The Interaction Field: Creating Shared Values To Succeed With Erich Joachimsthaler 

TTL 756 | The Interaction Field

The Interaction Field: Creating Shared Values To Succeed With Erich Joachimsthaler 

Just as how the world continues to evolve, business values have also come very far. Now, companies don’t create value anymore in the factory; they are now creating values in the network—the platform and digital ecosystems. Taking you into this very interesting topic, Dr. Diane Hamilton interviews the founder and CEO of VIVALDIErich Joachimsthaler. Through his book, The Interaction Field, he reveals the revolutionary new way for businesses to create shared values with customers and society. He particularly points to eCommerce, talking about the success reached by Amazon, Apple, and the likes and what technology and data play in establishing interaction in the action field. Ultimately, companies need to be creative, innovative, and curious to grow and succeed. Join Erich and Diane as they explain more in this conversation.

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