Are you interesting in sharing your dreams? A site created by Kim Muhota callead REMcloud allows you to post about your dreams in a Twitter kind of fashion. You can also receive a response back analyzing the key words in your posting, giving you an explanation for what it all meant.
REMcloud’s site states: “REMcloud is a social and information network that connects people all over the world around the most universally shared human experience: our dreams. REMcloud allows you to see what the world is dreaming at any time: tapping into the world’s collective consciousness in real time.”
They quote the following facts on their site:
- When you dream, your body is completely paralyzed and you cannot move
- Your brain is more active when you are dreaming than when you are fully awake
- Many blind people can see in their dreams
- Babies dream, even before birth
- The Romans interpreted dreams in the senate as they were thought to be messages from the gods
They claim that through their technology you can have fun sharing not only your own dreams but comparing your dreams to those of others. You can look for global trends and themes and follow people who have similar dreams or experiences.
Think of it as a Twitter for dream experiences. At least that is probably the hope of the site’s creator.
Do you really want to know what others dream about? Apparently a lot of you do. They claim “more than a million global users are already engaging in REMcloud across its various outposts.”
To find out more about REMcloud, check out the following press releas: REMcloud Launches Next Generation Social Network.