Putting The Heart In Selling With Shari Levitin And Living Above And Beyond With David Bush

TTL 744 | Heart In Selling

Putting The Heart In Selling With Shari Levitin And Living Above And Beyond With David Bush

A lot of sales books fall short because they are all filled with tips and tricks without offering insights into who the salesperson needs to be. You can have all the strategies in the world, but if you are not clear about who you are and who you are talking to, everything is for naught. Putting the heart in selling, Dr. Diane Hamilton is joined by the founder of theĀ Shari LevitinĀ Group and author ofĀ Heart and Sell: 10 Universal Truths Every Salesperson Needs to Know, Shari Levitin. Here, Shari helps us understand the importance of developing empathy in sales and why emotional intelligence is an important skill in this area. Plus, Shari also lets us in on the growth mindset, the call method, and the seven motivatorsā€”all vital to selling successfully.

Going further into the topic, Dr. Diane Hamilton also interviewsĀ David Bushā€”certified health and lifestyle coach, business coach, motivational speaker, and authorā€”to talk about the importance of being good at communication to become successful. At the center of it is learning how to understand people, even before you wished to be understood. David shares with us how this skill has helped him become who he is now, especially with helping to understand what people wanted and get it faster, easier, or simpler than they could get it. Passionate about designing and living an extraordinary life, David goes above and beyond to make others succeed. He shares some of his ways with us, including the six questions to ask yourself to help you reach your goals.

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TTL 612 | Living A Limitless Life

Living A Limitless Life With Laura Gassner Otting and Climbing Your Everest With Jeff Griffin

We feel confident doing big things when we start displaying competence in small things. In this episode, Diane Hamilton talks with world-renowned speaker and Founder of Limitless Potential, Laura Gassner Otting, about her best-selling book, Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path And Live Your Best Life which has helped countless people to live a limitless life. Using her marathon experience and her midlife crisis, she shares how you can get comfortable with being uncomfortable and gives pieces of advice to people who want to give TED talks and inspire others as she has. Listen to Laura in this episode and be inspired to live a limitless life.

Some people are physically paralyzed, but most of us are paralyzed from the demons of doubt, fear, and complacency. In this episode, Diane Hamilton talks with Jeff Griffin, a world-renowned speaker and author of the award-winning book called Iā€™MPossible: Desire. Dream. Do., which talks about climbing your own Everest and achieving your dreams. Narrating an accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down, he shares his experience in joining the Paralympic Games in Athens, inspiring people to dream big and never stop. Join Jeff in this episode and be inspired by his wonderful stories to desire and achieve your dreams.
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