Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog

A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks

Brand Awareness: The Importance of Facebook

  Youtube, Coca-Cola and Starbucks are just some of the most popular brands according to “fans” on Facebook.  Companies that have yet to embrace Facebook as an important marketing tool, are missing the boat.  Gourmet Marketing explained, “Businesses carve out an...

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Neuromarketing: The Future of Advertising

via threeminds.organic.com In Morgan Spurlock’s movie, The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, there is a scene where they discuss neuromarketing. Spurlock is put into an MRI machine and shown product images.  The information obtained showed dopamine was released when he looked...

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15 Products Made by Mistake

Have you ever wondered why a certain product was invented? Some of them that have been a big success actually were a mistake. Think of these products: 1.       Coca-Cola – A pharmacist, trying to make a tonic for people with sore teeth, found that when he taste-tested...

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