Anthropomorphisms: When Not to Use Them

Anthropomorphisms: When Not to Use Them

There is a really big word that students should know, but may not.Ā Ā That word is anthropomorphic.Ā  TechnicallyĀ it meansĀ to giveĀ human form or attributes to something that is not human. It is popularly used in childrenā€™s books.Ā  However, doctoral students often have their dissertations rejected for including anthropomorphisms.

Here are some examples of what an anthropomorphism looks like:

  • The study assumed that people would not be interested.
  • The computer program thinks that the results are accurate.

Both of these sentences should not be used.Ā  The reason is that a person can ā€œassumeā€ but a study cannot. Animate nouns are things like a person, a researcher or a participant.Ā  Animate nouns can make an assumption.Ā  An inanimate noun, like a research study, cannot. Ā Just like an animate noun, a researcher can ā€œthinkā€, but an inanimate noun, a computer, cannot.

To put it more simply, think of it this way:

  • Person, Researcher, Participant =Ā assume and think
  • Study, Computer, Inanimate Object ā‰ Ā assume and think