Life takes us to different courses to learn lessons we need to learn, and Dr. Gilda Carle has learned a lot. From being a fearless teacher from New York to a corporate performance coach and bestselling book author, Dr. Gilda knows that every relationship is about interpersonal communications. She shares her funny and fun stories that made her easily reachable to her clients. Learn the importance of taking away fear from women so they no longer hold themselves back.
We have Dr. Gilda. I’m sure you’ve seen her on every talk show. She’s been on everyone’s show from Sally Jessy Raphael to Howard Stern. She’s on HBO and the Today Show. Everything that you’ve seen about relationships is probably based on something she’s done. She does a lot of training with corporations, she does a lot of speaking, and she’s really interesting.
Listen to the podcast here
Interpersonal Communications: Healing Relationships And Companies with Dr. Gilda Carle

Don’t Bet on the Prince!: How to Have the Man You Want by Betting on Yourself
I am with Dr. Gilda Carle who is the media’s go-to relationship expert and corporate performance coach serving clients worldwide. As a media personality, she was the in-house therapists on TV’s Sally Jessy Raphael show as well as on every other talk show on national television. In the corporate sector, she’s conducted relationship wellness training for Columbia University Medical Center as well as other medical facilities, banking institutions, utility companies, entertainment organizations, and Fortune 500 companies. As a recognizable, trusted, and accessible professional, she’s also a product spokesperson for large companies that want to partner with her followers. She’s got Hallmark, Sprint,, the list goes on and on. A keynote motivational speaker, she includes wisdom from the seventeen relationship books she’s authored, including Don’t Bet on the Prince! How to WIN When Your Mate Cheats and Don’t Lie on Your Back for a Guy Who Doesn’t Have Yours. I’m so excited to have you on the show.
Thank you. It’s a pleasure being here with you.
I was looking at your profile and I want to read this because it’s my favorite quote of some of the things that are written about you, “TV’s number one talk show therapists, hotter than the Sierra, part philosopher and part stand-up comic.” Is that your favorite?
That was the Gannett newspaper chain. I love that one because in that little sound bite, they captured who I am. I’m funny and fun and very serious. I mix them all together.
I want to talk about how you got into being a media personality. I was watching you on that Joy Behar show. You are so funny. You’re very spunky and you keep it fun. You’re not just there giving the answers. It takes a special personality to do that.
Somebody who doesn’t care, throws it out in the wind and says, “I am going for the greatest good, for the greatest number. No matter what, I will do it.” When I spend time on the Sally Jessy Raphael Show, how many times a director would come running after me after a show and he’d say, “Dr. Gilda, will you please stay in our light?” I said, “Somebody on the other end of the stage needed me. I am going where I am needed.”Sometimes I ran off the stage and into the audience and I took the mic and I interviewed people in the audience when need be. I always did what I did. All of that devil-may-care attitude won me an opportunity to do my own talk show. I remember that I was called into the guy’s office, the guy who was overseeing the Sally Jessy Raphael Show, NBC TV, national, international. I was getting fan mail from people in other countries. The guy said to me, “All that I know is that when you are on, people don’t change the channel.” I realized it’s a business and I am a commodity. He said not, “Would you like?” but,“ We’re giving you your own show.” I remember walking out of his office, it was a freezing cold January day and I was walking on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. I called my mother and I said, “The most bizarre thing happened. I didn’t ask for this. I did the best work on camera, on stage with the people in front of me that I could ever possibly do.” That’s been my philosophy of life.
You ask how I started. I was teaching in the South Bronx, in the worst neighborhood you could imagine. I wore my little tiny dresses with my legs sticking out. I was in the worst areas and I was totally without fear. I learned to deal with those kids without fear. I took many of them and brought them to a place that everybody else had given up on. That made me feel great. I did that for a lot of years. While I was doing that, I was getting my master’s degree. I graduated from college at twenty. I had my masters at 21. I was in this rush for some reason and I said to myself, “I’m going to get my PhD by the time I’m 30.” I did it. I said, “Now what?” Life has a way of taking us on different courses. You can plan all you want, but I do believe that God up there has a plan for us. No matter what we do to try to screw it up, it happens nonetheless. While I was teaching in the South Bronx and while I was getting my doctorate, suddenly I had a job offer to go to a college and teach on the college level.
I said, “This could be good.”Because all my courses were at night, I had the ability to start appearing on daytime talk shows. One thing led to another thing to another. The first year, I did about six national shows. By the second year, I had done way over 100. By the third year, people were asking me, “Let’s do a pilot together. Let’s do a show of our own because the ‘Dr. Gilda’ name is reverberating throughout the world.”Suddenly, I had a different career. What I got my PhD for was to become a college professor. That allowed me to teach at night, go through a divorce, and go through all of those pains. While I was going through my own pain, I was healing the world on camera, on television. I was able to take some of the stuff that I was going through and to share that with other people, and to become far more appreciative of their issues as a result of my own.
[Tweet “I am going for the greatest good, for the greatest number. No matter what, I will do it.”]I ended up on television for all these years. In addition to all of that, corporate America found me. They asked me to come in and run communications workshops. I did all kinds of training. I ended up in all kinds of companies, Fortune 500 companies, small businesses. I did communication skills training for partners. I did performance coach counseling. I saved some companies from going under. Suddenly, the bottom line in all these companies was going up. In one instance, I was at 55 Wall Street for Citibank. They called me in to work with their customer service people who were so burnt out. They asked me to run a program dependent upon the needs of the people. I did a needs assessment first. The Director was not the one who brought me in. It was a few of his staff people who had seen and heard about my reputation. I said to the Director, “All I know is that by the time these workshops are over, your people will like coming to work a whole lot better.” He said, “I don’t care whether they like coming to work.” I said, with all the moxie of a New Yorker, young and stupid, “Yes, you do.” I don’t know what happened between my being there and the big check that he wrote me to do this training, but it worked. I was in there for ten weeks. I designed a program specifically according to the needs that I had observed. Their bottom line went crazy.
Before that happened, people were teeter tottering about their communications and their relationships. After this program, every other division at that company asked me to come in and do the same thing for them. What started out to be a few weeks of a program at that company turned out to be a few years of a program. Every time I plan something, I write everything in pencil because I know I’m going to need that eraser to erase for things that I really should be doing. Through all this, I have met the most wonderful people. I’m working on a few projects, but they’re out from the East Coast. They will be national/international. When we use the media, thanks to the internet, we could see things and hear things that we would never have been exposed to years ago. I’m very grateful to be alive this time of my life, during this time of the universe.
You never know what doors are going to open until you do one thing and it opens a door to something else. What opened the first door for you? For the people who would love to follow your footsteps. They are consultants. They want to be on broadcast shows where they can be seen the expert like you were. You’re the behavioral personal, relationship person. How did you get that first initial break and what would you tell somebody who’s trying to do that same thing you did?
This is very simple when I look back. While you’re going through it, you have no idea what you’re doing. One of the headlines was, “Former teacher in South Bronx teaches street smarts to companies.”You go from where you know. You go from where you came from and then you take that and apply that to the next level to which you’re ascending. I was in corporate America training them in street smarts. I was in network television training people in the same basic street smarts. I was on network television training people in the same basic street smarts in terms of interpersonal communications and relationships. Everything started to help everything else. My PhD in Educational Leadership, all the leadership theories, all the leadership work that I had done, I used that. I have clients from around the world, thanks to the internet. Simply by going to and clicking on advice/coaching, people come to me and register for a quickie session with me. Having had therapy, having been through that myself, I believe that when we are in need, we need not have to wait a whole day or three days or four days to see the advisor or their doctor to get our problems healed. We can go immediately.
I have allowed my life to be encroached upon by my clients very easily because they can reach me, and I can reach them back wherever I may be. I have done some interventions while I was traveling on vacation. It’s only half hour here, half hour there. Many people register for ten sessions at a time to save some money and to get the coaching continuous. When somebody is having a real issue and they want to talk to somebody now, as with what I do, I want to be available for them. Everything that I have learned built on everything else. We know that people in Australia, people in Europe, people in South America, people across the United States who come to me with their relationship issues, bedroom to boardroom, people know that I know what I’m talking about and they can trust me. We all have the same problems. I learn as much from my clients as they learn from me. I’m grateful to be in this place, to be able to heal and help people towards the next step in their life.
You’re ahead of your time with a lot of these topics as far as engagement, emotional intelligence. When it all became so popular, were you like, “I’ve been talking about that for twenty years?”
I’ve dealt with that. I continued to roll with that.
It all comes down to communication. I want to talk about male-female communication in the workplace because everybody’s a little freaked out about that.
I took the Fearless Girl statue from Wall Street and put out a poster on social media saying, “Harvey Weinstein, meet Fearless Girl.” It’s my job now to show women, young and old, that they need not fear anything. When you are fearful, you are holding yourself back. You are sabotaging yourself. You are preventing yourself from rising. We have got to get rid of the fear. The fear is what’s causing all of our insecurities with everything. What’s the worst that could happen to any of us? I’ve been in the media for so many years. It’s open mouth, insert foot and people say, “She said what?” The ratings climb and nobody knows what to expect from me. Before you know it, they offer me a TV show. I spoke to my mom before she passed and I said to her, “Do you remember when you kept saying to me, “You have such a big mouth. I’m putting soap in that mouth.” I said, “You know all that soap, it didn’t do a bit of good. I’ve been living this way.”
Did you ever regret saying anything? Have you ever said anything that’s come back to bite you?
I have always regretted something that I have said on television and I say, “Oh my God.” I always imagine in my mind it’s worse than ever but when I watch it, it wasn’t so bad. I always say, “I can’t believe I said that.” There are times that I can’t hold myself back. I’m always in there for the underdog. This is why I opened a non-profit for homeless female veterans. Nobody talks about homeless female veterans. They have gotten the short end of the stick. I had to go out there and do workshops for these homeless female veterans. I am training them to train other homeless female veterans. I have taken them off the street and they’ve gotten fabulous jobs. Many of the female homeless veterans are college educated and we don’t even know that in our culture. I take their hand and show them that there’s a better way. Talk about insecurity. These women come out of the military tough and strong. Many are angry because nobody’s been helping them. They’re taking care of one to two in the military. They come out and they don’t know where to go. Whatever I do, I do this with the lyrics and music of country music.

Interpersonal Communications: While I was going through my own pain, I was healing the world on camera, on television.
Tell me what you’re doing with that.
I’ve always been a devotee of country music because country music tells stories. There was one MD who’s also a PhD, David Hawkins. He’s a psychiatrist and he measures the vibrations of the tones of how you’re speaking. It’s kinesiology. He has found that people who listened to country music are more evolved than other people. This is surprising to me because I see that you tell the story, you put it to music, and then voila, people are identifying with this. Here are the closed down veterans who, for the most part, won’t open up to an outsider. Thankfully, my celebrity allowed them to recognize me and they said, “I can’t believe you’re here.”It was instant trust. I play them some of this music and they said, “This happened to me.”Then we start our dialogue. It’s so beautiful to see them open up like flowers.
You’ve gone in so many directions. You were on this Emmy Award Winning show. That was a serious thing that you do. Tell me a little about.
It was after 9/11. New York was so crazed. A director who I had barely known called me and he said, “We need you. I’m doing a documentary.” I said, “I can’t do this. I cannot participate in anything because I haven’t healed. If I’m not healed, what good am I going to be to other people?”He said, “We need you. We really need you.” He kept calling me and eventually wore me down. I said, “Let’s see what we have.” We went into a house that he had found on Staten Island where there were so many people who had lost their lives, who had families who had lost their lives. There was a little seven-year-old boy who had just lost his mother. His mother was separated from his father. The father was not the custodial parent, so now the father was going through all kinds of changes on life. All the guilt trip that he had to go through involving, “What should I have told my former partner? Could we have worked harder on the relationship? Now, here’s the seven-year-old boy.” I lead the family to tell their seven-year-old child that his mother had died in the World Trade Center.
HBO picked it up and it’s shown on every anniversary of 9/11. I kept in touch with the family. This young boy started to grow up when I wasn’t around, and he tried to commit suicide a couple of times, not knowing where his life was going. I had a good sit down with his father and him some years back. We talked about all the trials and tribulations they had been through. That movie won an Emmy. I didn’t want to do it originally. Oprah highlighted it on one of her shows. It was a point in history that I would rather forget, but that was very serious. A producer in New York said, “Nobody can go from Dateline to Howard Stern the way you do.”That’s because I go with the moment. I’m very interested in the mood of the audience. That’s how I provide media training to all of the people I work with. It all depends upon the audience. It’s not us, it’s the audience. I pick up on that and go with that.
Let’s say you had to be on the Today Show tomorrow, how would you prepare? What would you talk about? What would be your focus?
I’ve been on the Today Show. For two years, I wrote a weekly column for the Today Show called 30-Second Therapist. I know the Today Show pretty well. If did not know that show, what are the demographics? Guests come on and they don’t even ask what the demos are. For the Today Show, you’re providing information for women who go up to maybe 60 years old and people don’t know that. You have to go according to what their needs usually are. You have to know what you’re talking about.
It’s a broad audience in some of these things. You talked about so many different areas. You talked about communication, but you talk about it in so many different ways.
There are a lot of “experts” out there saying that they’re relationship experts who know nothing about corporate America, who have never worked in a corporation, who don’t know anything about the ups and downs and the ins and outs and the sickness to sin behavior of the people who are operating in companies. Yet here are these “relationship experts” talking to people about their relationships. People are not put into a little category of tiny relationships without broadening their base into their corporate relationships or into their family relationships or into their brothers and sisters and neighbors and all the other people who are involved in their lives. When people say, “I’m a relationship expert,” that means, “I went out on a date once.” To be a relationship expert, you really have to know how relationships work. You also have to identify with the most important relationship of all and that is the relationship that you have with yourself.
I do this whole thing with audiences because I do all these keynote speeches. With the audiences, I ask them to introduce themselves. “I am Dr. Gilda.” I ask them, “Introduce yourself. I am Dr. Gilda.” You hear this voice altogether. I said, “You know what that I sounded like? A lowercase I. I want to hear that ‘I am Dr. Gilda’ with a capital I.’” All of a sudden, you see in front of you the whole audience levitating. I said, “That capital I is what you must go out after we’re finished here. You must go out into the world and use and visualize and project your capital I. You cannot say I am president of this company unless you know the meaning of capital I.”
I had a guest and he was saying that, “Speakers are taken more seriously if they’re tall.” That’s why men tend to be better speakers in his opinion. Tony Robbins wouldn’t be what it is if he wasn’t as big as he is. Maybe Howard Stern wouldn’t be what he was. That was his way of thinking. I want to hear what you have to say about that. What can woman do to be more capital I?Is there anything that they need to know?
The first time I tried out that whole theory was in New York and I was running a Women’s Breakfast called How to Project a Power Image. I’ve done a lot of writing and I toured the country doing workshops and speeches on how to project power image. In the heart of Manhattan, Madison Avenue, there we were, standing room only, and I was doing training for these women during their breakfast on how to project themselves with a capital I. When you’re sitting in a ballroom chair, you have your arm out so that takes up much more space. When you’re sitting, women tend to cross their legs and to look more diminutive than they actually are, almost as though they are shrinking into the lowercase I. What I do is expand their persona. The persona starts in their mind, then their body, and their eyes. This is all in my book, Don’t Bet on the Prince! How to Have the Man You Want by Betting on Yourself that has been used by men and women, how to have the career you want by betting on yourself, how to have the job you want by betting on yourself. The point of this is don’t bet on somebody else to take up your space. Don’t bet on anybody doing anything for you. Get out there and do it for yourself.
[Tweet “When you are fearful, you are holding yourself back. You are sabotaging yourself. You are preventing yourself from rising.”]After these women were finished, standing room only, I taught them how to do the power stare. That too is in my book, Don’t Bet On The Prince! I said to them, “Do I trust you ladies to go out onto the main streets of New York and kill it? I don’t know if we can let you lose.”They applauded. I said, “Ladies, work time.” By the time the talk was over, and they were off to their jobs, I had a line of women standing back waiting to talk to me about how to do this better, how to do that. All the kinds of coaching that I do, I do everything online. You don’t even have to be in front of a person. You keep using one thing and putting it into another arena and changing it according to the people who need it. I started out doing personal relationships. It was in corporate America that a man came up to me and he said, “I have to thank you because if not for you, my relationship at home would never have been as intact as it is.” I said, “We didn’t even talk about your relationship at home.” It doesn’t matter. It’s all the same. You know that, I know that. I didn’t know that then. That’s when I started getting more and more into the Fortune 500 companies doing what I do.
You have such an interesting diverse background of all the different things you do. I agree that you can take one thing and apply somewhere else.
It’s all the same. I’m not talking about finance. I’m talking always about relationships and communications.
You don’t seem like you would be intimidated by Sally Jessy or Oprah or Howard. Were you ever worried maybe going on Howard that he was going to ask you something that you didn’t want to answer because he’s known to ask questions?
He did, and I sure did answer him. Then I saw him on the street one day and I said, “I saw you and your wife crossing the street.” He said, “Why don’t you stop?” I don’t like when people come up to me on the street. I like to give you your space. I appreciate getting my space also.
Did you ever feel like if you answered his questions, it’s probably an issue in some other area? You don’t want to be seen one way because you got to be somewhere else. In the business world, you’ve got to be careful.
I have never been fearful of anything. I answered certain things more judiciously than others, depending upon what the arena is. Everybody knows me and that’s why companies come to me and asked me to be their spokesperson. Everybody knows I’m totally honest. They know that I am not representing a product. Harlequin, Hallmark, Cottonelle, Sprint, Galderma Pharmaceuticals. Everybody knows I am not representing a product unless I believe in it. I am not working with people who I don’t appreciate for being stand up people. My audience around the world knows that they can trust me. Who are you going to hire to represent your product if not somebody you can trust?
You were in Match for awhile, right?
I was writing for Match for eight years. I wrote the Ask Dr. Gilda column. That was so successful.
What things did you deal with in your column?
I answered questions.
What were the interesting questions? Did you get anything that you went, “Wow?”
Having worked in the South Bronx, having worked for corporate America, having done all kinds of television shows that you would never even remember anymore because some of them were on the air and off the year in two seconds. Having done all of these things, I’m never surprised at anything. I was also MTV’s Love Doc. I heard questions from young people, from their parents, from older people. I was the only place that they went to. I’m still the only place that people feel comfortable to answer their issues at work and their issues in their personal lives. I always hear very similar questions. I said this on a nationally broadcast TV show. The millennials are coming to me and the young women are saying that the guys are not wooing and pursuing them. I’m saying, “Momma was right. Why buy the cow when you’re getting the milk for free?” It’s the same issues again and again. The young millennials, the older millennials, it’s the same issue. It’s all around, relationships and communication, but the bottom line is the crux of this and that is our empowerment.
It is interesting to see how technology has impacted the communication. If you’re on Tinder, they’re swiping and there’s no communication at all.
That’s why I wrote this book, Don’t Lie on Your Back for a Guy Who Doesn’t Have Yours for our young women who say they want to be married. How are you going to get married if you’re giving it all away for free? The one who brought this out into the open for me is Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook. I’m a Professor Emeritus of a business school. I was in business school for many years teaching and training mostly young women because the amounts of women who are involved in MBA programs has swollen. Sheryl Sandberg said, “They graduate from business school with honors and then they decide, “I don’t want a leadership position.” Why? “I’m going to have a husband. I’m going to have babies. I don’t want to be thought of as less attractive and less capable because I am so powerful.” That dates back to Colette Dowling’s time of The Cinderella Syndrome and my book, Don’t Bet On The Prince! They’re still worried about how they’re going to be seen. In my book, Don’t Bet On The Prince!, I talk about where’s your locus of control? Is it the external or the internal? What is pushing you on? For me, it’s the internal. If I was so worried about what people are going to say about me, then I would be externally motivated and never would have been able to get to where I have been. I’m trying to do what I’m doing. Sheryl Sandberg talked about the women not wanting to take on these opportunities as leaders. She said, “It starts back home.”
For the first time, somebody has said, “Your professional life is truly adjoined with your course in your life.” This is what I’ve been saying for years and years, but I’m so glad she’s out there saying that. What I said to the women is, “You have to have egalitarian relationships at home so that you know how to be a force within yourself, not to be intimidating bitch, but that’s what they see you. Be a force unto themselves.” That’s why I wrote Don’t Lie on Your Back for a Guy Who Doesn’t Have Yours from the standpoint of an equal relationship. Don’t come to me for advice saying, “I was friends with benefits for him.”I would have to turn to you and say, “Tell me, honey, what are the benefits for you?” They realize they’re not getting the benefits that they thought.
The bottom line is I have taken that whole attitude, the personal Don’t Lie on Your Back for a Guy Who Doesn’t Have Yours, and I combined that with my other book, One-Up Strategies Business Schools Don’t Teach, in how not to be intimidating, to tell you where to sit in a conference room, so that you are empowered without saying, “I’m so powerful.” How do you shake somebody’s hand? You don’t get that in business school. These are the innuendos. I have taken the first book and the second book and I have combined them into one speech that I give in corporate America called Millennial Women Are a Business Asset.

Interpersonal Communications: To be a relationship expert, you really have to know how relationships work.
I would like to know your perspective of how the social media pressure has impacted not just women, but everybody. You said you don’t fear or care so much what people think. A lot of people do care because they’re getting shamed on these social media sites.
I’m not pointing fingers. I’m not talking in new language. When we do this, then we do that. I have another book, a journal, that’s called My Rants & Ramblings Journal. That’s the companion for Don’t Lie on Your Back for a Guy Who Doesn’t Have Yours. Each page is a different Gilda-Gram. When I was in Corporate America, everybody said, “We look forward to your Gilda-Grams,” these aphorisms that you can remember and refer when you’re feeling like you need a boost of energy. You don’t have to drink an energy drink. You can take one of my Gilda-Grams. The girls are telling me, “Tear stains are all over these books.” One of the Gilda-Grams, for example, is, “I will never be loved if I can’t risk being disliked.” That’s been what has motivated my life. I’m not risking being disliked because I like myself. I operate from a capital I. I walk my talk. This is what I am training other women to do. It’s all so easy to me. It’s so obvious, but we are lacking that one skill in between. Going for professional education and getting a job, and keeping the job and ascending in that job is feeling good about ourselves that we deserve to get to where we’ve gotten.
Let’s say we feel good about ourselves, but lack curiosity and we’re just there. They just exist. They don’t really grow.
They can’t feel good about themselves.
It’s really interesting to look at curiosity because that’s what develops you into a much more interesting person, somebody who communicates better because they’ve looked into why it’s important. They’ve opened their mind to a lot of things. How do you develop curiosity?
I ask people, “Where is your sense of adventure now?” To me, every day I wake up, I say, “What kind of adventure am I having today?”Every day is different. That’s the curiosity factor. If you don’t have a sense of adventure, you may be dead before you realize that you’re dying. I have met people in their 80s and 90 who have more life to them than some of these people who are just walking around the streets, who are just existing. At one point or another, when their life gets them down, that’s where they have to ask that question, “Where is adventure in your life?” If you don’t have a sense of adventure, something is gravely missing.
[Tweet “If you don’t have a sense of adventure, you may be dead before you realize that you’re dying.”]I’m trying to come up with a way to measure it to help them develop it a little bit. If you look at how they’re measuring it, they have little nine-question surveys that really don’t get any data that I found very helpful. It’s one of those things you can’t really put your finger on. You represent the type of person that just loves to figure out everything.
I can’t figure out everything. I get help with techie things. I get help with financial things. I get help with the things I’m not good at.
We can’t all be good at everything. It’s good to push ourselves a little bit to look into things that we never thought of exploring. I love all the different areas that you’ve explored. So many companies could benefit from all of your knowledge that you have.
I always was in such a hurry. At one point or another, you turn around and you say, “What is this all about? Is this about making money? Is this about making an impact in the world?” I want to do all of those things because I want to be the role model for young women and older women. Wolf Blitzer said to me on air on CNN, “I know you used to be training anger management. You gave that up in corporate America because the people were too angry.” I said, “Yup. I, too, want to be surrounded by positivity. If I don’t find it and if I can’t get anger out of people then I don’t want to be in that environment.” I want to be doing my healing work. I’m at a point in my life that I’m picking and choosing saying no. I drew up a whole list of no’s.
When the Hollywood moguls came to me while I was doing the Doctor Gilda show pilot, they said, “Here’s another show we want you to do.” I looked at it and I said, “I don’t think so.” They wanted to pair me up with a particular show host who I had already worked with and I thought I didn’t like his values. I said, “No, I don’t want to do it.”This one Hollywood guy said, “Do you know people would cut off their right arm to have a show. You have two shows. They would do anything to have this opportunity.” I said, “It doesn’t thrill me. I want to do one thing at a time well. I want to be good for the people. I want to do it well. I want to focus on that.” I write a long list of no’s because there’s only so much time and there’s only so much energy that anybody has. I want to focus on things I know that I can help and heal.
I’m so glad that you said yes to being on the show. Can you share how they can reach you? I’m sure everybody’s going, “How can I hire her to come speak and consult?” That’s my website. We’re starting to revamp the website.
Thank you so much for being on the show.
About Dr. Gilda Carle
Dr. Gilda Carle is the media’s Go-To Relationship Expert & Corporate Performance Coach, serving clients worldwide. As a media personality, she was the in-house therapist on TV’s Sally Jessy Raphael show, as well as on every other talk show on national TV. In the corporate sector, she has conducted Relationship Wellness training for Columbia University Medical Center, as well as other medical facilities, banking institutions, utility companies, entertainment organizations, and more Fortune 50 companies. As a recognizable, trusted, and accessible professional, she is also a product spokesperson for large companies that want to partner with her followers (Hallmark, Harlequin, Sprint, Cottonelle, Galderma Pharmaceuticals, A keynote motivational speaker, she includes the wisdom from the 17 relationship books she authored, including, “Don’t Bet on the Prince!” (test question on “Jeopardy”), “How to WIN When Your Mate Cheats” (literary award winner from London Book Festival), and “Don’t Lie on Your Back for a Guy Who Doesn’t Have Yours” (for millennials) with its companion workbook, “My Rants & Ramblings Journal.”
Important Links:
- Dr. Gilda Carle
- Don’t Bet on the Prince! How to WIN When Your Mate Cheats
- Don’t Lie on Your Back for a Guy Who Doesn’t Have Yours
- Gannett
- Fearless Girl
- 30-Second Therapist
- Match
- Sheryl Sandberg
- The Cinderella Syndrome
- One-Up Strategies Business Schools Don’t Teach
- My Rants & Ramblings Journal
- Wolf Blitzer