10 Mistakes People Make When Dieting

10 Mistakes People Make When Dieting

Part of my training I received as a pharmaceutical representative included receiving a certification from the Certified Medical Representative Institute.  The CMR courses were amazingly comprehensive, and made me appreciate all of the training people must undertake in order to become medical doctors. The courses I took were graduate-level and gave me in-depth knowledge about body systems such as the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, and immune systems, and so on. The courses covered not only human anatomy and physiology, but also disease processes, medical treatments, and scientific/medical research.
Everyone I meet seems to have issues with their bodies.  I am often asked questions about how I stay healthy and if I have any advice for weight-loss.  I would recommend that if you’re going to diet, try to avoid these common mistakes:
1.  Don’t skip meals. You’ll just be hungrier later, and overeat.
2.  Don’t expect to lose too much too quickly. Crash diets are unhealthy.
3.  Watch how many calories you drink. Sodas, juice drinks and many other beverages have lots of calories.
4. Watch your portions. Try to leave a little on your plate when you’re finished. You don’t have to clean your plate.
5. Watch the condiments. Adding a lot of condiments adds a lot of calories.
6. Watch your grazing. Nibbling on little things can add up.
7. Eat several small meals during the day rather than a few big ones.
8.  Try not to eat late at night.
9. Be sure you’re drinking enough water.
10. Don’t buy junk food. It will be easier to avoid it when you’re at home.

 I am a fan of the book Food Rules by Michael Pollan (2009).  He suggests 64 rules that people should follow in order to be healthy.  I recommend checking it out!

Self Help: Improving Your Lifetime Potential – Dr. Diane Hamilton

My website www.drdianehamilton.com is dedicated to helping people improve their lifetime potential.  What does that entail?  I am always studying self-help articles to improve “me”.  I find that a lot of others do the same.  I use my website and blog as a way to share those things that I have learned through my research.  It can take a lot of time to find how to do certain things or how to improve your life in certain ways.  I hope that with my research, I make your research a bit easier.


I like to study careers and different jobs that become available due to new technologies and advancements.  My degrees are in Business Management with a strong focus on Human Resources and Personnel Management.   In my book How to Reinvent Your Career I include a lot of information about how to improve yourself in order to get that career that is a good fit for you.  The anticipated publication of this book is early Fall, 2010.

In the meantime, I recommend checking out some of the following sites for more information to help you with your own research:


There are always personal areas we can develop. I love books like The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama.  Tony Robbins also inspires me quite a bit.  It can be easy to get bogged down in negative thinking.  We all have that inner voice that we barely notice in our minds.  I think it is important to pay attention to it, to be sure we are not focusing on negative thoughts. 

I recommend that you check out some of the following sites for more information about self-help topics:


Having worked in the pharmaceutical field for 15 years, I received a lot of health-related training.  I have a CMR certification which was a pretty intense graduate-level program where I learned about medicine, disease management, and how the different systems in the body function.  One thing that I had to learn in my own personal life was the importance of being healthy as compared to just being thin. 

I recommend that you check out some of the following sites for more information about health-related topics:


I currently teach for 6 online universities and personally have a PhD in Business.  I am a big advocate for a continued life-long education.  I never stop taking courses.  I love to learn new things. The great thing about the Internet is that there is a wealth of information out there that is FREE! 

I recommend that you check out some of the following sites for more information about paying for education:

 I recommend that you check out some of the following sites for more information about free education:


My latest passion has been to learn more about social networking.  It can be so complicated because there are so many different sites out there.  I do like to use sites like Posterous which allow you to update many different sites easily with just one email.  I am always looking for great suggested sites and things to read.

I recommend that you check out some of the following sites for more information about social networking:

I hope some of my links are helpful to those of you who have similar interests to mine.  I welcome hearing back from those of you who have found sites that you like as well.  I am constantly updating my lists so check back on occasion to see some new site that I think are useful.