Differentiate, Be Unique, And Publicize with Mark Levy and Soft Skills, Storytelling, And Language with Jorge Meléndez

TTL 285 | Differentiate

Differentiate, Be Unique, And Publicize with Mark Levy and Soft Skills, Storytelling, And Language with Jorge Meléndez

In this world, you need to be different to stand out. An expert of that is Mark Levy, founder of Levy Innovation LLC, a positioning and branding firm that works to differentiate companies and their personal brands. At the heart of it is the importance of content, making it stand out against the rest—whether it’s a book you’re writing, a speech, or a show. He gives some advice that will help find your unique aspects within the market. Tackling as well the topic of preconceived notions and assumptions, he shares insights on being able to anticipate the right thing. He then shares his book, Accidental Genius, while sharing tips on how to publicize your book as well.
Speaking of books, certified coach, consultant, and dream connector Jorge Meléndez talks about storytelling and the power of language to our everyday lives. He shares his fascinating journey from music to writing that has led him to help many people in their personal growth. He talks about the value of reading and learning to be able to develop and find your true potential. Taking it to the business setting, he shares how these things places an importance to the soft skills that enables businesses to further develop.

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TTL 215 | Creating Content

Creating Content with Shane Snow and How To Write Anything with Dr. Laura Brown

Stories are built into how our brains process information. We use stories to remember things and to convey things that we want people to remember. We also use stories to build the relationships and make people care. Shane Snow is an award-winning journalist, a celebrated entrepreneur, and a bestselling author. He is co-founder of the content technology company Contently which helps creative people and companies tell great stories together. Shane shares how to unlock the power to get better at telling stories to build the relationships in regular life and in business. It’s hard to be that good at writing. Dr. Laura Brown, author of How to Write Anything: A Complete Guide, says getting the little things correct like grammar and punctualization can prevent misunderstandings. Over the past 25 years, Laura has taught writing to just about everyone, from CEOs to high school students. Laura says talking about what you believe and putting emphasis on self-expression is great, but technical skill is also very important and you need to learn grammar and structure to better you can express yourself.

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