How To Create A Best-Selling Book: Best Practices With Vikrant Shaurya

TTL 865 Vikrant Shaurya | Best-Selling Book

How To Create A Best-Selling Book: Best Practices With Vikrant Shaurya

How do you create a best-selling book? It’s crucial to understand Amazon’s algorithm. Dr. Diane Hamilton’s guest for today is Vikrant Shaurya, CEO and Founder of Vikrant explains how good marketing strategies can make the book sell like crazy. But if you want it to sell long-term, you need good quality content. Where do you begin? Start by creating the book outline quadrant. Plus, for those budding podcasters out there, Dr. Diane Hamilton then shares insights along with some tips on how to get your show started. Tune in to learn more!

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TTL 714 | Third Party Logistics

The Power Of Third-Party Logistics With Jeff Peterson And What To Know About “Safe” Investments With Chris Kawaja

Much of the success of the eCommerce industry can be credited to third-party logistics, which does the legwork to make sure products are delivered. Dr. Diane Hamilton is joined by Jeff Peterson, the Co-Founder of Geneva Supply. Dr. Diane and Jeff discuss achieving success in the field of third-party logistics.

Investments are only as good as what you get them to become, so you have to be smart about them. Chris Kawaja, the Founder of, sits down with Dr. Diane Hamilton. With years of wall Street experience, Chris developed a skeptical eye towards traditional financial advice. He now owns a variety of assets ranging from eCommerce businesses to legal settlements and real estate. Together, Dr. Diane and Jeff dive into the fast-paced world of investing.

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TTL 609 | Think Like Amazon

Think And Win Like Amazon With John Rossman and Experimentation Programs With Chris Goward

Amazon is one of the leading eCommerce businesses around the globe. In this episode, former Amazon executive and the author of Think Like Amazon, John Rossman, provides some strategies and ideas on how to think and win like Amazon. He also shares his thoughts on the impact of perception on how we run our business.

The best companies have experimentation as a core competency where they ask and answer decisions using experiments. Chris Goward, an author, digital disruption expert, and the Founder of WiderFunnel, provides insights on using experimentation as a way to achieve marketing success and business decisions. Chris also talks about conversion rate optimization, changing culture, improving curiosity, and more.
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Driving Company Growth with Roland Frasier and Getting A Private Label In Amazon with Jamie Davidson

Evolving organically from being a lawyer to an active investor, Roland Frasier has a unique ability for driving company growth. He considers his experiences as one interesting story after another and shares that helping a company to scale is like unfolding a new chapter. The first thing he does is create a personality brand that flows independently of the brand itself. He follows through by looking at the products, the market, and the size of the market for the products that are available at the moment. Jamie Davidson founded AMZ Insiders to provide coaching and mentorship for people who want to take their companies to the next level.

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Self-Publishing with CreateSpace

Today’s Ask Dr. Diane:  I am interested in self-publishing a book.  Can you tell me about your experience with self-publishing and things you have done to market your books?

That is a good question and one that I often receive.  Check out my previous posting:  How to Publish or Self-Publish Your Book.  I used Createspace for self-publishing.  I had a great experience with them. They are affiliated with Amazon.  The site offers different options based on authors’ needs.  Some of those options included:

  • Do-it-yourself tools to design interiors and covers
  • Comprehensive design and editing
  • Expanded distribution options

I found that the company was very responsive to my questions.  They took my design ideas and gave me a couple of covers to choose from based on my input.

Createspace is not limited to book publishing. They also work with musicians and filmmakers.

Once your book is published, and available on Amazon, you will then have the ability to create an Amazon author page.  That author page can incorporate links from your blog. Authors also have the option of making their books available on Amazon’s Europe-based site.

There are plenty of books that can help increase your sales on Amazon’s site.  One book that I thought was pretty useful was: Aiming at Amazon.

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