Improving Leadership And Performance To The Next Level with Dr. Henry Cloud

TTL 263 | Leadership And Performance

Improving Leadership And Performance To The Next Level with Dr. Henry Cloud

As human beings, we’re on this continuous quest of personal development. However, many of us seem to get stuck in one place and can’t find the solutions to move forward. Talking about how a human gets to the next level, Acclaimed leadership expert and best-selling author Dr. Henry Cloud shares his thoughts and expertise. He explores how we can get better today than we were yesterday and even better tomorrow. Dr. Cloud says going out of our comfort zones will take us to that next level. Touching on the importance of curiosity, relationships, and the environment, he brings to light the leadership and performance that could be borne out of these things while applying some science along the way.

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Global Warming: Answers For Both Sides From The Most Terrifying Video You’ll Ever See

In a foresight class I teach, we compare Al Gore’s and Glenn Beck‘s views on global warming. It brings up some interesting discussions. A student recently posted this link in class and I think it is very well done and explains the two sides and how we may need to think about the subject.

The amount of interest in global warming may be dropping.  Denverdailynews reported,  “A poll by the Pew Research Center states that the public’s priorities for 2010 did not include global warming. In fact, global warming ranked last as a priority, with just 28 percent of the public considering it a top priority, according to the 2010 poll.”
