Leading From Within: Self-Leadership with Andrew Bryant and How To Shift Your Businesses Ahead with Allen Adamson

TTL 286 | Self-Leadership

Leading From Within: Self-Leadership with Andrew Bryant and How To Shift Your Businesses Ahead with Allen Adamson

Believing that to be an effective leader has to begin by leading oneself is global expert of self-leadership and leading cultures, Andrew Bryant. He teaches us the practice called self-influence of intentionally influencing your thinking, feeling, and actions toward your objectives. Showing the importance of having self-control as a leader, he talks about how our reaction to external circumstances and where we put blame tells us of what we need to improve. Going beyond the self, he then shares how he deals with people who are from cults or are from different culturesā€”having the global mindsetā€”when coaching.


The fast-paced world has too often become a reason why businesses fail today. Allen Adamson, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Metaforce, talks about the need for businesses to shift ahead. He lays down some great examples that show us the dangers of not being able to do so, lining down some similar issues and patterns he sees that makes it challenging for businesses to reinvent themselvesā€”from Kodak and Xerox, to Forbes and National Geographic.

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