A lot of times, women were taught to be seen and not be heard. The strength and leadership in women were not always celebrated. Kim Gravel, a veteran television host, entrepreneur, public speaker, and leader, talks about the message she’s trying to convey through her clothing line and being a leader. Kim believes the message of women taking the lead comes in many forms because we have a sphere of influence anywhere. She shares why QVC is the most amazing place to connect and to launch a business especially if you have a message.
Many people think a leader’s job is to simply tell the staff what to do and to express appreciation for work well done. However, the way to be an effective leader is to lead with questions, taking advantage of the opportunity to listen to what your people say. Bob Tiede, a blogger and part of the Development Leadership Team at Cru, shares his passion for helping leaders lead with a question. Bob explains why it is vital for leaders to engage, ask, and listen to what people think and feel.