Julie Ducharme, Karen Walker & Ginny Scales

Authors of Leading by my Ponytail Julie Ducharme and Karen Walker and author and screenplay writer Ginny Scales

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About Dr. Julie Ducharme and Dr. Karen Walker

Dr. Julie Ducharme and Dr. Karen WalkerDr. Julie Ducharme and Dr. Karen Walker are co-authors of the book Leading by my Ponytail. Dr. Ducharme consults with corporations, colleges, and universities. She is a speaker and has published other books including a children’s book, Amy the Clumsy Angel, Women in Senior Leadership Positions in Academia, and the Award-winning The Refractive Thinker: Social Responsibility. Dr. Karen Walker is a well decorated Marine Corps officer with a distinguished military career that includes 3 combat deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. She is a published researcher with specializations in education, training, gender research, and industrial/organizational psychology. In addition to her current work with Executive and Organizational consulting, she has been an advocate for change and worked as an adjunct professor for several universities. Dr. Walker has experience in private consulting coordinating, developing and teaching diversity and leadership training, and course curriculum for executives and mid-level managers.


About Ginny Scales

Ginny Scales MedeirosGinny Scales Medeiros is an entrepreneur with multiple patents/trademarks. Ginny’s product widely sold in World Class spa resorts and on QVC, made appearances on NBC, CBS, FOX News and written about in many national magazines. Ginny’s first novel, “What Is Normal?” made the 2012 top 40 most inspirational list in Gladys Magazine. Scales-Medeiros has been on radio and TV, talking about her book, most recently on ABC’s morning show, “Believe in Yourself.” Currently, Ginny’s focus is on landing a movie deal for the screenplay, “WIN”, based on her novel, “What Is Normal?” it made the finals Napa Valley Film Festival 2016 Pitch Competition. Ginny is a co-author of “What is the Electric Car?” along with many celebrities.

by dianehamilton


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