Using Technology In The Supply Chain To Meet Sustainability Goals With Gwen Murphy

TTL 897 | Sustainability Technology

Using Technology In The Supply Chain To Meet Sustainability Goals With Gwen Murphy

Technology is ever-changing and it’s time that people use it for the sustainability of the planet. Brand new technologies have the power to impact supply chain problems, climate change, and even product innovation. Join your host, Dr. Diane Hamilton, as she talks to her guest Gwen Murphy on how people can achieve sustainability today. Gwen is the CEO of Athena Advisory and their SCERTIFY platform. Learn how Gwen is using technology to help find the anomalies in supply chains whether it be human trafficking or wrong environmental practices. Learn about greenwashing and how companies use it in marketing. Also, find out how companies are communicating in regards to these big problems like climate change. Learn all this and more today!

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TTL 842 Steve Schmida | Sustainability Strategies

Sustainability Strategies: Why The Government, Private, And Nonprofit Sectors Should Work Together With Steve Schmida

Climate change and source depletion are two of the biggest issues we face as a society. These issues will force industries to fundamentally change in order to adapt sustainability strategies like reuse and repurpose. Dr. Diane Hamilton’s guest today is Steve SchmidaChief Innovation Officer at Resonance and author of Partner with Purpose. In this episode, you’ll learn why the government, private, and nonprofit sectors should work together to solve big problems, such as climate change and source depletion. Steve explains how each organization has its unique strength to bring to the table. Tune in and discover how people can come together and solve problems.  

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TTL 675 | Leadership Model

Fortifying Your Leadership Model with Doug Conant And Investing In The Planet’s Future With Dr. Walter Schindler

Improving yourself as an individual is challenging enough as it is. That is why it calls for a celebration when achieved. Improving and fortifying your leadership is a whole other challenge as you have other people’s lives on your shoulder. Internationally renowned business leader and New York Times bestselling author, Doug Conant, believes that creating a high trust culture is key to being a great leader. Bearing 40 years of leadership experience at world-class global companies, he talks about his experiences throughout his career as a leader. Learn about the core foundations of leadership that you need to work on as early as you can in order to become effective as a leader.

Climate change has been a hot topic for years. Whether or not you believe it, everyone can agree that the planet’s situation can be improved. Dr. Walter Schindler believes that sustainable and impact investing is the solution to changing the world. He is the Chairman of Transformation LLC, and he joins Dr. Diane Hamilton this episode to raise awareness on the current situation of our planet regarding climate change. He gives his insights on the current mindset people have on the topic and explains why sustainability is the go-to strategy for improving our effect on the environment.
Continue reading “Fortifying Your Leadership Model with Doug Conant And Investing In The Planet’s Future With Dr. Walter Schindler”

TTL 320 | Moral Disengagement

Moral Disengagement with Dr. Albert Bandura

Dr. Albert Bandura, a David Starr Jordan Professor Emeritus of Social Science and Psychology at Stanford University, joins us to talk about moral disengagement and his book about it, Moral Disengagement: How People Do Harm and Live with Themselves. He shares his background, what he thinks about being the greatest psychologist of all time, what he thinks about Freud’s work and how it influences him, and more.

Global Warming: Answers For Both Sides From The Most Terrifying Video You’ll Ever See

In a foresight class I teach, we compare Al Gore’s and Glenn Beck‘s views on global warming. It brings up some interesting discussions. A student recently posted this link in class and I think it is very well done and explains the two sides and how we may need to think about the subject.

The amount of interest in global warming may be dropping.  Denverdailynews reported,  “A poll by the Pew Research Center states that the public’s priorities for 2010 did not include global warming. In fact, global warming ranked last as a priority, with just 28 percent of the public considering it a top priority, according to the 2010 poll.”
