We feel confident doing big things when we start displaying competence in small things. In this episode, Diane Hamilton talks with world-renowned speaker and Founder of Limitless Potential, Laura Gassner Otting, about her best-selling book, Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path And Live Your Best Life which has helped countless people to live a limitless life. Using her marathon experience and her midlife crisis, she shares how you can get comfortable with being uncomfortable and gives pieces of advice to people who want to give TED talks and inspire others as she has. Listen to Laura in this episode and be inspired to live a limitless life.
Some people are physically paralyzed, but most of us are paralyzed from the demons of doubt, fear, and complacency. In this episode, Diane Hamilton talks with Jeff Griffin, a world-renowned speaker and author of the award-winning book called I’MPossible: Desire. Dream. Do., which talks about climbing your own Everest and achieving your dreams. Narrating an accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down, he shares his experience in joining the Paralympic Games in Athens, inspiring people to dream big and never stop. Join Jeff in this episode and be inspired by his wonderful stories to desire and achieve your dreams.
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