do this irreverent thing so the picture was more irreverent. I’m like, “I can’t go with that.” I never did. I loved the title though, It’s Not You It’s Your Personality. It was about personality assessments. The title was always fine.
That was a long time ago. I’ve learned a lot since. A lot of people get worried about how hard it is to do certain things where they have to spend a lot of money to do certain things. There are so many people who can help you. What you’re offering is helpful to many people especially if you’re helping with proposals and agents. That’s the hardest part for a lot of people. What percent of people do your agents want to work with? It’s hard.
We have an interesting statistic that every time I say it out loud, I knock on something like wood, I try to do it again. We had a 100% success rate in our clients with agents who want to sell their books.
My agent had a hard time selling the one book that I had her working on because there’s always somebody out there who’s written something similar and they’re like, “We’ve done enough of that.” Don’t you run into that a little bit?

Writing Booklets: You get an opportunity to provide a taste of the value that you could offer a potential customer down the road and they get a chance to know you better and get a better sense of your philosophy or approach. Plus, you can do it without spending six to nine months writing.
Our first step is we help our clients come up with a clear saleable concept. One of the criteria is that it has to be unique and people are writing in the space. I’m not saying anything specifically against your agent but one of the problems with chasing a trend is if you’re a little late to the party then you’re not going to get it. You’re going to have trouble to get as good of a deal. It’s more about figuring out what is this author authentically wants to share? What’s the thing that’s gnawing at you that’s begging to be shared? How can we figure out where that message meets the market? That’s where we begin.
The caveat to our success rate is that we only accept people into the program that have ideas that we believe we can sell that are also ready for it. This only applies to people who complete the process and do what we tell them to do. With those things in place, we’ve been very fortunate. Not a huge network of agents but I have a solid network of agents that’s big enough. I’m always open to meeting a new agent by the way. They know me. They know that when they get a proposal from me, even if it’s not a fit, it’s going to be a great read. We get highly responsive.
Your proposals are for books and not booklets.
You’re not going to get a book deal on a booklet.
A book is another beast than a booklet and it takes some time. A lot of people think they could just write it and it’ll be out on the market within a few weeks. It doesn’t work that way. How long does it normally take from the time you meet somebody before they have a printed book in their hand and it’s available on the market?
Self-publishing is a lot faster. The fastest I’ve ever helped someone to write a high-quality self-published book is four months. You have to add on a few more months for production. For traditionally published, the calendar is not fully within the author’s control. Publishers have spent a lot of money on their market research and they know that certain books tend to perform better at certain times of the year. If you turn in your manuscript, they may sit on it for 4 or 5 months before they even move it into production because they want to release it in a particular season. The fastest I’ve ever helped someone from meeting them to getting the book proposal done to writing the book and getting it published was one year. That was extraordinarily fast.
Part of it had to do with this person. It seemed like every time I would send him an email of the next step, he’d have it done. It almost seemed to me before the email could have possibly thought. I’ve never worked with anyone faster in my life, which was fun but at first, it was disarming. I was completely freaked out but then I realized it was fun and it forced me to change my perspective on what was possible.
I am that guy. I can remember having a professor who got mad at me because I would turn things in too quickly. I would hold onto it for a week or two and then turn it in and do the exact same thing just to make him think I spent more time and then he’d go, “See how much better that was.”
I’d be like, “He wants something else. Do this.” I’ll give him something to chew on for the next couple of days. Then four hours later or something, it would be in my inbox. I’ll be like, “That’s fabulous.” He got it done so quickly. He got an agent and a book deal.
[bctt tweet=”You’ve got to ask yourself key questions before you decide what your book’s focus is going to be: How do you want to be known? Is this something that you want to talk about for the next five years? How are you going to use the book as a tool?” username=””]What topics are people coming to you? What things are popular?
We’re very fortunate to get a lot of variety. We do a lot in the business leadership space, also in health, fitness and medical space. We also are doing more on social justice or racial justice, which I love. We’re starting to get more of that. I love that we get that opportunity to work with some of those offers. The environment is another one. We’re doing more of it than we have in previous years.
It’s such an interesting field to be in. I remember Seth Godin self-published when I was writing one a long time ago. It changed everything of what people could do. Do you think that there are too many books that are hard to stand out and be a best seller? It’s everybody is writing now.
There might be too many books because there are too many people writing books before it’s the right time. Self-publishing is great. It empowers people to have total control over their offers in the future. There are lots of books that aren’t necessarily of the quality that anybody would want to read because there’s no real standard of self-publishing that enforceable in the same way it is in traditional publishing. It’s a challenge. The pandemic, if it proved anything, was that people are still into books. They want their physical book not just their eBook. They want to hold it in their hands and smell the paper.
There’s one that I want to change though with the real books when people ask me to sign a book for them like, “Can you send me a signed book?” If you get the book and you have them, you’re paying a certain amount to have the book, even if they say they’ll reimburse you. It costs more to ship the book once you’ve signed them. Can somebody reading this create a way to sign books through Amazon where you don’t have the book and then resend it out again? That would be the company to start.
Wouldn’t that be lovely? Every time a client would sign up, I would send them an autographed copy of my book but I became such a bottleneck to doing it that sometimes it would take weeks. We just send it right from Amazon because it would have to be a thing. I wouldn’t run to the post office when I had one book. I’d wait until I had a few new clients and then I’d go to the post office and send everybody’s at once.
It’s so expensive and a long time to get a book if you do the cheap route. I don’t want people to wait.
I would send it priority and all that.
It’s like $15 or something when you send a book.

Writing Booklets: Self-publishing is great in that it empowers people to have total control over their offer in the future.
If you want to do it overseas, forget about it. I never would send it over.
I was on this board of advisors for this very well-known, extremely profitable, great company. There were 250 of us on this board or something like that, some crazy amount of people. They were like the CEOs of Sony or McDonald’s. They’re serious people. I’m on this board going, “This is great.” The former CEO and chairman of that had written a part of my foreword of the book. I thought, “I’m going to contact this group because they’re such great people and see if they’d like a copy because they’d love it probably because he wrote that.” I’m figuring maybe 10, 20 people. I got 150 of them. Most of them were in the US and all over the world. I spent a fortune doing that but I still was glad I did it but it was not what I expected. They all took me up on it.
Probably if you’d had a booklet, it would have been not cheaper enough. Overseas is overseeing.
People will ask too. You don’t want to say no and charge them for it. It’s an uncomfortable thing. They got to maybe come up with a way that there are pre-done signature cards that they could stamp it with so it’s special or something. What you’re doing is important for so many people. Are there any big mistakes or anything that you want to tell people to avoid? What are the big things that people run into?
Do you have a specific area you’d like me to put?
Self-publishing a regular book. What are the biggest issues you think people need to know?
There are a few. The first big mistake I see people make is even in deciding what to write about. You got to ask yourself a few key questions before you decide exactly what your book focus is going to be. One is how do you want to be known because you will be known by your book. It’s because all your friends tell you should write about that thing that happened with that guy doesn’t mean it should be a book. Number two and this is connected, is this something that you would like to be talking about for the next five years? Not just talking about but leading the conversation on. If you don’t want to lead a conversation on this subject for five years, a book is way too much work and not worth it. You find some other way to talk about it. Write a blog post and be done with it.
The other is how are you going to use the book? What do you see yourself doing with the book once it’s out? What do you want your readers to do with the book once they have it? This is more about how are you going to use your book as a tool to help you further your bigger vision, bigger mission or grow your business or whatever it is you’re up to? It’s too much of an investment not to consider those things. I found 300 self-published authors on my email list. I called every one of them and surveyed them. These were not people who worked with me. They just happened to be on my list. I asked them about how pleased they were with their outcomes. Most of them were very disappointed with their outcomes.
In terms of sales?
[bctt tweet=”The clarity you get coming up with a clear sellable concept can already start to help you raise your income, even before you write the book.” username=””]They thought they were going to put it up on Amazon and sell 100,000 copies. I started asking them these questions. They had not asked themselves those questions. They were disappointed because the book didn’t do anything for them. They didn’t realize that it’s about what can you do with the book for yourself? It’s not about the book doing something for you. That’s another big mistake of not being clear on why you’re writing this book and getting the right topic.
The other big mistake is thinking you’re going to write a high-quality book in a weekend. Unfortunately, people sell this idea. I don’t have to tell you, Diane because I know you already know this. You cannot write a high-quality book on a weekend. You can’t even write a crappy first draft of a high-quality full book in a weekend. You can map out a detailed outline. The idea of being an author has such prestige is because the whole idea is that you take some time and use it as an opportunity for inquiry. Self-inquiry to figure out what you believe and mean to say versus your sloppy, lazy way of saying it when you’re talking off the top of your head because it’s different.
Speaking from my own experience too when I wrote my book. We just do. We say flipped hand weighty thing when we’re talking but we can’t get away with that in a book. You shouldn’t try to get away with that in the book. With self-inquiry, the words I’m using is conveying what I’m trying to communicate. If you do this, it’s a superpower that you can take with you in every conversation you have. It’s worth it to do the inquiry. You can’t do that inquiry on a weekend.
You have to have a passion for your topic. You come from a long line of authors. It is funny to me. I found out my great grandfather wrote a book and I had no idea. I knew my dad wrote books but I didn’t know my great-grandfather wrote a book. I found it online. It was on eBay or something. It was written in 1894. It’s such a cool thing to look at but this guy wrote a book. It’s 500 pages of the different hands you can play in the game of whist, which is like a bridge. It was the most neurotic thing. It’s well done.
He was known as the whist expert. He wrote a book called Modern Scientific Whist – The Principles of the Modern Game. I was fascinated by this. Who would read this? No one, first of all. I don’t know who would write that but I would like to have met my grandfather, this guy that wrote this. Imagine knowing that much. It’s like taking every hand you can play in bridge and showing what it is and what you would play next. That’s a nutty book. I wanted to know how long would that take you.
It’s definitely longer than a weekend
My uncle wrote a book. I found all these people who wrote books and it’s fascinating to see. If you have it in you, you want to get it under the printed page. People can get a lot of help from somebody like you who worked in the serious end of the business and has great tips on how to get more recognition, how to organize it and everything like that. If somebody wanted to hire you to do this or if they’re an agent and they want to get connected to you, is there a way where they can reach you?
It’s RobinColucci.com and we have a contact form on there. If you want to reach out as an agent, a contact form is a great way to go. We also have an application form on there as well for people who are interested in finding out more about our program and seeing if we can help or how we might be able to help them achieve their publishing goals and help them find the right reach.
If they want to take your masterclass, it’s all there.

Writing Booklets: You can’t write a high-quality book in a weekend. The reason why the idea of being an author has such prestige is because is that you take some time and use it as an opportunity for self-inquiry.
They can find out about that too. If you go on any page on our website, often, we periodically open up that class for new registrations and so they would be notified by being on our list when the next opportunity is.
A lot of people can benefit from those courses. I knew I offer some of those on my site for different things. People love that because you get that interactive and you could figure out all the things that you don’t realize you don’t know until you get involved. It’s important for people who are thinking of writing a book to look at how you can use it down the road and not just be thinking about how many copies they could sell because the copy’s not nearly the money you could make compared to what you could use it for as a business tool or anything.
I know for sure. Even the clarity you get coming up with a clarity saleable concept can already start to help you raise your income, even before you write the book if you’re asking those questions.
This has been so helpful, Robin. Thank you for sharing. I hope everybody takes some time to check out your site. I had a lot of fun chatting about this topic with you because it was an unusual thing to think about booklets. People need to have a lot of help in the writing arena. Thank you.
Thank you, Diane. I’ve had so much fun chatting with you as well.
I’d like to thank Robin for being my guest. We get many great guests on this show. If you’ve missed any past episodes, you can go to DrDianeHamilton.com. There’s so much content there. If you go to the blog, you can read the shows as well as listening to them. You can find out more about Cracking the Curiosity Code, The Power of Perception and all the books that I’ve written are all there.
The Curiosity Code Index and the Perception Power Index are there if you want to take the assessments. Make sure you look at all the dropdown menus at the top. On the bottom, there are more menus so make sure you take a look because there are testimonials and so much more. You don’t want to miss it all. I enjoyed this episode. I hope you join us for the next episode.
Important links:
- Robin Colucci
- How to Write a Book That Sells You
- High Profit Book Blueprint: 7 Steps to Write and Publish a Booklet that Attracts Dream Clients and Grows Your Business
- The Invisible Government
- Grammarly
- Masterclass
- It’s Not You It’s Your Personality
- Modern Scientific Whist – The Principles of the Modern Game
- Blog
- Cracking the Curiosity Code
- The Power of Perception
- Curiosity Code Index
- Perception Power Index
About Robin Colucci
Robin Colucci is the author of How to Write a Book that Sells You and High Profit Book Blueprint: 7 Steps to Write and Publish a Booklet that Attracts Dream Clients and Grows Your Business. She has been helping world class experts write world changing books since 2003. Before that she built, grew, and sold a personal fitness business. She also was a journalist and worked as an acquisition’s editor for an independent publishing house. Robin brings her deep, hands-on knowledge of publishing and entrepreneurship to her clients whose books cover a range of topics including: business, personal development, memoir, health and fitness, science and technology, politics, women’s issues, and the environment.
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