Top 10 Ways to Find a Job or Have a Job Find You

Top 10 Ways to Find a Job or Have a Job Find You

With the current job market, people are looking for unusual ways to stand out in the crowd.  I recently gave a presentation at a local university where I explained the job searching tips I discuss in this article.  To see that actual live presentation, click here.

If you are not utilizing some of the following ways to showcase your talents to prospective employers, you may be missing the boat.  Here is my top 10 list of things you need to be doing if you are looking for a job.

1.  Research Top Career Sites like Monster, CareerBuilder, etc. Look for sites specific to the industry in which you want to work.  For example, there are pharmaceutical-specific sites like Medzilla or higher educational-specific sites like HigheredJobs.  Update your information with each of these sites and set up searches so that jobs are sent to you as they become available.  

2.  Utilize Camtasia and PowerPoint to showcase your abilities.  If you know how to create a PowerPoint presentation, then it can be quite simple to use a software package like Camtasia to have voice-over capabilities to make your presentation have more depth.  These presentations can be showcased on many different sites including your blog or website if you have one.  One of the best places to showcase your talents with the final presentation product is through Youtube. For an example of one I’ve made, click here.

3.  Utilize Youtube to present “you” as a viable product.  If you have created a video or a Camtasia/PowerPoint presentation mentioned previously, Youtube is the place to upload it for maximum exposure.  If you have a skill that is visual such as ability to work in Photoshop, you can create print screens of your work and incorporate them into your presentations. 

4.  Google Docs is very much like PowerPoint but it can be seen by people on the Internet as well as be imported into your Linkedin Profile. To see an example of one I have created, click here.

5.  Prezi is also similar to PowerPoint in that it is presentation software.  The big difference is how it displays your information. This web-based program can show things in a non-linear fashion.  If you haven’t had a chance to view a Prezi presentation, check one out by clicking here.

6.  Blogging is a great way to get your presence known on the Internet.  Sites like WordPress are free and easy to set up.  You can link your blog to several other networking sites to capture the attention of those on Facebook, Twitter and many more sites.

7.  LinkedIn is probably one of the best sites you can use to get exposure to people and showcase your talents.  Utilize their Q&A area to become an expert.  Sign up for groups to meet others that could hook you up with opportunities.  Import your Google Docs, WordPress blogs and other information to showcase your abilities.  Tie your status line into Twitter to get more exposure.

8.  Facebook is also an important place to network. You can create a professional page for your work or display your products that you are promoting. 

9.  Twitter can also be a useful way to have others learn about what you are doing professionally.  Be sure you tie in your other sites links to Twitter.  Use programs like to shorter any web addresses to fit your message on Twitter.

10. Old Fashioned Networking is still important.  Always have your business card with you.  Talk to everyone you know and talk to people you don’t know.  If you are sitting by someone on an airplane or standing in line to buy something, you just might find that the person you meet has connections.  Have your business card ready!

For more articles to help you, see:

10 Tips If You Want To Be A Pharmaceutical Sales Representative

            I was in pharmaceutical sales for 15 years so a lot of people ask me about how to get a job in that industry.  Many people see being a pharmaceutical representative as a glamorous job.  It can be.  I write about my experiences with pharmaceutical sales in my book How to Reinvent Your Career.  Being in pharmaceutical sales was not a good fit for me personally.  However, it can be a good job for a lot of people.  There are good and bad aspects to any job. 

            Pharmaceutical sales may be a good job if you:

  • Like driving
  • Like not being at a desk
  • Like being in sales
  • Like traveling
  • Like making decent money
  • Like having a company car
  • Like having good benefits
  • Don’t mind having a boss riding with you watching you work at times
  • Enjoy taking doctors out for dinners/lectures

I can remember sitting at round table discussions with other representatives where we would talk about the things we liked about the job. Many people would say they liked driving and be away from an office.  I personally like office-based jobs, as long as you are not required to always be there 9-6 every single day.  But it can be nice to get out and about once in a while.

Pharmaceutical sales may not be a good job if you:

  • Don’t like driving
  • Like to work in an office
  • Like administrative work
  • Don’t like traveling
  • Don’t like the pressure of sales
  • Don’t handle rejection well
  • Don’t like to have a boss riding with you watching you work at times
  • Don’t like to hold a lot of luncheons and give presentations
  • Don’t enjoy having to take doctors out for dinners/lectures.

I live in Arizona where it is HOT HOT HOT!  It could be very difficult to do that job in the summer.  I think it could be just as tough to do that job if you lived in Seattle where it was always raining or Michigan in the winter.  Any job where you are going in and out of your trunk a lot out in bad conditions can be tough to do day in and day out. 

Pharmaceutical sales was not the best fit for me personally because I prefer to do administrative tasks rather than drive around and go from office to office.  In fact, I was happiest when I was doing my expense reports and other tasks that most sales people would hate.  The key is to find out what types of tasks you enjoy and pick your career based upon those.

If you think that a pharmaceutical sale is a good fit for your personality, you should consider the following:

  1. Realize every guy/gal and their brother/sister seems to be looking for a pharma job so you will need to stand out in the crowd.  Rev up your resume with bulleted points about things you have done in past jobs that showed you increased business, won awards, etc.
  2. They want sales people.  If you don’t have any sales experience, you should consider getting at least a year of experience before applying.
  3. Don’t start with Merck if you have no experience.  Certain companies like Merck hire the cream of the crop people that have had experience, possibly have a pharmacy degree, etc.
  4. You MUST have a college degree.  Usually they do not really specify a certain degree.  When I first started, they preferred science degrees.  Later they decided having a business degree was preferable.  I have seen everything from a sociology to a law degree as acceptable in the industry.  The main point is that you just have one.
  5. You have a better chance of getting into pharma sales if you can find a representative that is already working for a company.  Reps may actually get paid a referral fee should they recommend someone who gets hired.  It behooves them to submit your resume.
  6. If you don’t know a pharma rep., you should still apply to all jobs listings on the major sites such as MonsterCareerbuilder, etc.  but also look at some of the pharmaceutical specific job sites like Medzilla, PharmaceuticalCrossing, Biospace, and Pharmaopportunities. You can also go to this link for a more complete list:
  7. If you get an interview, be sure you know your stuff!  Do not go into the interview without knowing everything about the company and their products.  Be prepared to answer why you want to work there vs. somewhere else.  Know what they have in R&D and are working on in the future.
  8. Be prepared for a lot of interviews.  When I was in the industry, they would first screen your resume, then do a phone interview and then do at least one face to face interview.
  9. Expect to take some sort of personality assessment.  They are looking for true sales professionals and they want to see that your personality fits that profile.
  10. Be prepared that you will need to pass a physical exam, you cannot  have a bad driving record and you can be sure they will Google you to see if there is anything bad about you on the Internet.