Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All The Facts with Annie Duke

TTL 186 | Making Smarter Decisions

Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All The Facts with Annie Duke

Taking advantage of the unexpected things that happen in life is a good practice, and understand that having a statistical mind helps us to make smarter decisions. As the only woman who has won the World Series of the Poker Tournament of Champions, Annie Duke helps people to recognize the uncertainty in every decision they make. As a consultant on the behavior of making decisions, Annie teaches people that the uncertainty of decisions is derived from hidden information and the element of luck. She explains that as long as you try to guess the probability of your decision, then you have already made a smarter choice.

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TTL 185 | Authentic Communication

Authentic Communication with Rachel Hanfling and Practical Creativity with Karyn Ross

Growing up, Rachel Hanfling found it difficult to connect with the other kids. She learned how to have authentic communication by observing people everywhere she went – what they were doing, how they were acting, and what they were saying. She also got fascinated with television and how people on it were able to connect and impact millions. When it was time to choose a career, TV was the natural place for her to go. She worked her way up from the bottom to becoming an Emmy-nominated TV Producer and international keynote speaker. She is now empowering people to find and express their unique voice, resonate with an audience, and deliver when it counts. Rachel shares being able to tell people’s stories and make an impact is incredibly meaningful and a tremendous responsibility. Helping people improve the world is what Karyn Ross always lives by. Her consulting company, Karyn Ross Consulting, was established to help businesses grow by focusing on service excellence. Karyn has taught organizations of all sizes and sectors how to use practical creativity, which is creativity combined with Toyota Way principles. She believes creating respectful, caring, kind, and compassionate ways to work are important and leads to an engaged team, better relationships with customers, and a better world.

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TTL 184 | Leveraged Buyout Techniques

Leveraged Buyout Techniques with Gordon Bizar and The Power Of Vulnerability with Barry Kaplan

Business owners always want to get a quick answer when things get complicated. If they don’t, there’s a good probability that the business will not succeed. Gordon Bizar finances businesses using leveraged buyout techniques and systems that people can apply to every aspect of connecting thoughts so that their vision for the company can be executed. The power of vulnerability is to create a team of leaders by a paradigm shift of mindset. Barry Kaplan believes that the inward shift and connecting with their emotions and abilities can help people find empowerment. Barry explains how a threshold of inquiry will start or delay our journey to believe in ourselves.

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TTL 183 | Words Are Currency

Personalizing Customer Experience with Stan Phelps and Words Are Currency with Tammy Kling

There is an idea that you can become important and memorable in the minds of your customer just by using the power of words. Stan Phelps invested in this idea and applied it to marketing, knowing that when a business is doing something extra for the customer, word of mouth spreads about that unique service or product. He explains that 20% of customers drive 80% of profitability which he calls the Law of The Vital Few and the Trivial Many. Everyone needs a positive message when their day suddenly turns south. This is why words are a vital currency in this age. We write stories to learn, and from this learning we can change the world. Tammy Kling uses this belief saying that it doesn’t matter if you are a millionaire or a homeless person, you can save and change lives just by saying a good word to a person.

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TTL 182 | The Pursuit of Transformational Change

The Pursuit of Transformational Change with Ron Carucci and A More Beautiful Question with Warren Berger

You wouldn’t know it but even leaders can be terrified of asking for help. With their position, they are expected to know everything and they’re supposed to carry everyone on their backs. So when they ask for help, the misconception is they are lacking and also not confident. Ron Carucci believes that these are actually the leaders to look for because they are in the pursuit of transformational change. He explains that people rise within the organization because of their technical skills and emotional quotient. Questions lead to innovation. This is why kids today seem to know a lot of stuff. Questions help shape the way we interact with people. However, as we grow up, this way of communication becomes difficult. Warren Berger explains the importance of questioning in leadership and in relationships.

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